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YADE on GitHub. Moving main repository.


Dear yade users and developers,

I'm trying to make some changes on yade repository to allow new
contributors to push their changes into the yade main branch without
breaking it.

We (me and Bruno) are on a stage of transition the yade main trunk to
git. The new project was created on github.com [1].

Many open-source project are moving on git, because it has a lot of
positive sides, especially branching. You can find tons of information
on your own language on this topic. I will just shortly give some main
commands to start to use new yade git-branch.

Please, note, all the history of the yade was saved and migrated onto
git. Also all names of committers were fixed to escape different names
of the same person. About 12 committs were not identified, they marked
as "unknown".

Yade releases were tagged and subscribed by GPG-key (even historical
0.08.x versions!) [6].

Steps to start to work with git-branch of yade:

1. Register on github.com

2. Add your SSH key to GitHub [2]:
      On the GitHub site Click “Account Settings” >
      Click “SSH Public  Keys” > Click “Add another public key”

3. Set your username and email:
      git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname"
      git config --global user.email "your_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

4. Fork A Repo [3]:
      click the “Fork” button on the https://github.com/yade/trunk

5. Set Up Your Local Repo:
      git clone git@xxxxxxxxxx:username/trunk.git

6. Configure remotes:
      git remote add upstream git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade/trunk.git
      git fetch upstream

All these steps should be done just once.
After that you can make changes on your working branch.
To commit changes:
      git add .
      git commit -am'Commit message'
      git push origin master

"git push" can be performed once per several commits.

Changes will be pushed to your personal "fork", If you have tested your
changes and ready to push them into the main trunk, just do a "pull
request" [4]. After reviewing your changes they will be added to the
main trunk.

To pull new updates from the upstream:
      git fetch upstream

It looks a little difficult. But after some practice, you will probably
find it pretty useful and handy.
There are a lot of additional commands in git, which can be very useful.

For those, who used git already, it should not cause any problems
with new repo. The short instruction on using Yade on GitHub can be
found on wiki-page [5].

Please, note, all other services like a bug-tracker, question-section,
download files etc will remain on Launchpad.
Please, do not make direct commits to the lp:yade, this branch
automatically imports all changes from git.

I want to ask you to test this new repo and give a feedback. The
git-branch is now importing back to the branch lp:yade

If you have any questions/problems, do not hesitate to ask them.
I hope this migration will have a positive impact on the YADE development.

If we find this change too complicated, unreliable etc. we will easily
return back to our bzr-branches.

Thank you.


[1] https://github.com/yade
[2] http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/
[3] http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/
[4] http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/
[5] https://yade-dem.org/wiki/Yade_on_github
[6] https://github.com/yade/trunk/tags

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