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Re: Exposing SpherePadder to python


(sorry for the private mail, again...)
I found some tutorial on boost::python on the web, but I'm not clear
with the compilation procedure (and I would like to avoid bjam).
Could you please enlighten me about this procedure? Maybe you've got
somewhere on your laptop a small example (?)
Easy. You just need to link with boost_python library and the shared object should be called something.so (not libsomething.so): g++ src1.cpp src2.cpp -shared -o something.so -lboost_python -lCGAL ... In scons (gui/SConscript) this boild down to


(In yade, boost_python (which can also be boost_python-mt on some archs) is already in env['LIBS'].)

If you want, I could make scons detect CGAL (in SConstruct) and if it is found, build SpherePadder in extra as well.

OK, I think I will wrap the accessor functions.
If they are not too many, that should work just fine.

