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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2452: 1. Make the debug build installed in the same directory as the release build; it is compiled with...


revno: 2452
committer: Chiara Modenese <chia@engs-018373>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Thu 2010-09-30 10:05:24 +0100
  1. Make the debug build installed in the same directory as the release build; it is compiled with debug=1 (or True); there is only a single yade executable for both, and the debug plugins are loaded with --debug. I tried to adjust packaging rules a bit, I hope it will not introduce additional errors. --debug and --rebuild work fine together.
  2. Add --debug option to yade-batch, which runs yade with --debug.


Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
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=== modified file 'SConstruct'
--- SConstruct	2010-09-27 17:47:59 +0000
+++ SConstruct	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -75,46 +75,21 @@
-profOpts.Add(('profile','Config profile to use (predefined: default or "", dbg); append ! to use it but not save for next build (in scons.current-profile)','default'))
+profOpts.Add(('profile','Config profile to use (predefined: default or ""); append ! to use it but not save for next build (in scons.current-profile)','default'))
 # multiple profiles - run them all at the same time
 # take care not to save current profile for those parallel builds
 if env['profile']=='': env['profile']='default'
 # save the profile only if the last char is not !
-if env['profile'][-1]=='!': env['profile']=env['profile'][:-1]
-else: profOpts.Save(profileFile,env)
-if ',' in env['profile']:
-	profiles=env['profile'].split(',')
-	import threading,subprocess
-	def runProfile(profile): subprocess.call([sys.argv[0],'-Q','profile='+profile+'!'])
-	profileThreads=[]
-	for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
-		print "WARNING: parallel-building, extra argument `%s' ignored!"%arg
-	for p in profiles:
-		t=threading.Thread(target=runProfile,name='profile_'+p,args=(p,))
-		t.start()
-		profileThreads.append(t)
-	import atexit
-	def killAllProfileThreads():
-		for t in profileThreads:
-			t.join(0.1)
-	atexit.register(killAllProfileThreads)
-	for t in profileThreads:
-		t.join()
-	Exit()
+if env['profile'][-1]=='!': env['profile'],noSaveProfile=env['profile'][:-1],False
+if saveProfile: profOpts.Save(profileFile,env)
 if env['profile']=='': env['profile']='default'
 print '@@@ Using profile',profile,'('+optsFile+') @@@'
-# defaults for various profiles
-if profile=='default': defOptions={'debug':0,'variant':'','optimize':1,'chunkSize':10}
-elif profile=='dbg': defOptions={'debug':1,'variant':'-dbg','optimize':0,'chunkSize':1}
-else: defOptions={'debug':0,'optimize':0,'variant':'-'+profile,'chunkSize':10}
 ## compatibility hack again
 if 'AddVariables' not in dir(opts): opts.AddVariables=opts.AddOptions
@@ -134,10 +109,10 @@
 	### OLD: use PathOption with PathOption.PathIsDirCreate, but that doesn't exist in 0.96.1!
 	('PREFIX','Install path prefix','/usr/local'),
 	('runtimePREFIX','Runtime path prefix; DO NOT USE, inteded for packaging only.',None),
-	('variant','Build variant, will be suffixed to all files, along with version (beware: if PREFIX is the same, headers of the older version will still be overwritten',defOptions['variant'],None,lambda x:x),
-	BoolVariable('debug', 'Enable debugging information and disable optimizations',defOptions['debug']),
+	('variant','Build variant, will be suffixed to all files, along with version (beware: if PREFIX is the same, headers of the older version will still be overwritten','' if profile=='default' else '-'+profile,None,lambda x:x),
+	BoolVariable('debug', 'Enable debugging information',0),
 	BoolVariable('gprof','Enable profiling information for gprof',0),
-	BoolVariable('optimize','Turn on heavy optimizations',defOptions['optimize']),
+	BoolVariable('optimize','Turn on heavy optimizations',1),
 	ListVariable('exclude','Yade components that will not be built','none',names=['gui','extra','common','dem','lattice','snow']),
 	EnumVariable('PGO','Whether to "gen"erate or "use" Profile-Guided Optimization','',['','gen','use'],{'no':'','0':'','false':''},1),
 	ListVariable('features','Optional features that are turned on','log4cxx,opengl,gts,openmp,vtk',names=['opengl','log4cxx','cgal','openmp','gts','vtk','python','gl2ps','devirt-functors','qt4','never_use_this_one']),
@@ -157,6 +132,7 @@
 	('CXXFLAGS','Additional compiler flags for compilation (like -march=core2).',None,None,Split),
 	('march','Architecture to use with -march=... when optimizing','native',None,None),
 	BoolVariable('mono','[experimental] Build only one shared library and make all other files (python objects, for instance) only be symlinks.',0),
+	('execCheck','Name of the main script that should be installed; if the current one differs, an erro is raised (do not use directly, only intended for --rebuild',None),
 	#('SHLINK','Linker for shared objects','g++'),
 	('SHCCFLAGS','Additional compiler flags for linking (for plugins).',None,None,Split),
 	BoolVariable('QUAD_PRECISION','typedef Real as long double (=quad)',0),
@@ -168,7 +144,7 @@
 	print 'ERROR: using "features=all" is illegal, since it breaks feature detection at runtime (SCons limitation). Write out all features separated by commas instead. Sorry.'
+if saveProfile: opts.Save(optsFile,env)
 # fix expansion in python substitution by assigning the right value if not specified
 if not env.has_key('runtimePREFIX') or not env['runtimePREFIX']: env['runtimePREFIX']=env['PREFIX']
@@ -209,7 +185,8 @@
 if not env.has_key('realVersion') or not env['realVersion']: env['realVersion']=yadeSCons.getRealVersion() or 'unknown' # unknown if nothing returned
 if not env.has_key('version'): env['version']=env['realVersion']
+env['SUFFIX']=env['SUFFIX_NODEBUG']+('' if not env['debug'] else '/dbg')
 print "Yade version is `%s' (%s), installed files will be suffixed with `%s'."%(env['version'],env['realVersion'],env['SUFFIX'])
 # make buildDir absolute, saves hassles later
@@ -648,9 +625,13 @@
 ## only when installing without requesting special path (we would have no way
 ## to know what should be installed overall.
-	toInstall=[str(node) for node in env.FindInstalledFiles()]
+	toInstall=set([str(node) for node in env.FindInstalledFiles()])
 	for root,dirs,files in os.walk(env.subst('$PREFIX/lib/yade${SUFFIX}')):
+		# do not go inside the debug directly, plugins are different there
 		for f in files:
+			# skip debug files, if in the non-debug build
+			if not env['debug'] and '/dbg/' in root: continue
+			#print 'Considering',f
 			# do not delete python-optimized files and symbolic links (lib_gts__python-module.so, for instance)
 			if ff not in toInstall and not ff.endswith('.pyo') and not ff.endswith('.pyc') and not os.path.islink(ff) and not os.path.basename(ff).startswith('.nfs'):

=== modified file 'Yade.kdevelop'
--- Yade.kdevelop	2010-08-23 15:33:22 +0000
+++ Yade.kdevelop	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -10,36 +10,36 @@
-    <description/>
-    <defaultencoding/>
+    <description></description>
+    <defaultencoding></defaultencoding>
-      <mainprogram>/home/vincent/yade-local/trunk</mainprogram>
+      <mainprogram>/usr/bin/python</mainprogram>
-      <programargs/>
-      <globaldebugarguments/>
+      <programargs>/home/chia/yade/inst/bin/yade-r2446</programargs>
+      <globaldebugarguments>/home/chia/yade/inst/bin/yade-r2446-dbg</globaldebugarguments>
-      <terminal>false</terminal>
-      <autocompile>false</autocompile>
-      <autoinstall>false</autoinstall>
+      <terminal>true</terminal>
+      <autocompile>true</autocompile>
+      <autoinstall>true</autoinstall>
-      <builddir/>
+      <builddir></builddir>
-      <numberofjobs>10</numberofjobs>
+      <numberofjobs>4</numberofjobs>
-      <defaulttarget/>
-      <makeoptions/>
+      <defaulttarget></defaulttarget>
+      <makeoptions></makeoptions>
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
-      <otherbin/>
-      <defaulttarget/>
-      <otheroptions/>
+      <otherbin>scons</otherbin>
+      <defaulttarget></defaulttarget>
+      <otheroptions></otheroptions>
@@ -77,18 +77,18 @@
-      <dbgshell/>
-      <gdbpath/>
-      <configGdbScript/>
-      <runShellScript/>
-      <runGdbScript/>
+      <dbgshell></dbgshell>
+      <gdbpath></gdbpath>
+      <configGdbScript></configGdbScript>
+      <runShellScript></runShellScript>
+      <runGdbScript></runGdbScript>
-      <staticmembers>false</staticmembers>
+      <staticmembers>true</staticmembers>
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
-      <designer></designer>
+      <designer>/usr/bin/designer</designer>
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
-      <prefixGet/>
+      <prefixGet></prefixGet>
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@
-      <docsystem/>
-      <docurl/>
-      <usermanualurl/>
+      <docsystem></docsystem>
+      <docurl></docurl>
+      <usermanualurl></usermanualurl>
@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@
-    <customArguments/>
+    <customArguments>-R --extra=+q --fields=+n --exclude='.*' --exclude=attic --exclude=doc --exclude=scons-local --exclude=include --exclude=lib/triangulation --exclude=debian --exclude='*.so' --exclude='*.s' --exclude='*.ii' --langmap=c++:+.inl,c++:+.tpp,c++:+.ipp</customArguments>
+    <customTagfilePath>/home/chia/yade/src/r2446/tags</customTagfilePath>

=== modified file 'core/SConscript'
--- core/SConscript	2010-09-10 11:33:21 +0000
+++ core/SConscript	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # syntax: python
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
+## for --rebuild
+if 'execCheck' in env and env['execCheck']!=env.subst(pyMain):
+	raise RuntimeError('execCheck option (%s) does not match what is about to be installed (%s)'%(env['execCheck'],env.subst(pyMain)))
@@ -19,10 +22,6 @@
 ## remove old executable
 ## might be removed in the future
 import os.path, os
-if os.path.exists(cxxExec):
-	print "Deleting old executable",cxxExec
-	os.remove(cxxExec)

=== modified file 'core/main/main.py.in'
--- core/main/main.py.in	2010-09-23 09:17:40 +0000
+++ core/main/main.py.in	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -4,32 +4,35 @@
 import sys,os,os.path,time
 # get yade path (allow YADE_PREFIX to override)
-prefix,suffix='${runtimePREFIX}' if not os.environ.has_key('YADE_PREFIX') else os.environ['YADE_PREFIX'],'${SUFFIX}'
+prefix,suffix='${runtimePREFIX}' if not os.environ.has_key('YADE_PREFIX') else os.environ['YADE_PREFIX'],'${SUFFIX_NODEBUG}'
 # duplicate some items from yade.config here, so that we can increase verbosity when the c++ part is booting
-## python2.5 relative module imports workaround
-if v[0]==2 and v[1]<=5:
-	for submodule in ('yade','gts','yade/tests'):
-		sys.path.append(os.path.join(prefix,'lib','yade'+suffix,'py',submodule))
+## find available builds
+if not hasDebug and not hasNonDebug:
+	raise RuntimeError('Neither non-debug nor debug build found! ('+nonDebugLibDir+'/lib, '+nonDebugLibDir+'/dbg/lib)')
+elif hasDebug and hasNonDebug: buildsAvailable='both optimized and debug build'
+elif hasDebug and not hasNonDebug: buildsAvaible='debug build only'
+elif not hasDebug and hasNonDebug: buildsAvailable='optimized build only'
 # handle command-line options first
 import optparse
-par=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [ simulation.xml[.bz2] | script.py [script options]]',prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),version='%s (%s)%s'%(version,','.join(features),' with debugging symbols' if debug else ''),description="Yade: open-source platform for dynamic compuations. Homepage http://www.yade-dem.org, code hosted at http://www.launchpad.net/yade. This is version %s (with features %s %s)."%(version,','.join(features),', with debugging symbols' if debug else ''))
+par=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [ simulation.xml[.bz2] | script.py [script options]]',prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),version='%s (%s; %s)'%(version,','.join(features),buildsAvailable),description="Yade: open-source platform for dynamic compuations. Homepage http://www.yade-dem.org, code hosted at http://www.launchpad.net/yade. This is version %s (with features %s, %s)."%(version,','.join(features),buildsAvailable))
 par.add_option('-j','--threads',help='Number of OpenMP threads to run; defaults to number of cores. Equivalent to setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.',dest='threads',type='int')
 par.add_option('--update',help='Update deprecated class names in given script(s) using text search & replace. Changed files will be backed up with ~ suffix. Exit when done without running any simulation.',dest='updateScripts',action='store_true')
 par.add_option('--nice',help='Increase nice level (i.e. decrease priority) by given number.',dest='nice',type='int')
 par.add_option('-x',help='Exit when the script finishes',dest='exitAfter',action='store_true')
 par.add_option('-v',help='Increase logging verbosity; first occurence sets default logging level to info, second to debug, third to trace.'+
 	('' if 'log4cxx' in features else " (Since this build doesn't use log4cxx, this option will only have effect if repeated twice (-vv), equivalent to setting YADE_DEBUG environment variable)"),action='count',dest='verbosity')
-if debug:
-	par.add_option('--no-gdb',help='Do not show backtrace when yade crashes.',dest='noGdb',action='store_true',)
 par.add_option('-n',help="Run without graphical interface (equivalent to unsetting the DISPLAY environment variable)",dest='nogui',action='store_true')
 par.add_option('--generate-manpage',help="Generate man page documenting this program and exit",dest='manpage',metavar='FILE')
 par.add_option('--rebuild',help="Re-run build in the source directory, then run the updated yade with the same command line except --rebuild. The build profile for this build (${profile}) and its stored parameters will be used.",dest='rebuild',action='store_true')
 par.add_option('--test',help="Run regression test suite and exit; the exists status is 0 if all tests pass, 1 if a test fails and 2 for an unspecified exception.",dest="test",action='store_true')
+par.add_option('--debug',help='Run the debug build, if available.',dest='debug',action='store_true')
+par.add_option('--no-gdb',help='Do not show backtrace when yade crashes (only effective with --debug).',dest='noGdb',action='store_true',)
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@
 	import subprocess
 	# rebuild
 	sourceRoot,profile='${sourceRoot}','${profile}' # replaced at install-time
-	cmd=['scons','-Q','-C',sourceRoot,'profile=%s'%profile]
+	cmd=['scons','-Q','-C',sourceRoot,'profile=%s!'%profile,'debug=%d'%(1 if opts.debug else 0),'optimize=0','execCheck=%s'%(prefix+'/bin/yade'+suffix)]
 	print 'Rebuilding yade using',' '.join(cmd)
 	if subprocess.call(cmd): raise RuntimeError('Error rebuilding Yade (--rebuild).')
 	# run ourselves
@@ -47,6 +50,21 @@
 	print 'Running yade using',' '.join(argv)
+if opts.debug:
+	if not hasDebug:
+		raise RuntimeError('Debug build not available with this installation (running with --rebuild might help)')
+	## fix the prefix, so that yade/__init__.py picks the right plugin files
+	suffix+='/dbg'
+	## remove later
+	## python2.5 relative module imports workaround
+	v=sys.version_info
+	if v[0]==2 and v[1]<=5:
+		for submodule in ('yade','gts','yade/tests'):
+			sys.path.append(os.path.join(prefix,'lib','yade'+suffix,'py',submodule))
 # run regression test suite and exit
 if opts.test:
 	import yade.tests
@@ -75,7 +93,7 @@
 # has no effeect after libgomp initializes
 if opts.threads: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']=str(opts.threads)
-sys.stderr.write('Welcome to Yade '+version+'\n')
+sys.stderr.write('Welcome to Yade '+version+'%s\n'%(' (debug build)' if opts.debug else ''))
 # initialization and c++ plugins import
 import yade

=== modified file 'core/main/yade-batch.in'
--- core/main/yade-batch.in	2010-09-23 09:17:40 +0000
+++ core/main/yade-batch.in	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 	return nCpu
-parser=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] TABLE SIMULATION.py',description='%prog runs yade simulation multiple times with different parameters.\n\nSee https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/user.html#batch-queuing-and-execution-yade-multi for details.')
+parser=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] TABLE SIMULATION.py',description='%prog runs yade simulation multiple times with different parameters.\n\nSee https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/user.html#batch-queuing-and-execution-yade-batch for details.')
 parser.add_option('-j','--jobs',dest='maxJobs',type='int',help="Maximum number of simultaneous threads to run (default: number of cores, further limited by OMP_NUM_THREADS if set by the environment: %d)"%numCores,metavar='NUM',default=numCores)
 parser.add_option('--job-threads',dest='defaultThreads',type='int',help="Default number of threads for one job; can be overridden by per-job OMP_NUM_THREADS. Defaults to allocate all available cores (%d) for each job."%numCores,metavar='NUM',default=numCores)
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@
 parser.add_option('-l','--lines',dest='lineList',help='Lines of TABLE to use, in the format 2,3-5,8,11-13 (default: all available lines in TABLE)',metavar='LIST')
 parser.add_option('--nice',dest='nice',type='int',help='Nice value of spawned jobs (default: 10)',default=10)
 parser.add_option('--executable',dest='executable',help='Name of the program to run (default: %s)'%executable,default=executable,metavar='FILE')
+parser.add_option('--debug',dest='debug',action='store_true',help='Run the executable with --debug.',default=False)
 parser.add_option('--gnuplot',dest='gnuplotOut',help='Gnuplot file where gnuplot from all jobs should be put together',default=None,metavar='FILE')
 parser.add_option('--dry-run',action='store_true',dest='dryRun',help='Do not actually run (useful for getting gnuplot only, for instance)',default=False)
 parser.add_option('--http-wait',action='store_true',dest='httpWait',help='Do not quit if still serving overview over http repeatedly',default=False)

=== modified file 'debian/rules'
--- debian/rules	2010-09-30 08:48:24 +0000
+++ debian/rules	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 	###   (a) use fakeroot-tcp instead of fakeroot
 	###   (b) use just 1 job
 	#debug build
-	NO_SCONS_GET_RECENT= scons profile=deb buildPrefix=debian runtimePREFIX=/usr version=${VERSION} brief=0 chunkSize=1 jobs=1 linkStrategy=monolithic features=vtk,gts,opengl,openmp,qt4 PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr variant=-dbg optimize=0 march= debug=1 CPPPATH=/usr/include/vtk-5.0:/usr/include/vtk-5.2:/usr/include/vtk-5.4:/usr/include/eigen2 QT4DIR=/usr/share/qt4
+	NO_SCONS_GET_RECENT= scons profile=default buildPrefix=debian runtimePREFIX=/usr version=${VERSION} brief=0 chunkSize=1 jobs=1 features=vtk,gts,opengl,openmp,qt4 PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr variant='' optimize=0 march= debug=1 CPPPATH=/usr/include/vtk-5.0:/usr/include/vtk-5.2:/usr/include/vtk-5.4:/usr/include/eigen2 QT4DIR=/usr/share/qt4
 	#optimized build
-	NO_SCONS_GET_RECENT= scons profile=deb PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr variant='' optimize=1 debug=0
+	NO_SCONS_GET_RECENT= scons profile=default PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr variant='' optimize=1 debug=0
 	#install platform-independent files (docs, scripts, examples)
 	#NO_SCONS_GET_RECENT= scons profile=deb PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/share/doc/yade${_VERSION}-doc
 	mkdir -p debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/share/doc/yade${_VERSION}
@@ -63,14 +63,12 @@
 	# generate manpages
 	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION} --generate-manpage yade${_VERSION}.1
 	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION}-batch --generate-manpage yade${_VERSION}-batch.1
-	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION}-dbg --generate-manpage yade${_VERSION}-dbg.1
-	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION}-dbg-batch --generate-manpage yade${_VERSION}-dbg-batch.1
 check: install
-	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}-dbg/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION}-dbg --test
 	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION} --test
+	YADE_PREFIX=debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr debian/yade${_VERSION}/usr/bin/yade${_VERSION} --debug --test
 # Build architecture-independent files here.
 binary-indep: build install

=== modified file 'py/__init__.py.in'
--- py/__init__.py.in	2010-06-13 21:28:46 +0000
+++ py/__init__.py.in	2010-09-30 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -35,17 +35,21 @@
 # find plugin directory
 import os,os.path
 import config
-libDir=(config.prefix if not os.environ.has_key('YADE_PREFIX') else os.environ['YADE_PREFIX'])+'/lib/yade'+config.suffix
+if 'YADE_PREFIX' in os.environ: libDir=os.environ['YADE_PREFIX']+'/lib/yade'+config.suffix
+else: libDir=config.libDir
 libDir=os.path.abspath(libDir) # needed if YADE_PREFIX is a relative path
 # find plugins recursively
 # might add followlinks=True to os.walk, for python>=2.6
 for root,dirs,files in os.walk(libDir):
+	# for some reason, does not really work?
+	#dirs=[d for d in dirs if d!='dbg']
 	for f in files:
+		# ouch, ugly!
+		if not config.debug and '/dbg/' in root: continue
 		if not (f.startswith('lib') and f.endswith('.so')): continue
 # c++ initialization code
 import boot