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Re: Yade Workshop in Grenoble


Dear devs,
In addition to the message below, a few things:
- devs planning to come (based on your answers) are listed as invited in
the webpage, if I forgot someone please let me know,
- the next step for me is to define more precisely who has something to
say on each sub-topic, I started discussing that with some of you, not
all. If you can send me topics on which you have something to present
(can be just one slide, or even raising a point without slide, I don't
want it to be formal - day 1 excepted).
So, please, let me know on which points you think you can participate
- Klaus suggested to have time for working together on code, website,
examples,... I liked the idea. There is half a day blocked for that. But
actually, if some of you are planning to stay for a few days after the
workshop they are very welcome. We can continue working until the end of
the week.



On 19/03/14 10:26, Bruno Chareyre wrote:
> Dear all,
> This message is to announce the
>             1st YADE Workshop(*), in Grenoble, july 7 to july 9, 2014.
> The webpage (in construction) can be found here: https://yade-dem.org/wiki/1st_Yade_Workshop
> The main objectives of this workshop are to gather people interested in DEM-related developments, to discuss things like algorithmic issues, performance, parallelization, new models and couplings, experiences with various softwares, etc.
> Applications of the DEM are welcome in the first day of the workshop, especially for those applications that require new developments.
> The second day will be dedicated to numerical and development aspects in DEM.
> The third day will take the form of less formal meetings really focused on the Yade project, with limited number of participants.
> This workshop should be the opportunity for us all to know each other more directly, share ideas and experience with Yade and other DEM softwares.
> Informations about the program and registration will be updated on the webpage (https://yade-dem.org/wiki/1st_Yade_Workshop)
> With best regards.
> Bruno Chareyre
> (*) Yet Another Discrete Element workshop!

Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53
38041 Grenoble cedex 9
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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