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Re: cmdGui


> Are you running the latest SVN? 
revision 1283
> I am attaching my a.xml, which works very well. Can you try loading 
> it and the saving again (run "yade-something -N cmdGui", then type
> o=Omega(); o.load('a.xml'); o.save('b.xml'); ) to see if you get correct
> output or not?

Yes, load, save and run this file is ok. 
Furthermore, default-test.py is correct and own scripts too.
For example,  this works correct:
$ yade -N cmdGui
>>> o=Omega()
>>> pp=Preprocessor('SDECSpheresPlane')
>>> pp.generate('scene.xml')
>>> o.load('scene.xml')
>>> import os
>>> os.system(yadeExecutable+' -N QtGUI -S ./sceneB.xml')

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