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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1756: Add export python module with VTKWriter class (very initial) to export data from YADE to VTK-base...


revno: 1756
committer: Sergei D. <sega@laptop>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2009-09-05 14:11:06 +0400
  Add export python module with VTKWriter class (very initial) to export data from YADE to VTK-based post-processing tools


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=== modified file 'py/SConscript'
--- py/SConscript	2009-08-23 15:50:47 +0000
+++ py/SConscript	2009-09-05 10:11:06 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+		env.File('export.py'),
 		env.SharedLibrary('_customConverters',['yadeWrapper/customConverters.cpp'],SHLIBPREFIX='',LIBS=env['LIBS']+linkPlugins(Split("BoundingVolumeEngineUnit GeometricalModelEngineUnit InteractingGeometryEngineUnit InteractionGeometryEngineUnit InteractionPhysicsEngineUnit PhysicalParametersEngineUnit PhysicalActionDamperUnit PhysicalActionApplierUnit ConstitutiveLaw")))

=== added file 'py/export.py'
--- py/export.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ py/export.py	2009-09-05 10:11:06 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+from yade.wrapper import *
+class VTKWriter:
+	"""
+	create object vtk_writer = VTKWriter('base_file_name'),
+	add to engines PeriodicPythonRunner with command='vtk_writer.snapshot()'
+	"""
+	def __init__(self,baseName='snapshot',startSnap=0):
+		self.snapCount = startSnap
+		self.baseName=baseName
+	def snapshot(self):
+		import xml.dom.minidom
+		#import xml.dom.ext # python 2.5 and later		
+		positions=[]; radii=[]
+		for b in Omega().bodies:
+			if b.shape.name=='Sphere':
+				positions.append(b.phys['se3'][0])
+				radii.append(b.shape['radius'])
+		# Document and root element
+		doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+		root_element = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "VTKFile")
+		root_element.setAttribute("type", "UnstructuredGrid")
+		root_element.setAttribute("version", "0.1")
+		root_element.setAttribute("byte_order", "LittleEndian")
+		doc.appendChild(root_element)
+		# Unstructured grid element
+		unstructuredGrid = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "UnstructuredGrid")
+		root_element.appendChild(unstructuredGrid)
+		# Piece 0 (only one)
+		piece = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "Piece")
+		piece.setAttribute("NumberOfPoints", str(len(positions)))
+		piece.setAttribute("NumberOfCells", "0")
+		unstructuredGrid.appendChild(piece)
+		### Points ####
+		points = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "Points")
+		piece.appendChild(points)
+		# Point location data
+		point_coords = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "DataArray")
+		point_coords.setAttribute("type", "Float32")
+		point_coords.setAttribute("format", "ascii")
+		point_coords.setAttribute("NumberOfComponents", "3")
+		points.appendChild(point_coords)
+		string = str()
+		for x,y,z in positions:
+			string += repr(x) + ' ' + repr(y) + ' ' + repr(z) + ' '
+		point_coords_data = doc.createTextNode(string)
+		point_coords.appendChild(point_coords_data)
+		#### Cells ####
+		cells = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "Cells")
+		piece.appendChild(cells)
+		# Cell locations
+		cell_connectivity = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "DataArray")
+		cell_connectivity.setAttribute("type", "Int32")
+		cell_connectivity.setAttribute("Name", "connectivity")
+		cell_connectivity.setAttribute("format", "ascii")		
+		cells.appendChild(cell_connectivity)
+		# Cell location data
+		connectivity = doc.createTextNode("0")
+		cell_connectivity.appendChild(connectivity)
+		cell_offsets = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "DataArray")
+		cell_offsets.setAttribute("type", "Int32")
+		cell_offsets.setAttribute("Name", "offsets")
+		cell_offsets.setAttribute("format", "ascii")				
+		cells.appendChild(cell_offsets)
+		offsets = doc.createTextNode("0")
+		cell_offsets.appendChild(offsets)
+		cell_types = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "DataArray")
+		cell_types.setAttribute("type", "UInt8")
+		cell_types.setAttribute("Name", "types")
+		cell_types.setAttribute("format", "ascii")				
+		cells.appendChild(cell_types)
+		types = doc.createTextNode("1")
+		cell_types.appendChild(types)
+		#### Data at Points ####
+		point_data = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "PointData")
+		piece.appendChild(point_data)
+		# Particle radii
+		if len(radii) > 0:
+			radiiNode = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "DataArray")
+			radiiNode.setAttribute("Name", "radii")
+			radiiNode.setAttribute("type", "Float32")
+			radiiNode.setAttribute("format", "ascii")
+			point_data.appendChild(radiiNode)
+			string = str()
+			for r in radii:
+				string += repr(r) + ' '
+			radiiData = doc.createTextNode(string)
+			radiiNode.appendChild(radiiData)
+		#### Cell data (dummy) ####
+		cell_data = doc.createElementNS("VTK", "CellData")
+		piece.appendChild(cell_data)
+		# Write to file and exit
+		outFile = open(self.baseName+'-%04d'%self.snapCount+'.vtu', 'w')
+#		xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(doc, file)
+		doc.writexml(outFile, newl='\n')
+		outFile.close()
+		self.snapCount+=1

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