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About Yade Documentation : sphynx


Re Hello,
I'm beginning to give a serious look to https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/index.html and I have already a small remark, and a maybe more conceptual one

- the small remark is for the 1st page I read (after the welcome page) : https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/basics.html#f1 Typing "yade", or "yade-whatever" in my shell does not launch yade, as it is stated in this page... I know that it is a not yade issue, but a linux one, and as far as I am concerned I can fortunately launch yade correctly. But such "problems" in the very first lines of the very first pages of a documentation seem to me to be very discourageing for beginners. So maybe it would be good to modify it ??

- the more conceptual one : how to deal with (modify ?) this documentation ? If I (or anyone else) have other remarks about this documentation, what should we do ? Sending mails each time, hoping that Vaclav will correct it - if it appears to be useful ? I guess that, for Vaclav first, it would not be a good idea... So, that's my general question, how do you consider this documentation and the use you should do with it (compared to the wiki for example) ?

For me, who's beginning only to discover it, it appears as very very powerful tool, but I wonder how it will be possible to sustain/improve it ?


Jérôme Duriez
ATER Iut 1 Grenoble, département GMP - Laboratoire 3S-R (ne pas laisser de messages sur le répondeur)

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