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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 3006: - account for sweepLength in bounds comparisons of Collider::probeVolume()


revno: 3006
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2012-01-26 12:19:05 +0100
  - account for sweepLength in bounds comparisons of Collider::probeVolume()
  - removed unused file


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=== removed file 'lib/triangulation/Tesselation.cpp'
--- lib/triangulation/Tesselation.cpp	2011-05-02 09:17:49 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/Tesselation.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-#include "Tesselation.h"
-#include "CGAL/constructions/constructions_on_weighted_points_cartesian_3.h"
-//Tesselation TESSELATION = Tesselation();
-using namespace std;
-namespace CGT {
-Tesselation::Tesselation ( void )
-//  std::cout << "Tesselation(void)" << std::endl;
-	Tri = new RTriangulation;
-	Tes = Tri;
-	computed=false;
-	max_id = -1;
-	TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume=0;
-	area=0;
-	TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity=0;
-	TotalInternalVoronoiVolume=0;
-	redirected = false;
-	//FIXME : find a better way to avoid segfault when insert() is used before resizing this vector
-	vertexHandles.resize(1000000);
-Tesselation::Tesselation ( RTriangulation &T )
-		: Tri ( &T ), Tes ( &T ), computed ( false )
-	std::cout << "Tesselation(RTriangulation &T)" << std::endl;
-	Compute();
-Tesselation::~Tesselation ( void )
-	if ( Tri ) Tri->~RTriangulation();
-void Tesselation::Clear ( void )
-	Tri->clear();
-	max_id=0;
-	redirected = false;
-	vertexHandles.clear();
-Vertex_handle Tesselation::insert ( Real x, Real y, Real z, Real rad, unsigned int id, bool isFictious )
-	Vertex_handle Vh;
-	Vh = Tri->insert(Sphere(Point(x,y,z),pow(rad,2)));
-	if ( Vh!=NULL )
-	{
-		Vh->info() = id;
-		Vh->info().isFictious = isFictious;
-		vertexHandles[id] = Vh;
-		/*if ( !isFictious ) */max_id = std::max ( max_id, (int) id );
-	}
-	else cout << id <<  " : Vh==NULL!!" << endl;
-	return Vh;
-Vertex_handle Tesselation::move ( Real x, Real y, Real z, Real rad, unsigned int id )
-	bool fictious = vertexHandles[id]->info().isFictious;
-	Vertex_handle Vh;
-	Vh = Tri->move_point ( vertexHandles[id], Sphere ( Point ( x,y,z ),pow ( rad,2 ) ) );
-	if ( Vh!=NULL )
-	{
-		vertexHandles[id] = Vh;
-		Vh->info() = id;
-		Vh->info().isFictious = fictious;
-	}
-	else cerr << "Vh==NULL" << " id=" << id << " Point=" << Point ( x,y,z ) << " rad=" << rad << endl;
-	return Vh;
-bool Tesselation::redirect ( void )
-	if ( !redirected )
-	{
-		//Set size of the redirection vector
-		if ( (unsigned int)max_id+1 != vertexHandles.size() ) vertexHandles.resize ( max_id+1 );
-		//cout << "!redirected" << endl;
-		max_id = 0;
-		Finite_vertices_iterator vertices_end = Tri->finite_vertices_end ();
-		for ( Finite_vertices_iterator V_it = Tri->finite_vertices_begin (); V_it !=  vertices_end; V_it++ )
-		{
-			vertexHandles[V_it->info().id()]= V_it;
-			max_id = max(max_id, (int) V_it->info().id());
-			//if ( ! ( V_it->info().isFictious ) ) vertexHandles[V_it->info().id() ]= V_it;
-			//std::cout<< "Cell " << V_it->info().id() << ": v=" << V_it->info().v() << std::endl;
-		}
-		if ( (unsigned int)max_id+1 != vertexHandles.size() ) vertexHandles.resize ( max_id+1 );
-		redirected = true;
-	} else return false;
-	return true;
-bool Tesselation::remove ( unsigned int id )
-	redirect();
-	Tri->remove ( vertexHandles[id] );
-	return true;
-Finite_cells_iterator Tesselation::finite_cells_begin ( void )
-{ return Tri->finite_cells_begin(); }
-Finite_cells_iterator Tesselation::finite_cells_end ( void )
-{ return Tri->finite_cells_end(); }
-void Tesselation::Voisins ( Vertex_handle v, Vector_Vertex& Output_vector )
-{ Tri->incident_vertices ( v, back_inserter ( Output_vector ) ); }
-RTriangulation& Tesselation::Triangulation ( void )
-{ return *Tri; }
-Real Tesselation::Volume ( Finite_cells_iterator cell )
-	return ( Tetraedre ( cell->vertex ( 0 )->point(), cell->vertex ( 1 )->point(),
-						 cell->vertex ( 2 )->point(), cell->vertex ( 3 )->point() ) ).volume();
-Plan Tesselation::Dual ( Vertex_handle S1, Vertex_handle S2 )
-	Segment seg ( S1->point(), S2->point() );
-	Real r = 0.5* ( 1.0 + ( ( S1->point() ).weight() * ( S1->point() ).weight() - ( S2->point() ).weight() * ( S2->point() ).weight() ) /seg.squared_length() );
-	return Plan ( S1->point() + seg.to_vector() *r, seg.to_vector() );
-Point Tesselation::Dual ( const Cell_handle &cell )
-	return cell->info();
-void Tesselation::Compute ()
-	redirect();
-	Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = Tri->finite_cells_end();
-	for ( Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri->finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
-	{
-		const Sphere& S0 = cell->vertex ( 0 )->point();
-		const Sphere& S1 = cell->vertex ( 1 )->point();
-		const Sphere& S2 = cell->vertex ( 2 )->point();
-		const Sphere& S3 = cell->vertex ( 3 )->point();
-		Real x,y,z;
-		CGAL::weighted_circumcenterC3 (
-			S0.point().x(), S0.point().y(), S0.point().z(), S0.weight(),
-			S1.point().x(), S1.point().y(), S1.point().z(), S1.weight(),
-			S2.point().x(), S2.point().y(), S2.point().z(), S2.weight(),
-			S3.point().x(), S3.point().y(), S3.point().z(), S3.weight(),
-			x, y, z );
-		cell->info() =Point ( x,y,z );
-	}
-	computed = true;
-long Tesselation::New_liste_adjacent_edges ( Vertex_handle vertex0, Real** Coordonnes )
-	Delete_liste_edges ( Coordonnes );
-	*Coordonnes = new Real [600];
-	long k = 0;
-	Finite_edges_iterator ed_it;
-	for ( ed_it = Tri->finite_edges_begin(); ed_it != Tri->finite_edges_end(); ed_it++ )
-	{
-		if ( ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->second ) == vertex0 || ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third ) == vertex0 )
-		{
-			Point p;
-			Facet_circulator facet0, facet;
-			facet0 =  Tri->incident_facets ( *ed_it );
-			bool pass = false;
-			for ( facet = facet0; ! ( facet == facet0 && pass ) ; facet++ )
-			{
-				pass = true;
-				if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( ( *facet ).first ) && !Tri->is_infinite ( ( *facet ).first->neighbor ( ( *facet ).second ) ) )
-				{
-// 					cout << "p.x()     = " << p.x() << "p.y()     = " << p.y() << "p.z()     = " << p.z() << endl;
-					p = ( *facet ).first->info();
-					( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-					p = ( *facet ).first->neighbor ( ( *facet ).second )->info();
-					( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return k/6;
-long Tesselation::New_liste_short_edges2 ( Real** Coordonnes )
-	Delete_liste_edges ( Coordonnes );
-	//long j = 6 * T.number_of_finite_edges();
-	long Nff = Tri->number_of_finite_facets();
-	*Coordonnes = new Real [6 * Nff];
-	long k = 0;
-	Point p, p2;
-	Finite_facets_iterator f_it;  //une facette = { cell, long }
-	Cell_handle cell;
-// long id_facet ;
-// Locate_type lt;
-// int n, m;
-	CGAL::Object result;    //utilis� pour le retour du pr�dicat CGAL::intersection
-	// const Edge & e : (e.first, e.second, e.third) == const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j
-	//H2.top("initialisation de la liste de segments");
-	for ( f_it = Tri->finite_facets_begin(); f_it != Tri->finite_facets_end(); f_it++ )
-	{
-		if ( is_short ( f_it ) )
-		{
-			p = f_it->first->info();
-			( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-			Cell_handle cell = f_it->first->neighbor ( f_it->second );
-			p = cell->info();
-			( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-		}
-	}
-	return k/6;
-bool Tesselation::is_short ( Finite_facets_iterator f_it )
-	Cell_handle cell1 = f_it->first;
-	Cell_handle cell2 = cell1->neighbor ( f_it->second );
-//  return ( !Tri->is_infinite(cell1->neighbor(1)) &&  !Tri->is_infinite(cell1->neighbor(2))
-//    && !Tri->is_infinite(cell1->neighbor(3))  && !Tri->is_infinite(cell1->neighbor(0))
-//    && !Tri->is_infinite(cell2->neighbor(1)) &&  !Tri->is_infinite(cell2->neighbor(2))
-//    && !Tri->is_infinite(cell2->neighbor(3))  && !Tri->is_infinite(cell2->neighbor(0)) );
-	return ( !Tri->is_infinite ( cell1 ) &&  !Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) );
-long Tesselation::New_liste_short_edges ( Real** Coordonnes )
-	Delete_liste_edges ( Coordonnes );
-	//long j = 6 * T.number_of_finite_edges();
-	long Nff = Tri->number_of_finite_facets();
-	*Coordonnes = new Real [6 * Nff];
-	long k = 0;
-	int n = 0;
-	Point p, p2;
-	Point v1, v2, v3;
-	Finite_facets_iterator f_it;  //une facette = { cell, long }
-	Cell_handle cell, location;
-	long id_facet ;
-	CGAL::Object result;    //utilis� pour le retour du pr�dicat CGAL::intersection
-	// const Edge & e : (e.first, e.second, e.third) == const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j
-	//H2.top("initialisation de la liste de segments");
-	for ( f_it = Tri->finite_facets_begin(); f_it != Tri->finite_facets_end(); f_it++ )
-	{
-		id_facet = f_it->second;    //indice de la facette dans la cellule
-		cell = f_it->first->neighbor ( id_facet );   //Deuxi�me cellule adjacente
-		if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( f_it->first ) && !Tri->is_infinite ( cell ) )
-		{
-			p = f_it->first->info();
-			p2 = cell->info();
-			location = Tri->locate ( p );
-			if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( location ) )
-			{
-				( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-				location = Tri->locate ( p2 );
-				if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( location ) ) { p = p2; }
-				else
-				{
-					n = 0;
-					v1 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point(); n++;
-					v2 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point();  n++;
-					v3 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point(); n++;
-					Plan P1 ( v1, v2, v3 );
-					result = CGAL::intersection ( P1, Droite ( p, p2 ) );
-					if ( !CGAL::assign ( p, result ) ) std::cout << "pas de point d'intersection!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
-				}
-				( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				location = Tri->locate ( p2 );
-				if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( location ) )
-				{
-					( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p2.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p2.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p2.z();
-					n = 0;
-					n = 0;
-					v1 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point(); n++;
-					v2 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point();  n++;
-					v3 = f_it->first->vertex ( n == id_facet ? ++n : n )->point(); n++;
-					Plan P1 ( v1, v2, v3 );
-					result = CGAL::intersection ( P1, Droite ( p, p2 ) );
-					if ( !CGAL::assign ( p, result ) ) std::cout << "pas de point d'intersection!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
-					( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return k/6;
-long Tesselation::New_liste_edges ( Real** Coordonnes )
-	Delete_liste_edges ( Coordonnes );
-	//long j = 6 * T.number_of_finite_edges();
-	long Nff = Tri->number_of_finite_facets();
-	*Coordonnes = new Real [6 * Nff];
-	long k = 0;
-	Point p;
-	// const Edge & e : (e.first, e.second, e.third) == const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j
-	//H2.top("initialisation de la liste de segments");
-	for ( Finite_facets_iterator f_it = Tri->finite_facets_begin(); f_it != Tri->finite_facets_end(); f_it++ )
-	{
-		if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( f_it->first ) )
-		{
-			p = f_it->first->info();
-			//}
-			( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-			Cell_handle cell = f_it->first->neighbor ( f_it->second );
-			if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( cell ) )
-			{
-				p = cell->info();
-			}
-			( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.x(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.y(); ( *Coordonnes ) [k++] = p.z();
-		}
-	}
-	return Nff;
-Segment Tesselation::Dual ( Finite_facets_iterator &f_it )
-	return Segment ( f_it->first->info(), ( f_it->first->neighbor ( f_it->second ) )->info() );
-double Tesselation::ComputeVFacetArea ( Finite_edges_iterator ed_it )
-	Cell_circulator cell0 = Tri->incident_cells ( *ed_it );
-	Cell_circulator cell2 = cell0;
-	if ( Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) )
-	{
-		++cell2;
-		while ( Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) && cell2!=cell0 ) ++cell2;
-		if ( cell2==cell0 ) return 0;
-	}
-	cell0=cell2++;
-	Cell_circulator cell1=cell2++;
-	Real area = 0;
-	while ( cell2!=cell0 )
-	{
-	  	area+= sqrt(std::abs (( Triangle ( cell0->info(), cell1->info(), cell2->info() ) ).squared_area())) ;
-		++cell1; 
-		++cell2;
-	}
-	return area;
-void Tesselation::AssignPartialVolume ( Finite_edges_iterator& ed_it )
-	//Edge_iterator ed_it
-	Cell_circulator cell0=Tri->incident_cells ( *ed_it );
-	Cell_circulator cell2=cell0;
-	if ( Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) )
-	{
-		++cell2;
-		while ( Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) && cell2!=cell0 ) ++cell2;
-		if ( cell2==cell0 ) return;
-	}
-	cell0=cell2++;
-	Cell_circulator cell1=cell2++;
-	//std::cout << "edge : " << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->second )->info().id() << "-" << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third )->info().id() << std::endl;
-	bool isFictious1 = ( ed_it->first )->vertex ( ed_it->second )->info().isFictious;
-	bool isFictious2 = ( ed_it->first )->vertex ( ed_it->third )->info().isFictious;
-	Real r;
-	//cout << "cell0 : " <<  cell0->vertex(0)->info().id() << " "
-	//   <<  cell0->vertex(1)->info().id() << " "
-	//   <<  cell0->vertex(2)->info().id() << " "
-	//   <<  cell0->vertex(3)->info().id() << "(center : " << (Point) cell0->info() << ")" <<   endl;
-	while ( cell2!=cell0 )
-	{
-		if ( !Tri->is_infinite ( cell1 )  && !Tri->is_infinite ( cell2 ) )
-		{
-			// cout << "cell1 : " <<  cell1->vertex(0)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell1->vertex(1)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell1->vertex(2)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell1->vertex(3)->info().id() << "(center : " << (Point) cell1->info() << ")" << endl;
-			// cout << "cell2 : " <<  cell2->vertex(0)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell2->vertex(1)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell2->vertex(2)->info().id() << " "
-			//   <<  cell2->vertex(3)->info().id() << "(center : " << (Point) cell2->info() << ")" << endl;
-			//std::cout << "assign tetra : (" << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->second )->point() << "),(" << cell0->info() << "),(" << cell1->info() << "),(" <<cell2->info() << ")" << std::endl;
-			if ( !isFictious1 )
-			{
-				r = std::abs ( ( Tetraedre ( ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->second )->point(), cell0->info(), cell1->info(), cell2->info() ) ).volume() );
-				//std::cout << "assigned1=" << r << " on " << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->second )->info().id() << std::endl;
-				( ed_it->first )->vertex ( ed_it->second )->info().v() += r;
-				TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume+=r;
-			}
-			//std::cout << "assign tetra : (" << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third )->point() << "),(" << cell0->info() << "),(" << cell1->info() << "),(" <<cell2->info() << ")" << std::endl;
-			if ( !isFictious2 )
-			{
-				r = std::abs ( ( Tetraedre ( ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third )->point(), cell0->info(),  cell1->info(), cell2->info() ) ).volume() );
-				//std::cout << "assigned2=" << r << " on " << ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third )->info().id() << std::endl;
-				ed_it->first->vertex ( ed_it->third )->info().v() +=r;
-				TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume+=r;
-			}
-		}
-		++cell1; ++cell2;
-	}
-	//std::cout << "fin AssignPartialVolume" << std::endl;
-void Tesselation::ResetVCellVolumes ( void )
-	for ( Vertex_iterator  V_it = Tri->vertices_begin (); V_it !=  Tri->vertices_end (); V_it++ )
-	{
-		V_it->info().v() =0;
-	}
-	TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume=0;
-	TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity=0;
-void Tesselation::ComputeVolumes ( void )
-	if ( !computed ) Compute();
-	ResetVCellVolumes();
-	for ( Finite_edges_iterator ed_it=Tri->finite_edges_begin(); ed_it!=Tri->finite_edges_end();ed_it++ )
-	{
-		AssignPartialVolume ( ed_it );
-	}
-	//Delete volume for spheres on the boarders of the packing
-	//FIXME: find a way to compute a volume correctly for spheres of the boarders.
-//  Vector_Vertex boarder_vertices;
-//  Voisins(Tri->infinite_vertex (), boarder_vertices);
-//  unsigned int l = boarder_vertices.size();
-//  for (unsigned int i=0; i<l; ++i)  boarder_vertices[i]->info().v()=0;
-//  cout << "TotalVolume : " << TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume << endl;
-void Tesselation::ComputePorosity ( void )  //WARNING : This function will erase real volumes of cells
-	// and replace it with porosity
-	ComputeVolumes();
-	//Real rr=0;
-	Finite_vertices_iterator vertices_end = Tri->finite_vertices_end ();
-	for ( Finite_vertices_iterator V_it = Tri->finite_vertices_begin (); V_it !=  vertices_end; V_it++ )
-	{
-		if ( V_it->info().v() && !V_it->info().isFictious )
-		{
-			Real r = 4.188790 * std::pow ( ( V_it->point().weight() ),1.5 );// 4/3*PI*R³ = 4.188...*R³
-			TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity+=r;
-			//rr+=V_it->info().v();
-			TotalInternalVoronoiVolume += V_it->info().v();
-			V_it->info().v() =
-				( V_it->info().v() - r )
-				/ V_it->info().v();
-			//std::cout << "Cell " << V_it->info().id() << ": V_it->point().weight()=" << V_it->point().weight() << std::endl;
-			std::cout << "Cell " << V_it->info().id() << ": v=" << V_it->info().v() << " radius=" << sqrt ( V_it->point().weight() ) << " volume sphere ="<< r << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
-	std::cout << "total internal solid = " << TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity << std::endl;
-	std::cout << "TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume = " << TotalFiniteVoronoiVolume << std::endl;
-	std::cout << "TotalInternalVoronoiVolume = " << TotalInternalVoronoiVolume << std::endl;
-	TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity= ( TotalInternalVoronoiVolume-TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity ) /TotalInternalVoronoiVolume;
-	std::cout << "TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity = " << TotalInternalVoronoiPorosity << std::endl;
-bool Tesselation::is_internal ( Finite_facets_iterator &facet )
-	return ( !Tri->is_infinite ( facet->first ) &&  !Tri->is_infinite ( facet->first->neighbor ( facet->second ) ) );
-// Real& Tesselation::Volume(unsigned int id)
-// {
-//  return vertexHandles[id]->info().v();
-// }
-} //namespace CGT

=== modified file 'pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.cpp'
--- pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2012-01-23 14:43:54 +0000
+++ pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2012-01-26 11:19:05 +0000
@@ -68,15 +68,19 @@
 	vector<Body::id_t> ret;
 	for( vector<Bounds>::iterator 
 			it=BB[0].vec.begin(),et=BB[0].vec.end(); it < et; ++it)
-	{
+	{		
 		if (it->coord > bv.max[0]) break;
 		if (!it->flags.isMin || !it->flags.hasBB) continue;
 		int offset = 3*it->id;
-		if (!(maxima[offset] < bv.min[0] ||
-				minima[offset+1] > bv.max[1] ||
-				maxima[offset+1] < bv.min[1] ||
-				minima[offset+2] > bv.max[2] ||
-				maxima[offset+2] < bv.min[2] )) 
+		const shared_ptr<Body>& b=Body::byId(it->id,scene);
+		if(unlikely(!b)) continue;
+		const Real& sweepLength = b->bound->sweepLength;		
+		if (!(maxima[offset]-sweepLength < bv.min[0] ||
+			minima[offset]+sweepLength > bv.min[0] ||
+			minima[offset+1]+sweepLength > bv.max[1] ||
+			maxima[offset+1]-sweepLength < bv.min[1] ||
+			minima[offset+2]+sweepLength > bv.max[2] ||
+			maxima[offset+2]-sweepLength < bv.min[2] )) 