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Re: YADE on GitHub. Moving main repository.


Good move.

I hope this will not make additional mess in wiki and/or documentation.

best regards
Janek Kozicki

Anton Gladky said:     (by the date of Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:08:46 +0100)

> Dear yade users and developers,
> I'm trying to make some changes on yade repository to allow new
> contributors to push their changes into the yade main branch without
> breaking it.
> We (me and Bruno) are on a stage of transition the yade main trunk to
> git. The new project was created on github.com [1].
> Many open-source project are moving on git, because it has a lot of
> positive sides, especially branching. You can find tons of information
> on your own language on this topic. I will just shortly give some main
> commands to start to use new yade git-branch.
> Please, note, all the history of the yade was saved and migrated onto
> git. Also all names of committers were fixed to escape different names
> of the same person. About 12 committs were not identified, they marked
> as "unknown".
> Yade releases were tagged and subscribed by GPG-key (even historical
> 0.08.x versions!) [6].
> Steps to start to work with git-branch of yade:
> 1. Register on github.com
> 2. Add your SSH key to GitHub [2]:
>       On the GitHub site Click “Account Settings” >
>       Click “SSH Public  Keys” > Click “Add another public key”
> 3. Set your username and email:
>       git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname"
>       git config --global user.email "your_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> 4. Fork A Repo [3]:
>       click the “Fork” button on the https://github.com/yade/trunk
> 5. Set Up Your Local Repo:
>       git clone git@xxxxxxxxxx:username/trunk.git
> 6. Configure remotes:
>       git remote add upstream git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade/trunk.git
>       git fetch upstream
> All these steps should be done just once.
> After that you can make changes on your working branch.
> To commit changes:
>       git add .
>       git commit -am'Commit message'
>       git push origin master
> "git push" can be performed once per several commits.
> Changes will be pushed to your personal "fork", If you have tested your
> changes and ready to push them into the main trunk, just do a "pull
> request" [4]. After reviewing your changes they will be added to the
> main trunk.
> To pull new updates from the upstream:
>       git fetch upstream
> It looks a little difficult. But after some practice, you will probably
> find it pretty useful and handy.
> There are a lot of additional commands in git, which can be very useful.
> For those, who used git already, it should not cause any problems
> with new repo. The short instruction on using Yade on GitHub can be
> found on wiki-page [5].
> Please, note, all other services like a bug-tracker, question-section,
> download files etc will remain on Launchpad.
> Please, do not make direct commits to the lp:yade, this branch
> automatically imports all changes from git.
> I want to ask you to test this new repo and give a feedback. The
> git-branch is now importing back to the branch lp:yade
> If you have any questions/problems, do not hesitate to ask them.
> I hope this migration will have a positive impact on the YADE development.
> If we find this change too complicated, unreliable etc. we will easily
> return back to our bzr-branches.
> Thank you.
> Anton
> [1] https://github.com/yade
> [2] http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/
> [3] http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/
> [4] http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/
> [5] https://yade-dem.org/wiki/Yade_on_github
> [6] https://github.com/yade/trunk/tags

Janek Kozicki                               http://janek.kozicki.pl/  |

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