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Re: [Yade-commits] r1359 - in trunk: core gui/py lib/import pkg/common/DataClass/PhysicalParameters pkg/common/Engine/DeusExMachina pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem/Engine/EngineUnit pkg/dem/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem/RenderingEngine/GLDrawElasticContactInteraction


sega a écrit :
Once the potential interactions are determined (so a lot of couple of bodies which will surely not interact are disregarded) it is investigated if the bodies are really in contact or not (see flag isReal later), thanks to InteractionGeometryMetaEngine.

After that, the physical properties of the interactions, which will be used to compute contact forces (rigidities...) are set by InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine which uses classes containing the parameters of bodies and classes describing how to compute interactions properties from bodies properties (names finishing by ...RelationsShips).
On the contrary. The first is InteractionPhysics (unique for each pair of bodies, calculated at detecting potential contact), then InteractionGeometry (calculated for the real contacts)...

Thank your for your opinion. But in my simulations (and because they occur often to be false... I would add that it's also the case in the TriaxialTest), the first is InteractionGeometry and then Interactionphysics. Moreover it seems to me that InteractionGeometryMetaEngine doesn't care if interactions are real or not. On the contrary it chooses if it is the case or not :
l.46 InteractionGeometryMetaEngine.cpp :
interaction->isReal =
b1->interactingGeometry && b2->interactingGeometry && // some bodies do not have interactingGeometry
           // FIXME put this inside VolatileInteractionCriterion dynlib
( persistentInteractions->find(interaction->getId1(),interaction->getId2()) == 0 )
operator()( b1->interactingGeometry , b2->interactingGeometry , b1->physicalParameters->se3 , b2->physicalParameters->se3 , interaction );

So ???

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