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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2331: 1. Engine for PSD-analyze is finished, need testing.


revno: 2331
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2010-07-08 16:58:21 +0200
  1. Engine for PSD-analyze is finished, need testing.


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.cpp	2010-07-07 15:42:59 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.cpp	2010-07-08 14:58:21 +0000
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){			// Annulling specimenNumber
 		if (!b) continue;
 		YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber = 0;
+		YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenMass = 0;
 	//Check all interactions
@@ -21,56 +22,156 @@
 		body_id_t id1 = i->getId1();			//Get bodies ids from interaction
 		body_id_t id2 = i->getId2();
-		int& specimenNumberId1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(Body::byId(id1)->state)->specimenNumber;
-		int& specimenNumberId2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(Body::byId(id2)->state)->specimenNumber;
-		bool cohesiveState = contPhys->isCohesive;
-		if (cohesiveState==true){
-			if ((specimenNumberId1 == 0) and (specimenNumberId2 == 0)){					//Both bodies are "untouched"
-				specimenNumberId1 = curBin;
-				specimenNumberId2 = curBin;
-				curBin++;
-			} else if ((specimenNumberId1 != 0) and (specimenNumberId2 == 0)){	//On of bodies is 0, another one has number specimen
-				specimenNumberId2 = specimenNumberId1;
-			} else if ((specimenNumberId1 == 0) and (specimenNumberId2 != 0)){	//On of bodies is 0, another one has number specimen
-				specimenNumberId1 = specimenNumberId2;
-			} else if ((specimenNumberId1 != 0) and (specimenNumberId2 != 0) and (specimenNumberId1 != specimenNumberId2) ){		//Bodies have different specimen number, but they are cohesive! Update it
-				int minIdR = std::min(specimenNumberId1, specimenNumberId2);
-				int maxIdR = std::max(specimenNumberId1, specimenNumberId2);
-				specimenNumberId1 = minIdR;
-				specimenNumberId2 = minIdR;
-				identicalIds tempVar(minIdR, maxIdR);
-				arrayIdentIds.push_back(tempVar);
-			}
-		}
+		const Sphere* sphere1 = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(Body::byId(id1)->shape.get()); 
+		const Sphere* sphere2 = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(Body::byId(id2)->shape.get()); 
+		if ((sphere1)&&(sphere2)) {				//This class is ONLY for spheres
+			int& specimenNumberId1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(Body::byId(id1)->state)->specimenNumber;
+			int& specimenNumberId2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(Body::byId(id2)->state)->specimenNumber;
+			bool cohesiveState = contPhys->isCohesive;
+			if (cohesiveState==true){
+				if ((specimenNumberId1 == 0) and (specimenNumberId2 == 0)){					//Both bodies are "untouched"
+					specimenNumberId1 = curBin;
+					specimenNumberId2 = curBin;
+					curBin++;
+				} else if ((specimenNumberId1 != 0) and (specimenNumberId2 == 0)){	//On of bodies is 0, another one has number specimen
+					specimenNumberId2 = specimenNumberId1;
+				} else if ((specimenNumberId1 == 0) and (specimenNumberId2 != 0)){	//On of bodies is 0, another one has number specimen
+					specimenNumberId1 = specimenNumberId2;
+				} else if ((specimenNumberId1 != 0) and (specimenNumberId2 != 0) and (specimenNumberId1 != specimenNumberId2) ){		//Bodies have different specimen number, but they are cohesive! Update it
+					int minIdR = std::min(specimenNumberId1, specimenNumberId2);
+					int maxIdR = std::max(specimenNumberId1, specimenNumberId2);
+					specimenNumberId1 = minIdR;
+					specimenNumberId2 = minIdR;
+					identicalIds tempVar(minIdR, maxIdR, 0);
+					arrayIdentIds.push_back(tempVar);
+				}
+			}
+			if (contPhys->isCohesive==true) {	//Check whether they are cohesive
+				numberCohesiveContacts++;				//If yes - calculate them
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Clean dublicates
+	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+		for (unsigned int d=0; d<arrayIdentIds.size(); d++) {
+			if ((i!=d)&&(arrayIdentIds[i].id1 == arrayIdentIds[d].id1)&&(arrayIdentIds[i].id2 == arrayIdentIds[d].id2)) {
+				arrayIdentIds.erase(arrayIdentIds.begin()+d);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Check for identical Ids and drop them off.
+	bool flagChange=true;
+	while (flagChange){
+		flagChange=false;
 		for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
 			for (unsigned int d=0; d<arrayIdentIds.size(); d++) {
 				if (i!=d){
 					identicalIds& tempAr1 = arrayIdentIds[i];
 					identicalIds& tempAr2 = arrayIdentIds[d];
-					if (tempAr1.id2 == tempAr2.id1) {
+					if ((tempAr1.id2 == tempAr2.id1) and (tempAr2.id1>tempAr1.id1)) {
 						tempAr2.id1 = tempAr1.id1;
+						flagChange=true;
+					}
+					if (tempAr1.id2 == tempAr2.id2) {
+						if (tempAr2.id1>tempAr1.id1) {
+							tempAr2.id2 = tempAr2.id1;
+							tempAr2.id1 = tempAr1.id1;
+							flagChange=true;
+						} else if (tempAr2.id1<tempAr1.id1) {
+							tempAr1.id2 = tempAr1.id1;
+							tempAr1.id1 = tempAr2.id1;
+							flagChange=true;
+						} else {
+							arrayIdentIds.erase(arrayIdentIds.begin()+d);
+						}
-		for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
-			FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
-				if (!b) continue;
-				if ((YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber)==arrayIdentIds[i].id2) {
+	}
+	//Update RpmState, specimenIds
+	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+		FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
+			if (!b) continue;
+			const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+			if (sphere) {
+				int tempSpecimenNum = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber;
+				if ((tempSpecimenNum==arrayIdentIds[i].id1) or (tempSpecimenNum==arrayIdentIds[i].id2)){
-		if (contPhys->isCohesive==true) {	//Check whether they are cohesive
-			numberCohesiveContacts++;				//If yes - calculate them
-		}
-	}
+	}
+	int maximalSpecimenId = curBin;
+	arrayIdentIds.clear();
+	Real totalMass = 0;
+	//Calculate specimen masses, create vector for storing it
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
+		if (!b) continue;
+		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+		if (sphere) {
+			Real massTemp = b->state->mass;
+			totalMass += massTemp;
+			int specimenNumberId = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber;
+			if (specimenNumberId != 0) {
+				bool foundItemInArray = false;
+				for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+					if (arrayIdentIds[i].id1 == specimenNumberId) {
+						arrayIdentIds[i].mass+=massTemp;
+						foundItemInArray = true;
+					}
+					if (foundItemInArray) break;
+				}
+				if (!foundItemInArray) {
+					identicalIds tempVar(specimenNumberId, specimenNumberId+1, massTemp);
+					arrayIdentIds.push_back(tempVar);
+				}
+			} else {
+				YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber = maximalSpecimenId;
+				identicalIds tempVar(maximalSpecimenId, maximalSpecimenId+1, massTemp);
+				arrayIdentIds.push_back(tempVar);
+				maximalSpecimenId++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Update specimen masses
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies){
+		if (!b) continue;
+		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+		if (sphere) {
+			int specimenNumberId = YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber;
+			for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+				if (arrayIdentIds[i].id1 == specimenNumberId) {
+					YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenMass = arrayIdentIds[i].mass;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Check Masses in bodies loop and in dedicated vector. ONLY for debugging.
+	Real totalMass2 = 0;
+	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+		totalMass2+=arrayIdentIds[i].mass;
+	}
+	std::sort (arrayIdentIds.begin(), arrayIdentIds.end(), identicalIds::sortArrayIdentIds);
 	//Save data to a file
-	out<<Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration()<<" "<<curBin<<"\n";
+	out<<"**********\n";
+	out<<"iter totalMass1 totalMass2 numSpecimen\n";
+	out<<Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration()<<" "<<totalMass<<" "<<totalMass2<<" "<<arrayIdentIds.size()<<"\n";
+	out<<"id mass\n";
+	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arrayIdentIds.size(); i++) {
+		out<<arrayIdentIds[i].id1<<" "<<arrayIdentIds[i].mass<<"\n";
+	}

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.hpp	2010-07-07 15:42:59 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/ParticleSizeDistrbutionRPMRecorder.hpp	2010-07-08 14:58:21 +0000
@@ -20,18 +20,13 @@
 struct identicalIds{
 	int id1, id2;
-	identicalIds (int id1r, int id2r){
+	Real mass;
+	identicalIds (int id1r, int id2r, Real massr){
 		id1 = id1r;
 		id2 = id2r;
-	}
-	static bool checkIdentical(identicalIds param1, identicalIds param2) {
-		if ((param1.id1 == param2.id1) and (param1.id2 == param2.id2)) {
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
+		mass = massr;
+	}
+	static bool sortArrayIdentIds (identicalIds i, identicalIds d) {return i.mass>d.mass;}

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.cpp	2010-06-08 21:22:07 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.cpp	2010-07-08 14:58:21 +0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@@ -43,13 +44,14 @@
 		else if(rec=="facets") recActive[REC_FACETS]=true;
 		else if((rec=="colors") || (rec=="color"))recActive[REC_COLORS]=true;
 		else if(rec=="cpm") recActive[REC_CPM]=true;
+		else if(rec=="rpm") recActive[REC_RPM]=true;
 		else if(rec=="intr") recActive[REC_INTR]=true;
 		else if((rec=="ids") || (rec=="id")) recActive[REC_ID]=true;
 		else if(rec=="mask") recActive[REC_MASK]=true;
 		else if((rec=="clumpids") || (rec=="clumpId")) recActive[REC_CLUMPID]=true;
 		else if(rec=="materialId") recActive[REC_MATERIALID]=true;
 		else if(rec=="stress") recActive[REC_STRESS]=true;
-		else LOG_ERROR("Unknown recorder named `"<<rec<<"' (supported are: all, spheres, velocity, facets, color, stress, cpm, intr, id, clumpId, materialId). Ignored.");
+		else LOG_ERROR("Unknown recorder named `"<<rec<<"' (supported are: all, spheres, velocity, facets, color, stress, cpm, rpm, intr, id, clumpId, materialId). Ignored.");
 	// cpm needs interactions
 	if(recActive[REC_CPM]) recActive[REC_INTR]=true;
@@ -153,6 +155,15 @@
 	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> cpmTau = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	// extras for RPM
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> rpmSpecNum = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	rpmSpecNum->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	rpmSpecNum->SetName("rpmSpecNum");
+	vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> rpmSpecMass = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
+	rpmSpecMass->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+	rpmSpecMass->SetName("rpmSpecMass");
 		// save body positions, referenced by ids by vtkLine
@@ -238,6 +249,11 @@
+				if (recActive[REC_RPM]){
+					rpmSpecNum->InsertNextValue(YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenNumber);
+					rpmSpecMass->InsertNextValue(YADE_PTR_CAST<RpmState>(b->state)->specimenMass);
+				}
 				if (recActive[REC_MATERIALID]) spheresMaterialId->InsertNextValue(b->material->id);
@@ -303,6 +319,11 @@
+		if (recActive[REC_RPM]){
+			spheresUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(rpmSpecNum);
+			spheresUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(rpmSpecMass);
+		}
 		if (recActive[REC_MATERIALID]) spheresUg->GetPointData()->AddArray(spheresMaterialId);
 		vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.hpp	2010-05-25 08:59:56 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/VTKRecorder.hpp	2010-07-08 14:58:21 +0000
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 class VTKRecorder: public PeriodicEngine {
 		virtual void action();
 	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(VTKRecorder,PeriodicEngine,"Engine recording snapshots of simulation into series of *.vtu files, readable by VTK-based postprocessing programs such as Paraview. Both bodies (spheres and facets) and interactions can be recorded, with various vector/scalar quantities that are defined on them.\n\n:yref:`PeriodicEngine.initRun` is initialized to ``True`` automatically.",
 		((bool,compress,false,"Compress output XML files [experimental]."))
 		((bool,skipFacetIntr,true,"Skip interactions with facets, when saving interactions"))
 		((bool,skipNondynamic,false,"Skip non-dynamic spheres (but not facets)."))
 		((string,fileName,"","Base file name; it will be appended with {spheres,intrs,facets}-243100.vtu depending on active recorders and step number (243100 in this case). It can contain slashes, but the directory must exist already."))
-		((vector<string>,recorders,,"List of active recorders (as strings). Accepted recorders are:\n\n``all``\n\tSaves all possible parameters, except of specific. Default value.\n``spheres``\n\tSaves positions and radii (``radii``) of :yref:`spherical<Sphere>` particles.\n``id``\n\tSaves id's (field ``id``) of spheres; active only if ``spheres`` is active.\n``clumpId``\n\tSaves id's of clumps to which each sphere belongs (field ``clumpId``); active only if ``spheres`` is active.\n``colors``\n\tSaves colors of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>` (field ``color``); only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``mask``\n\tSaves groupMasks of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>` (field ``mask``); only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``materialId``\n\tSaves materialID of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>`; only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``velocity``\n\tSaves linear and angular velocities of spherical particles as Vector3 and length(fields ``linVelVec``, ``linVelLen`` and ``angVelVec``, ``angVelLen`` respectively``); only effective with ``spheres``.\n``facets``\n\tSave :yref:`facets<Facet>` positions (vertices).\n``stress``\n\tSaves stresses of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>`  as Vector3 and length; only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``cpm``\n\tSaves data pertaining to the :yref:`concrete model<Law2_Dem3DofGeom_CpmPhys_Cpm>`: ``cpmDamage`` (normalized residual strength averaged on particle), ``cpmSigma`` (stress on particle, normal components), ``cpmTau`` (shear components of stress on particle), ``cpmSigmaM`` (mean stress around particle); ``intr`` is activated automatically by ``cpm``.\n``intr``\n\tWhen ``cpm`` is used, it saves magnitude of normal (``forceN``) and shear (``absForceT``) forces.\n\n\tWithout ``cpm``, saves [TODO]\n\n"))
+		((vector<string>,recorders,,"List of active recorders (as strings). Accepted recorders are:\n\n``all``\n\tSaves all possible parameters, except of specific. Default value.\n``spheres``\n\tSaves positions and radii (``radii``) of :yref:`spherical<Sphere>` particles.\n``id``\n\tSaves id's (field ``id``) of spheres; active only if ``spheres`` is active.\n``clumpId``\n\tSaves id's of clumps to which each sphere belongs (field ``clumpId``); active only if ``spheres`` is active.\n``colors``\n\tSaves colors of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>` (field ``color``); only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``mask``\n\tSaves groupMasks of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>` (field ``mask``); only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``materialId``\n\tSaves materialID of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>`; only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``velocity``\n\tSaves linear and angular velocities of spherical particles as Vector3 and length(fields ``linVelVec``, ``linVelLen`` and ``angVelVec``, ``angVelLen`` respectively``); only effective with ``spheres``.\n``facets``\n\tSave :yref:`facets<Facet>` positions (vertices).\n``stress``\n\tSaves stresses of :yref:`spheres<Sphere>` and of :yref:`facets<Facet>`  as Vector3 and length; only active if ``spheres`` or ``facets`` are activated.\n``cpm``\n\tSaves data pertaining to the :yref:`concrete model<Law2_Dem3DofGeom_CpmPhys_Cpm>`: ``cpmDamage`` (normalized residual strength averaged on particle), ``cpmSigma`` (stress on particle, normal components), ``cpmTau`` (shear components of stress on particle), ``cpmSigmaM`` (mean stress around particle); ``intr`` is activated automatically by ``cpm``.\n``intr``\n\tWhen ``cpm`` is used, it saves magnitude of normal (``forceN``) and shear (``absForceT``) forces.\n\n\tWithout ``cpm``, saves [TODO]\n``rpm``\n\tSaves data pertaining to the :yref:`rock particle model<Law2_Dem3DofGeom_RockPMPhys_Rpm>`: ``rpmSpecNum`` shows different pieces of separated stones, only ids.\n ``rpmSpecMass`` shows masses of separated stones.\n\n"))
 		((int,mask,0,"If mask defined, only bodies with corresponding groupMask will be exported. If 0 - all bodies will be exported.")),

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/meta/RockPM.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/meta/RockPM.hpp	2010-07-07 15:42:59 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/meta/RockPM.hpp	2010-07-08 14:58:21 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 class RpmState: public State {
 	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(RpmState,State,"State information about Rpm body.",
 		((int,specimenNumber,0,"The variable is used for particle size distribution analyze. Indicates, to which part of specimen belongs para of particles."))
+		((Real,specimenMass,0,"Indicates the mass of the whole stone, which owns the particle."))

Follow ups