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Authors and contributors


Dear contributors,

In 2010, we formalized a set of chapters of Yade's documentation, with
associated bibliographic references (*1).
The list of authors have been built automatically based on the blamelist
of the documentation itslef (basically, one line of documentation was
enough to be co-author).
In the same move, we updated the "authors and contributors" page of the
wiki (*2).

After more than two years, it seems there is a need to reflect the
evolution of the developers base and acknowledge fresh blood. Looking at
Ohloh stats (*3), it is easy to find contributors who are not even named
in the "contributors" page of the wiki. This is not serious.

So my proposal is to:
1. use Ohlo's stats to refresh the wiki's list (this is easy and can be
done quickly)
2. At some point, maybe release a 2nd edition of yade's documentation
with additional co-authors. It means practically nothing to do. Just to
name the 2nd release and generate stable pdf's for it. Let me insist on
the fact that being co-author is granted to people producing some
documentation, not just implementing something.

Any remark/objection/suggestion about this?


p.s. FYI, there is now a Yade page on google scholar, that you can use
to track citations (*4). It is a good way to discover people doing
something with our favorite DEM code. ;) Interestingly, some users we
never hear about seem to be successful.

*1: https://www.yade-dem.org/doc/citing.html
*2: https://yade-dem.org/wiki/Authors_and_contributors
*3: http://www.ohloh.net/p/yade/contributors/summary
*4: http://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=hZB8GGcAAAAJ&hl=en

Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53
38041 Grenoble cedex 9
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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