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Message #06896
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2699: - Add a seed parameter to makeCloud, particleSD and particleSD2 functions. The parameter is used ...
revno: 2699
committer: Chiara Modenese <c.modenese@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Mon 2011-01-31 11:38:54 +0000
- Add a seed parameter to makeCloud, particleSD and particleSD2 functions. The parameter is used to initialize the random number generator.
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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/SpherePack.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/SpherePack.cpp 2011-01-27 19:33:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/SpherePack.cpp 2011-01-31 11:38:54 +0000
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
if(scene->isPeriodic) { cellSize=scene->cell->getSize(); }
-long SpherePack::makeCloud(Vector3r mn, Vector3r mx, Real rMean, Real rRelFuzz, int num, bool periodic, Real porosity, const vector<Real>& psdSizes, const vector<Real>& psdCumm, bool distributeMass){
- static boost::minstd_rand randGen(TimingInfo::getNow(/* get the number even if timing is disabled globally */ true));
+long SpherePack::makeCloud(Vector3r mn, Vector3r mx, Real rMean, Real rRelFuzz, int num, bool periodic, Real porosity, const vector<Real>& psdSizes, const vector<Real>& psdCumm, bool distributeMass, int seed){
+ static boost::minstd_rand randGen(seed!=0?seed:(int)TimingInfo::getNow(/* get the number even if timing is disabled globally */ true));
static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand&, boost::uniform_real<Real> > rnd(randGen, boost::uniform_real<Real>(0,1));
vector<Real> psdRadii; // holds plain radii (rather than diameters), scaled down in some situations to get the target number
vector<Real> psdCumm2; // psdCumm but dimensionally transformed to match mass distribution
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
/* possible enhacement: proportions parameter, so that the domain is not cube, but box with sides having given proportions */
-long SpherePack::particleSD2(const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, int numSph, bool periodic, Real cloudPorosity){
+long SpherePack::particleSD2(const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, int numSph, bool periodic, Real cloudPorosity, int seed){
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXr;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real,Eigen::Dynamic,1> VectorXr;
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
// TODO: header, python wrapper, default params
// New code to include the psd giving few points of it
-long SpherePack::particleSD(Vector3r mn, Vector3r mx, Real rMean, bool periodic, string name, int numSph, const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, bool passingIsNotPercentageButCount){
+long SpherePack::particleSD(Vector3r mn, Vector3r mx, Real rMean, bool periodic, string name, int numSph, const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, bool passingIsNotPercentageButCount, int seed){
vector<Real> numbers;
Real Vtot=numSph*4./3.*Mathr::PI*pow(rMean,3.); // total volume of the packing (computed with rMean)
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
FOREACH(Real p, passing) numbers.push_back(p);
- static boost::minstd_rand randGen(TimingInfo::getNow(true));
+ static boost::minstd_rand randGen(seed!=0?seed:(int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand&, boost::uniform_real<> > rnd(randGen, boost::uniform_real<>(0,1));
const int maxTry=1000;
=== modified file 'pkg/dem/SpherePack.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/SpherePack.hpp 2011-01-27 19:33:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/SpherePack.hpp 2011-01-31 11:38:54 +0000
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
void fromSimulation();
// random generation; if num<0, insert as many spheres as possible; if porosity>0, recompute meanRadius (porosity>0.65 recommended) and try generating this porosity with num spheres.
- long makeCloud(Vector3r min, Vector3r max, Real rMean=-1, Real rFuzz=0, int num=-1, bool periodic=false, Real porosity=-1, const vector<Real>& psdSizes=vector<Real>(), const vector<Real>& psdCumm=vector<Real>(), bool distributeMass=false);
+ long makeCloud(Vector3r min, Vector3r max, Real rMean=-1, Real rFuzz=0, int num=-1, bool periodic=false, Real porosity=-1, const vector<Real>& psdSizes=vector<Real>(), const vector<Real>& psdCumm=vector<Real>(), bool distributeMass=false, int seed=0);
// return number of piece for x in piecewise function defined by cumm with non-decreasing elements ∈(0,1)
// norm holds normalized coordinate withing the piece
int psdGetPiece(Real x, const vector<Real>& cumm, Real& norm);
// function to generate the packing based on a given psd
- long particleSD(Vector3r min, Vector3r max, Real rMean, bool periodic=false, string name="", int numSph=400, const vector<Real>& radii=vector<Real>(), const vector<Real>& passing=vector<Real>(),bool passingIsNotPercentageButCount=false);
+ long particleSD(Vector3r min, Vector3r max, Real rMean, bool periodic=false, string name="", int numSph=400, const vector<Real>& radii=vector<Real>(), const vector<Real>& passing=vector<Real>(),bool passingIsNotPercentageButCount=false, int seed=0);
- long particleSD2(const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, int numSph, bool periodic=false, Real cloudPorosity=.8);
+ long particleSD2(const vector<Real>& radii, const vector<Real>& passing, int numSph, bool periodic=false, Real cloudPorosity=.8, int seed=0);
// interpolate a variable with power distribution (exponent -3) between two margin values, given uniformly distributed x∈(0,1)
=== modified file 'py/pack/_packSpheres.cpp'
--- py/pack/_packSpheres.cpp 2011-01-27 19:33:00 +0000
+++ py/pack/_packSpheres.cpp 2011-01-31 11:38:54 +0000
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
.def("load",&SpherePack::fromFile,(python::arg("fileName")),"Load packing from external text file (current data will be discarded).")
.def("save",&SpherePack::toFile,(python::arg("fileName")),"Save packing to external text file (will be overwritten).")
.def("fromSimulation",&SpherePack::fromSimulation,"Make packing corresponding to the current simulation. Discards current data.")
- .def("makeCloud",&SpherePack::makeCloud,(python::arg("minCorner"),python::arg("maxCorner"),python::arg("rMean")=-1,python::arg("rRelFuzz")=0,python::arg("num")=-1,python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("porosity")=0.5,python::arg("psdSizes")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("psdCumm")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("distributeMass")=false),"Create random loose packing enclosed in box."
+ .def("makeCloud",&SpherePack::makeCloud,(python::arg("minCorner"),python::arg("maxCorner"),python::arg("rMean")=-1,python::arg("rRelFuzz")=0,python::arg("num")=-1,python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("porosity")=0.5,python::arg("psdSizes")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("psdCumm")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("distributeMass")=false,python::arg("seed")=0),"Create random loose packing enclosed in box."
"\nSphere radius distribution can be specified using one of the following ways:\n\n#. *rMean*, *rRelFuzz* and *num* gives uniform radius distribution in *rMean* (1 ± *rRelFuzz* ). Less than *num* spheres can be generated if it is too high.\n#. *rRelFuzz*, *num* and (optional) *porosity*, which estimates mean radius so that *porosity* is attained at the end. *rMean* must be less than 0 (default). *porosity* is only an initial guess for the generation algorithm, which will retry with higher porosity until the prescibed *num* is obtained.\n#. *psdSizes* and *psdCumm*, two arrays specifying points of the `particle size distribution <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_size_distribution>`__ function. As many spheres as possible are generated.\n#. *psdSizes*, *psdCumm*, *num*, and (optional) *porosity*, like above but if *num* is not obtained, *psdSizes* will be scaled down uniformly, until *num* is obtained (see :yref:`appliedPsdScaling<yade._packSpheres.SpherePack.appliedPsdScaling>`).\n\nBy default (with ``distributeMass==False``), the distribution is applied to particle radii. The usual sense of \"particle size distribution\" is the distribution of *mass fraction* (rather than particle count); this can be achieved with ``distributeMass=True``."
"\n\nIf *num* is defined, then sizes generation is deterministic, giving the best fit of target distribution. It enables spheres placement in descending size order, thus giving lower porosity than the random generation."
- "\n\n:param Vector3 minCorner: lower corner of the box\n:param Vector3 maxCorner: upper corner of the box\n:param float rMean: mean radius or spheres\n:param float rRelFuzz: dispersion of radius relative to rMean\n:param int num: number of spheres to be generated. If negavite (default), generate as many as possible with stochastic sizes, ending after a fixed number of tries to place the sphere in space, else generate exactly *num* spheres with deterministic size distribution.\n:param bool periodic: whether the packing to be generated should be periodic\n:param float porosity: initial guess for the iterative generation procedure (if *num*>1). The algorithm will be retrying until the number of generated spheres is *num*. The first iteration tries with the provided porosity, but next iterations increase it if necessary (hence an initialy high porosity can speed-up the algorithm). If *psdSizes* is not defined, *rRelFuzz* ($z$) and *num* ($N$) are used so that the porosity given ($\\rho$) is approximately achieved at the end of generation, $r_m=\\sqrt[3]{\\frac{V(1-\\rho)}{\\frac{4}{3}\\pi(1+z^2)N}}$. The default is $\\rho$=0.5. The optimal value depends on *rRelFuzz* or *psdSizes*.\n:param psdSizes: sieve sizes (particle diameters) when particle size distribution (PSD) is specified\n:param psdCumm: cummulative fractions of particle sizes given by *psdSizes*; must be the same length as *psdSizes* and should be non-decreasing\n:param bool distributeMass: if ``True``, given distribution will be used to distribute sphere's mass rather than radius of them.\n:returns: number of created spheres, which can be lower than *num* depending on the method used.\n")
+ "\n\n:param Vector3 minCorner: lower corner of the box\n:param Vector3 maxCorner: upper corner of the box\n:param float rMean: mean radius or spheres\n:param float rRelFuzz: dispersion of radius relative to rMean\n:param int num: number of spheres to be generated. If negavite (default), generate as many as possible with stochastic sizes, ending after a fixed number of tries to place the sphere in space, else generate exactly *num* spheres with deterministic size distribution.\n:param bool periodic: whether the packing to be generated should be periodic\n:param float porosity: initial guess for the iterative generation procedure (if *num*>1). The algorithm will be retrying until the number of generated spheres is *num*. The first iteration tries with the provided porosity, but next iterations increase it if necessary (hence an initialy high porosity can speed-up the algorithm). If *psdSizes* is not defined, *rRelFuzz* ($z$) and *num* ($N$) are used so that the porosity given ($\\rho$) is approximately achieved at the end of generation, $r_m=\\sqrt[3]{\\frac{V(1-\\rho)}{\\frac{4}{3}\\pi(1+z^2)N}}$. The default is $\\rho$=0.5. The optimal value depends on *rRelFuzz* or *psdSizes*.\n:param psdSizes: sieve sizes (particle diameters) when particle size distribution (PSD) is specified\n:param psdCumm: cummulative fractions of particle sizes given by *psdSizes*; must be the same length as *psdSizes* and should be non-decreasing\n:param bool distributeMass: if ``True``, given distribution will be used to distribute sphere's mass rather than radius of them.\n:param seed: number used to initialize the random number generator.\n:returns: number of created spheres, which can be lower than *num* depending on the method used.\n")
.def("psd",&SpherePack::psd,(python::arg("bins")=50,python::arg("mass")=true),"Return `particle size distribution <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_size_distribution>`__ of the packing.\n:param int bins: number of bins between minimum and maximum diameter\n:param mass: Compute relative mass rather than relative particle count for each bin. Corresponds to :yref:`distributeMass parameter for makeCloud<yade.pack.SpherePack.makeCloud>`.\n:returns: tuple of ``(cumm,edges)``, where ``cumm`` are cummulative fractions for respective diameters and ``edges`` are those diameter values. Dimension of both arrays is equal to ``bins+1``.")
// new psd
- .def("particleSD",&SpherePack::particleSD,(python::arg("minCorner"),python::arg("maxCorner"),python::arg("rMean"),python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("name"),python::arg("numSph"),python::arg("radii")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("passing")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("passingIsNotPercentageButCount")=false),"Create random packing enclosed in box given by minCorner and maxCorner, containing numSph spheres. Returns number of created spheres, which can be < num if the packing is too tight. The computation is done according to the given psd.")
- .def("particleSD2",&SpherePack::particleSD2,(python::arg("radii"),python::arg("passing"),python::arg("numSph"),python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("cloudPorosity")=.8),"Create random packing following the given particle size distribution (radii and volume/mass passing for each fraction) and total number of particles *numSph*. The cloud size (periodic or aperiodic) is computed from the PSD and is always cubic.")
+ .def("particleSD",&SpherePack::particleSD,(python::arg("minCorner"),python::arg("maxCorner"),python::arg("rMean"),python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("name"),python::arg("numSph"),python::arg("radii")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("passing")=vector<Real>(),python::arg("passingIsNotPercentageButCount")=false,python::arg("seed")=0),"Create random packing enclosed in box given by minCorner and maxCorner, containing numSph spheres. Returns number of created spheres, which can be < num if the packing is too tight. The computation is done according to the given psd.")
+ .def("particleSD2",&SpherePack::particleSD2,(python::arg("radii"),python::arg("passing"),python::arg("numSph"),python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("cloudPorosity")=.8,python::arg("seed")=0),"Create random packing following the given particle size distribution (radii and volume/mass passing for each fraction) and total number of particles *numSph*. The cloud size (periodic or aperiodic) is computed from the PSD and is always cubic.")
.def("makeClumpCloud",&SpherePack::makeClumpCloud,(python::arg("minCorner"),python::arg("maxCorner"),python::arg("clumps"),python::arg("periodic")=false,python::arg("num")=-1),"Create random loose packing of clumps within box given by *minCorner* and *maxCorner*. Clumps are selected with equal probability. At most *num* clumps will be positioned if *num* is positive; otherwise, as many clumps as possible will be put in space, until maximum number of attemps to place a new clump randomly is attained.")
.def("aabb",&SpherePack::aabb_py,"Get axis-aligned bounding box coordinates, as 2 3-tuples.")