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autorisation to push directly on git/trunk


Hi Yade dev.
To avoid to make pull requests on github, I tried to push directly a LBM script example on Yade's git/trunk, however I obtained the following message:

lsibille@dt-med008:~/YADE_Mtrunk/trunk$ git push
ERROR: Permission to yade/trunk.git denied to lsibille.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I guess it is because I am not included in the yade-dev team? Thus could I join the yade-dev team and push directly in the trunk?


Luc Sibille
Université Joseph Fourier / IUT1 de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3SR UMR CNRS

Tel lab.: +33 (0)4 76 82 63 48
Tel IUT: +33 (0)4 76 82 53 36

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