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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2461: 1. Added initial scripts/build-fabric


revno: 2461
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Wed 2010-10-06 15:51:14 +0200
  1. Added initial scripts/build-fabric
  2. scripts/debian-prep now smoothly handles absenting DEBEMAIL and DBFULLNAME variables


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=== added file 'scripts/build-fabric'
--- scripts/build-fabric	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ scripts/build-fabric	2010-10-06 13:51:14 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+#Initial script to create build-bot
+import sys,os,numpy,shutil
+revNo = 2460
+distributivesNames = numpy.array(['lucid','maverick'])		#Supported distributives
+distributivesArch = numpy.array(['x86_64','amd64'])				#Supported achitectures
+defaultPath = sys.path[0]    #Default Path for builds
+	if (sys.argv[1]): defaultPath = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[1])
+except IndexError:
+	pass
+if os.path.exists(defaultPath+'/cleanBzr'):
+	print "CleanBZR folder exists"
+	print "Updating to the latest bzr version"
+	os.chdir(defaultPath+'/cleanBzr/yade')
+	os.system('bzr up')
+	revNo=os.popen("LC_ALL=C bzr revno 2>/dev/null").readlines()[0][:-1]
+	os.mkdir(defaultPath+'/cleanBzr')
+	print "CleanBZR created"
+	print "Checking out the latest bzr version"
+	os.chdir(defaultPath+'/cleanBzr/')
+	os.system('bzr checkout lp:yade --lightweight')
+	os.chdir('yade')
+	revNo=os.popen("LC_ALL=C bzr revno 2>/dev/null").readlines()[0][:-1]
+for distrName in distributivesNames:
+	if os.path.exists(distrName) and (os.path.isdir(distrName)):
+		shutil.rmtree(distrName)
+	os.mkdir(distrName)
+	os.chdir(distrName)
+	for archName in distributivesArch:
+		os.mkdir(archName)
+		shutil.copytree('../cleanBzr/yade',archName+'/yade')
+		os.chdir(archName+'/yade')
+		os.system('scripts/debian-prep ' + distrName)
+		os.chdir('..')
+		os.rename('yade', 'yade-bzr'+str(revNo)+'-bzr'+str(revNo))
+		os.system('dpkg-source -b -I yade-bzr'+str(revNo)+'-bzr'+str(revNo))
+		os.chdir('..')
+	os.chdir('..')

=== modified file 'scripts/debian-prep'
--- scripts/debian-prep	2010-10-02 08:05:50 +0000
+++ scripts/debian-prep	2010-10-06 13:51:14 +0000
@@ -43,13 +43,16 @@
 # package is yade-0.50, but with UPDATE .1, it is version 0.50.1
 # write debian/changelog
-'''yade-%s (%s%s-%s1) %s; urgency=low
-  * Automatic debian changelog entry for yade-%s
- -- %s <%s>  %s
-'''%(VERSION,VERSION,UPDATE,DISTRIBUTION,DISTRIBUTION,VERSION,os.environ['DEBFULLNAME'],os.environ['DEBEMAIL'],time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000",time.gmtime())))
+	open('debian/changelog','w').write(
+	'''yade-%s (%s%s-%s1) %s; urgency=low
+	  * Automatic debian changelog entry for yade-%s
+	 -- %s <%s>  %s
+	'''%(VERSION,VERSION,UPDATE,DISTRIBUTION,DISTRIBUTION,VERSION,os.environ['DEBFULLNAME'],os.environ['DEBEMAIL'],time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000",time.gmtime())))
+except KeyError:
+	print "Please, set DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME as described here http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-first.en.html";
 # remove some generated files
 for p in ('doc/doxygen','doc/sphinx/_build','tags'):