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Message #03511
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2055: 1. Add eudoxos.InteractionLocator and eudoxos.IntrSmooth3 for 3d smoothing of arbitrary quantitie...
revno: 2055
committer: Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-03-01 13:58:22 +0100
1. Add eudoxos.InteractionLocator and eudoxos.IntrSmooth3 for 3d smoothing of arbitrary quantities defined on interactions.
2. Adjust some docstring formatting
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=== modified file 'py/_eudoxos.cpp'
--- py/_eudoxos.cpp 2010-02-09 16:50:30 +0000
+++ py/_eudoxos.cpp 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -109,14 +109,86 @@
return ret;
+#ifdef YADE_VTK
+/* Fastly locate interactions withing given distance from a given point. See python docs for details. */
+class InteractionLocator{
+ // object doing the work, see http://www.vtk.org/doc/release/5.2/html/a01048.html
+ vtkPointLocator *locator;
+ // used by locator
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid;
+ vtkPoints* points;
+ // maps vtk's id to Interaction objects
+ vector<shared_ptr<Interaction> > intrs;
+ // axis-aligned bounds of all interactions
+ Vector3r mn,mx;
+ // count of interactions we hold
+ int cnt;
+ public:
+ InteractionLocator(){
+ // traverse all real interactions in the current simulation
+ // add them to points, create grid with those points
+ // store shared_ptr's to interactions in intrs separately
+ Scene* scene=Omega::instance().getScene().get();
+ locator=vtkPointLocator::New();
+ points=vtkPoints::New();
+ FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>& i, *scene->interactions){
+ if(!i->isReal()) continue;
+ Dem3DofGeom* ge=dynamic_cast<Dem3DofGeom*>(i->interactionGeometry.get());
+ if(!ge) continue;
+ const Vector3r& cp(ge->contactPoint);
+ int id=points->InsertNextPoint(cp[0],cp[1],cp[2]);
+ if(intrs.size()<=(size_t)id){intrs.resize(id+1000);}
+ intrs[id]=i;
+ }
+ double bb[6];
+ points->ComputeBounds(); points->GetBounds(bb);
+ mn=Vector3r(bb[0],bb[2],bb[4]); mx=Vector3r(bb[1],bb[3],bb[5]);
+ cnt=points->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ grid=vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+ grid->SetPoints(points);
+ locator->SetDataSet(grid);
+ locator->BuildLocator();
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ ~InteractionLocator(){ locator->Delete(); points->Delete(); grid->Delete(); }
+ python::list intrsWithinDistance(const Vector3r& pt, Real radius){
+ vtkIdList *ids=vtkIdList::New();
+ locator->FindPointsWithinRadius(radius,pt,ids);
+ int numIds=ids->GetNumberOfIds();
+ python::list ret;
+ for(int i=0; i<numIds; i++){
+ // LOG_TRACE("Add "<<i<<"th id "<<ids->GetId(i));
+ ret.append(intrs[ids->GetId(i)]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ python::tuple getBounds(){ return python::make_tuple(mn,mx);}
+ int getCnt(){ return cnt; }
// def("spiralSphereStresses2d",spiralSphereStresses2d,(python::arg("dH_dTheta"),python::arg("axis")=2));
+#ifdef YADE_VTK
+ class_<InteractionLocator>("InteractionLocator","Locate all (real) interactions in space by their :yref:`contact point<Dem3DofGeom::contactPoint>`. When constructed, all real interactions are spatially indexed (uses vtkPointLocator internally). Use intrsWithinDistance to use those data. \n\n.. note::\n\tData might become inconsistent with real simulation state if simulation is being run between creation of this object and spatial queries.")
+ .def("intrsWithinDistance",&InteractionLocator::intrsWithinDistance,((python::arg("point"),python::arg("maxDist"))),"Return list of real interactions that are not further than *maxDist* from *point*.")
+ .add_property("bounds",&InteractionLocator::getBounds,"Return coordinates of lower and uppoer corner of axis-aligned abounding box of all interactions")
+ .add_property("count",&InteractionLocator::getCnt,"Number of interactions held")
+ ;
=== modified file 'py/_packObb.cpp'
--- py/_packObb.cpp 2010-02-09 20:22:04 +0000
+++ py/_packObb.cpp 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
using namespace boost;
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Computation of oriented bounding box for cloud of points.";
python::def("cloudBestFitOBB",bestFitOBB_py,"Return (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfSize, Quaternion orientation) of\nbest-fit oriented bounding-box for given tuple of points\n(uses brute-force velome minimization, do not use for very large clouds).");
=== modified file 'py/_packPredicates.cpp'
--- py/_packPredicates.cpp 2010-02-09 20:22:04 +0000
+++ py/_packPredicates.cpp 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
// #include<yade/gui-py/_utils.hpp> // will be: yade/lib-py/_utils.hpp> at some point
using namespace boost;
@@ -321,6 +323,7 @@
python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Spatial predicates for volumes (defined analytically or by triangulation).";
// base predicate class
python::class_<PredicateWrap,/* necessary, as methods are pure virtual*/ boost::noncopyable>("Predicate")
=== modified file 'py/_packSpheres.cpp'
--- py/_packSpheres.cpp 2010-01-09 12:09:13 +0000
+++ py/_packSpheres.cpp 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Creation, manipulation, IO for generic sphere packings.";
python::class_<SpherePack>("SpherePack","Set of spheres as centers and radii",python::init<python::optional<python::list> >(python::args("list"),"Empty constructor, optionally taking list [ ((cx,cy,cz),r), ⦠] for initial data." ))
.def("add",&SpherePack::add,"Add single sphere to packing, given center as 3-tuple and radius")
.def("toList",&SpherePack::toList,"Return packing data as python list.")
=== modified file 'py/eudoxos.py'
--- py/eudoxos.py 2009-12-18 09:48:16 +0000
+++ py/eudoxos.py 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,52 @@
from math import *
from yade._eudoxos import * ## c++ implementations
+class IntrSmooth3d():
+ r"""Return spatially weigted gaussian average of arbitrary quantity defined on interactions.
+ At construction time, all real interactions are put inside spatial grid, permitting fast search for
+ points in neighbourhood defined by distance.
+ Parameters for the distribution are standard deviation :math:`\sigma` and relative cutoff distance
+ *relThreshold* (3 by default) which will discard points farther than *relThreshold* :math:`\times \sigma`.
+ Given central point :math:`p_0`, points are weighted by gaussian function
+ .. math::
+ \rho(p_0,p)=\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left(\frac{-||p_0-p||^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)
+ To get the averaged value, simply call the instance, passing central point and callable object which received interaction object and returns the desired quantity:
+ >>> is3d=IntrSmooth3d(0.003)
+ >>> is3d(Vector3r(0,0,0),lambda i: i.phys.omega)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,stDev):
+ self.locator=InteractionLocator()
+ self.stDev=stDev
+ self.relThreshold=3.
+ self.sqrt2pi=sqrt(2*pi)
+ import yade.config
+ if not 'vtk' in yade.config.features: raise RuntimeError("IntrSmooth3d is only function with VTK-enabled builds.")
+ def _ptpt2weight(self,pt0,pt1):
+ distSq=(pt0-pt1).SquaredLength()
+ return (1./(self.stDev*self.sqrt2pi))*exp(-distSq/(2*self.stDev*self.stDev))
+ def bounds(self): return self.locator.bounds()
+ def count(self): return self.locator.count()
+ def __call__(self,pt,extr):
+ intrs=self.locator.intrsWithinDistance(pt,self.stDev*self.relThreshold)
+ if len(intrs)==0: return float('nan')
+ weights,val=0.,0.
+ for i in intrs:
+ weight=self._ptpt2weight(pt,i.geom.contactPoint)
+ val+=weight*extr(i)
+ weights+=weight
+ #print i,weight,extr(i)
+ return val/weights
def estimateStress(strain,cutoff=0.):
"""Use summed stored energy in contacts to compute macroscopic stress over the same volume, provided known strain."""
# E=(1/2)ÏεAl # global stored energy
=== modified file 'py/utils.py'
--- py/utils.py 2010-02-25 10:20:07 +0000
+++ py/utils.py 2010-03-01 12:58:22 +0000
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
if (((extents[0]==0) and (extents[1]==0)) or ((extents[0]==0) and (extents[2]==0)) or ((extents[1]==0) and (extents[2]==0))):
raise RuntimeError("Please, specify at least 2 none-zero dimensions in extents!");
- """___________________________"""
+ # ___________________________
mn,mx=[-extents[i] for i in 0,1,2],[extents[i] for i in 0,1,2]
def doWall(a,b,c,d):
@@ -291,13 +291,20 @@
Return List of facets forming the cylinder;
- `center`: center of the created cylinder; (X,Y,Z) coordinates;
- `radius`: cylinder radius;
- `height`: cylinder height;
- `orientation`: orientation of the cylinder in quaternion format;
- `segmentsNumber`: the number of edges on the cylinder surface, the minimum is 5;
- `wallMask`: bitmask; determines which walls will be created, in the order up (1), down (2), side (4). The numbers are ANDed; the default 7 means to create all walls;
- `**kw`: passed to utils.facet;
+ `center`: Vector3
+ center of the created cylinder
+ `radius`: float
+ cylinder radius
+ `height`: float
+ cylinder height
+ `orientation`: Quaternion
+ orientation of the cylinder
+ `segmentsNumber`: int
+ number of edges on the cylinder surface (>=5)
+ `wallMask`: bitmask
+ determines which walls will be created, in the order up (1), down (2), side (4). The numbers are ANDed; the default 7 means to create all walls;
+ `**kw`: (unused keyword arguments)
+ passed to utils.facet;
#Defense from zero dimensions
@@ -310,7 +317,7 @@
if (wallMask>7):
print "wallMask must be 7 or less"
- """___________________________"""
+ # ___________________________
import numpy
anglesInRad = numpy.linspace(0, 2.0*math.pi, segmentsNumber+1, endpoint=True)
P1=[]; P2=[]