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[svn] r1773 - trunk/gui/py


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-05-23 12:26:22 +0200 (Sat, 23 May 2009)
New Revision: 1773

1. Add utils.regularSphereOrthoPack by Anoton

Modified: trunk/gui/py/utils.py
--- trunk/gui/py/utils.py	2009-05-23 07:23:56 UTC (rev 1772)
+++ trunk/gui/py/utils.py	2009-05-23 10:26:22 UTC (rev 1773)
@@ -448,3 +448,45 @@
 def vmData():
 	l=procStatus('VmData'); ll=l.split(); assert(ll[2]=='kB')
 	return int(ll[1])
+def xcombine(*seqin):
+	'''returns a generator which returns combinations of argument sequences
+for example xcombine((1,2),(3,4)) returns a generator; calling the next()
+method on the generator will return [1,3], [1,4], [2,3], [2,4] and
+StopIteration exception.  This will not create the whole list of 
+combinations in memory at once.
+Source: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/302478/'''
+	def rloop(seqin,comb):
+		'''recursive looping function'''
+		if seqin:				   # any more sequences to process?
+			for item in seqin[0]:
+				newcomb=comb+[item]	 # add next item to current combination
+				# call rloop w/ remaining seqs, newcomb
+				for item in rloop(seqin[1:],newcomb):   
+					yield item		  # seqs and newcomb
+		else:						   # processing last sequence
+			yield comb				  # comb finished, add to list
+	return rloop(seqin,[])
+def regularSphereOrthoPack(center,extents,radius,gap,**kw):
+	"""Return set of spheres regularly spaced in either a box or sphere centered around center.
+	If extents is a number, it is taken for sphere radius; if it is a sequence, it is 3 extents of the box.
+	Created spheres will have given radius and will be separated by gap space.
+	"""
+	from numpy import arange; from math import sqrt
+	ret=[]
+	try: # extents is a single number, do sphere
+		doSphere=True; dim=float(extents),float(extents),float(extents)
+	except TypeError: # extents is a list, do box
+		doSphere=False; dim=extents
+	xx,yy,zz=[arange(center[i]-dim[i],center[i]+dim[i],2*radius+gap) for i in 0,1,2]
+	for xyz in xcombine(xx,yy,zz):
+		if doSphere and sqrt(sum([(xyz[i]-center[i])**2 for i in 0,1,2]))>extents: continue
+		ret+=[sphere(xyz,radius=radius,**kw)]
+	return ret