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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3925: Remove some deprecated scripts.


revno: 3925
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Wed 2016-08-10 22:37:12 +0200
  Remove some deprecated scripts.


Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
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=== modified file 'lib/serialization/Serializable.cpp'
--- lib/serialization/Serializable.cpp	2014-05-23 13:03:50 +0000
+++ lib/serialization/Serializable.cpp	2016-08-10 20:37:12 +0000
@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@
 		.def("dict",&Serializable::pyDict,"Return dictionary of attributes.")
 		.def("updateAttrs",&Serializable::pyUpdateAttrs,"Update object attributes from given dictionary")
-		#if 1
 			/* boost::python pickling support, as per http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/python/doc/v2/pickle.html */ 
 			.add_property("__safe_for_unpickling__",&Serializable::getClassName,"just define the attr, return some bogus data")
 			.add_property("__getstate_manages_dict__",&Serializable::getClassName,"just define the attr, return some bogus data")
-		#endif
 		// constructor with dictionary of attributes
 		// comparison operators

=== removed file 'scripts/HTML.py'
--- scripts/HTML.py	2012-03-13 15:23:04 +0000
+++ scripts/HTML.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-HTML.py - v0.04 2009-07-28 Philippe Lagadec
-This module provides a few classes to easily generate HTML code such as tables
-and lists.
-Project website: http://www.decalage.info/python/html
-License: CeCILL (open-source GPL compatible), see source code for details.
-         http://www.cecill.info
-__version__ = '0.04'
-__date__    = '2009-07-28'
-__author__  = 'Philippe Lagadec'
-#--- LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright Philippe Lagadec - see http://www.decalage.info/contact for contact info
-# This module provides a few classes to easily generate HTML tables and lists.
-# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
-# modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-# "http://www.cecill.info";.
-# A copy of the CeCILL license is also provided in these attached files:
-# Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html and Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.html
-# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
-# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-# with a limited warranty  and the software's author, the holder of the
-# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-# liability.
-# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
-# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
-# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
-# same conditions as regards security.
-# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
-#--- CHANGES ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# 2008-10-06 v0.01 PL: - First version
-# 2008-10-13 v0.02 PL: - added cellspacing and cellpadding to table
-#                      - added functions to ease one-step creation of tables
-#                        and lists
-# 2009-07-21 v0.03 PL: - added column attributes and styles (first attempt)
-#                        (thanks to an idea submitted by Michal Cernoevic)
-# 2009-07-28 v0.04 PL: - improved column styles, workaround for Mozilla
-# - method to return a generator (yield each row) instead of a single string
-# - unicode support (input and output)
-# - escape text in cells (optional)
-# - constants for standard colors
-# - use lxml to generate well-formed HTML ?
-# - add classes/functions to generate a HTML page, paragraphs, headings, etc...
-#--- THANKS --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# - Michal Cernoevic, for the idea of column styles.
-#--- REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------
-# HTML 4.01 specs: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html
-# Colors: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-color
-# Columns alignement and style, one of the oldest and trickiest bugs in Mozilla:
-# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=915
-#--- CONSTANTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# Table style to get thin black lines in Mozilla/Firefox instead of 3D borders
-TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER = "border: 1px solid #000000; border-collapse: collapse;"
-#TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER = "border: 1px solid #000000;"
-#=== CLASSES ===================================================================
-class TableCell (object):
-    """
-    a TableCell object is used to create a cell in a HTML table. (TD or TH)
-    Attributes:
-    - text: text in the cell (may contain HTML tags). May be any object which
-            can be converted to a string using str().
-    - header: bool, false for a normal data cell (TD), true for a header cell (TH)
-    - bgcolor: str, background color
-    - width: str, width
-    - align: str, horizontal alignement (left, center, right, justify or char)
-    - char: str, alignment character, decimal point if not specified
-    - charoff: str, see HTML specs
-    - valign: str, vertical alignment (top|middle|bottom|baseline)
-    - style: str, CSS style
-    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TD/TH tag
-    Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.6
-    """
-    def __init__(self, text="", bgcolor=None, header=False, width=None,
-                align=None, char=None, charoff=None, valign=None, style=None,
-                attribs=None):
-        """TableCell constructor"""
-        self.text    = text
-        self.bgcolor = bgcolor
-        self.header  = header
-        self.width   = width
-        self.align   = align
-        self.char    = char
-        self.charoff = charoff
-        self.valign  = valign
-        self.style   = style
-        self.attribs = attribs
-        if attribs==None:
-            self.attribs = {}
-    def __str__(self):
-        """return the HTML code for the table cell as a string"""
-        attribs_str = ""
-        if self.bgcolor: self.attribs['bgcolor'] = self.bgcolor
-        if self.width:   self.attribs['width']   = self.width
-        if self.align:   self.attribs['align']   = self.align
-        if self.char:    self.attribs['char']    = self.char
-        if self.charoff: self.attribs['charoff'] = self.charoff
-        if self.valign:  self.attribs['valign']  = self.valign
-        if self.style:   self.attribs['style']   = self.style
-        for attr in self.attribs:
-            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
-        if self.text:
-            text = str(self.text)
-        else:
-            # An empty cell should at least contain a non-breaking space
-            text = '&nbsp;'
-        if self.header:
-            return '  <TH%s>%s</TH>\n' % (attribs_str, text)
-        else:
-            return '  <TD%s>%s</TD>\n' % (attribs_str, text)
-class TableRow (object):
-    """
-    a TableRow object is used to create a row in a HTML table. (TR tag)
-    Attributes:
-    - cells: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one string or TableCell
-             object for each cell
-    - header: bool, true for a header row (TH), false for a normal data row (TD)
-    - bgcolor: str, background color
-    - col_align, col_valign, col_char, col_charoff, col_styles: see Table class
-    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TR tag
-    Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.5
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cells=None, bgcolor=None, header=False, attribs=None,
-                col_align=None, col_valign=None, col_char=None,
-                col_charoff=None, col_styles=None):
-        """TableCell constructor"""
-        self.bgcolor     = bgcolor
-        self.cells       = cells
-        self.header      = header
-        self.col_align   = col_align
-        self.col_valign  = col_valign
-        self.col_char    = col_char
-        self.col_charoff = col_charoff
-        self.col_styles  = col_styles
-        self.attribs     = attribs
-        if attribs==None:
-            self.attribs = {}
-    def __str__(self):
-        """return the HTML code for the table row as a string"""
-        attribs_str = ""
-        if self.bgcolor: self.attribs['bgcolor'] = self.bgcolor
-        for attr in self.attribs:
-            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
-        result = ' <TR%s>\n' % attribs_str
-        for cell in self.cells:
-            col = self.cells.index(cell)    # cell column index
-            if not isinstance(cell, TableCell):
-                cell = TableCell(cell, header=self.header)
-            # apply column alignment if specified:
-            if self.col_align and cell.align==None:
-                cell.align = self.col_align[col]
-            if self.col_char and cell.char==None:
-                cell.char = self.col_char[col]
-            if self.col_charoff and cell.charoff==None:
-                cell.charoff = self.col_charoff[col]
-            if self.col_valign and cell.valign==None:
-                cell.valign = self.col_valign[col]
-            # apply column style if specified:
-            if self.col_styles and cell.style==None:
-                cell.style = self.col_styles[col]
-            result += str(cell)
-        result += ' </TR>\n'
-        return result
-class Table (object):
-    """
-    a Table object is used to create a HTML table. (TABLE tag)
-    Attributes:
-    - rows: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one iterable or TableRow
-            object for each row
-    - header_row: list, tuple or any iterable, containing the header row (optional)
-    - border: str or int, border width
-    - style: str, table style in CSS syntax (thin black borders by default)
-    - width: str, width of the table on the page
-    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TABLE tag
-    - col_width: list or tuple defining width for each column
-    - col_align: list or tuple defining horizontal alignment for each column
-    - col_char: list or tuple defining alignment character for each column
-    - col_charoff: list or tuple defining charoff attribute for each column
-    - col_valign: list or tuple defining vertical alignment for each column
-    - col_styles: list or tuple of HTML styles for each column
-    Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.1
-    """
-    def __init__(self, rows=None, border='1', style=None, width=None,
-                cellspacing=None, cellpadding=4, attribs=None, header_row=None,
-                col_width=None, col_align=None, col_valign=None,
-                col_char=None, col_charoff=None, col_styles=None):
-        """TableCell constructor"""
-        self.border = border
-        self.style = style
-        # style for thin borders by default
-        if style == None: self.style = TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER
-        self.width       = width
-        self.cellspacing = cellspacing
-        self.cellpadding = cellpadding
-        self.header_row  = header_row
-        self.rows        = rows
-        if not rows: self.rows = []
-        self.attribs     = attribs
-        if not attribs: self.attribs = {}
-        self.col_width   = col_width
-        self.col_align   = col_align
-        self.col_char    = col_char
-        self.col_charoff = col_charoff
-        self.col_valign  = col_valign
-        self.col_styles  = col_styles
-    def __str__(self):
-        """return the HTML code for the table as a string"""
-        attribs_str = ""
-        if self.border: self.attribs['border'] = self.border
-        if self.style:  self.attribs['style'] = self.style
-        if self.width:  self.attribs['width'] = self.width
-        if self.cellspacing:  self.attribs['cellspacing'] = self.cellspacing
-        if self.cellpadding:  self.attribs['cellpadding'] = self.cellpadding
-        for attr in self.attribs:
-            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
-        result = '<TABLE%s>\n' % attribs_str
-        # insert column tags and attributes if specified:
-        if self.col_width:
-            for width in self.col_width:
-                result += '  <COL width="%s">\n' % width
-        # The following code would also generate column attributes for style
-        # and alignement according to HTML4 specs,
-        # BUT it is not supported completely (only width) on Mozilla Firefox:
-        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=915
-##        n_cols = max(len(self.col_styles), len(self.col_width),
-##                     len(self.col_align), len(self.col_valign))
-##        for i in range(n_cols):
-##            col = ''
-##            try:
-##                if self.col_styles[i]:
-##                    col += ' style="%s"' % self.col_styles[i]
-##            except: pass
-##            try:
-##                if self.col_width[i]:
-##                    col += ' width="%s"' % self.col_width[i]
-##            except: pass
-##            try:
-##                if self.col_align[i]:
-##                    col += ' align="%s"' % self.col_align[i]
-##            except: pass
-##            try:
-##                if self.col_valign[i]:
-##                    col += ' valign="%s"' % self.col_valign[i]
-##            except: pass
-##            result += '<COL%s>\n' % col
-        # First insert a header row if specified:
-        if self.header_row:
-            if not isinstance(self.header_row, TableRow):
-                result += str(TableRow(self.header_row, header=True))
-            else:
-                result += str(self.header_row)
-        # Then all data rows:
-        for row in self.rows:
-            if not isinstance(row, TableRow):
-                row = TableRow(row)
-            # apply column alignments  and styles to each row if specified:
-            # (Mozilla bug workaround)
-            if self.col_align and not row.col_align:
-                row.col_align = self.col_align
-            if self.col_char and not row.col_char:
-                row.col_char = self.col_char
-            if self.col_charoff and not row.col_charoff:
-                row.col_charoff = self.col_charoff
-            if self.col_valign and not row.col_valign:
-                row.col_valign = self.col_valign
-            if self.col_styles and not row.col_styles:
-                row.col_styles = self.col_styles
-            result += str(row)
-        result += '</TABLE>'
-        return result
-class List (object):
-    """
-    a List object is used to create an ordered or unordered list in HTML.
-    (UL/OL tag)
-    Attributes:
-    - lines: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one string for each line
-    - ordered: bool, choice between an ordered (OL) or unordered list (UL)
-    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the OL/UL tag
-    Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/lists.html
-    """
-    def __init__(self, lines=None, ordered=False, start=None, attribs=None):
-        """List constructor"""
-        if lines:
-            self.lines = lines
-        else:
-            self.lines = []
-        self.ordered = ordered
-        self.start = start
-        if attribs:
-            self.attribs = attribs
-        else:
-            self.attribs = {}
-    def __str__(self):
-        """return the HTML code for the list as a string"""
-        attribs_str = ""
-        if self.start:  self.attribs['start'] = self.start
-        for attr in self.attribs:
-            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
-        if self.ordered: tag = 'OL'
-        else:            tag = 'UL'
-        result = '<%s%s>\n' % (tag, attribs_str)
-        for line in self.lines:
-            result += ' <LI>%s\n' % str(line)
-        result += '</%s>\n' % tag
-        return result
-##class Link (object):
-##    """
-##    a Link object is used to create link in HTML. (<a> tag)
-##    Attributes:
-##    - text: str, text of the link
-##    - url: str, URL of the link
-##    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the A tag
-##    Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4
-##    """
-##    def __init__(self, text, url=None, attribs=None):
-##        """Link constructor"""
-##        self.text = text
-##        self.url = url
-##        if attribs:
-##            self.attribs = attribs
-##        else:
-##            self.attribs = {}
-##    def __str__(self):
-##        """return the HTML code for the link as a string"""
-##        attribs_str = ""
-##        if self.url:  self.attribs['href'] = self.url
-##        for attr in self.attribs:
-##            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
-##        return '<a%s>%s</a>' % (attribs_str, text)
-#=== FUNCTIONS ================================================================
-# much simpler definition of a link as a function:
-def Link(text, url):
-    return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)
-def link(text, url):
-    return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)
-def table(*args, **kwargs):
-    'return HTML code for a table as a string. See Table class for parameters.'
-    return str(Table(*args, **kwargs))
-def list(*args, **kwargs):
-    'return HTML code for a list as a string. See List class for parameters.'
-    return str(List(*args, **kwargs))
-#=== MAIN =====================================================================
-# Show sample usage when this file is launched as a script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # open an HTML file to show output in a browser
-    f = open('test.html', 'w')
-    t = Table()
-    t.rows.append(TableRow(['A', 'B', 'C'], header=True))
-    t.rows.append(TableRow(['D', 'E', 'F']))
-    t.rows.append(('i', 'j', 'k'))
-    f.write(str(t) + '<p>\n')
-    print str(t)
-    print '-'*79
-    t2 = Table([
-            ('1', '2'),
-            ['3', '4']
-        ], width='100%', header_row=('col1', 'col2'),
-        col_width=('', '75%'))
-    f.write(str(t2) + '<p>\n')
-    print t2
-    print '-'*79
-    t2.rows.append(['5', '6'])
-    t2.rows[1][1] = TableCell('new', bgcolor='red')
-    t2.rows.append(TableRow(['7', '8'], attribs={'align': 'center'}))
-    f.write(str(t2) + '<p>\n')
-    print t2
-    print '-'*79
-    # sample table with column attributes and styles:
-    table_data = [
-            ['Smith',       'John',         30,    4.5],
-            ['Carpenter',   'Jack',         47,    7],
-            ['Johnson',     'Paul',         62,    10.55],
-        ]
-    htmlcode = HTML.table(table_data,
-        header_row = ['Last name',   'First name',   'Age', 'Score'],
-        col_width=['', '20%', '10%', '10%'],
-        col_align=['left', 'center', 'right', 'char'],
-        col_styles=['font-size: large', '', 'font-size: small', 'background-color:yellow'])
-    f.write(htmlcode + '<p>\n')
-    print htmlcode
-    print '-'*79
-    def gen_table_squares(n):
-        """
-        Generator to create table rows for integers from 1 to n
-        """
-##        # First, header row:
-##        yield TableRow(('x', 'square(x)'), header=True, bgcolor='blue')
-##        # Then all rows:
-        for x in range(1, n+1):
-            yield (x, x*x)
-    t = Table(rows=gen_table_squares(10), header_row=('x', 'square(x)'))
-    f.write(str(t) + '<p>\n')
-    print '-'*79
-    l = List(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
-    f.write(str(l) + '<p>\n')
-    l.ordered = True
-    f.write(str(l) + '<p>\n')
-    l.start=10
-    f.write(str(l) + '<p>\n')
-    f.close()

=== removed file 'scripts/default-test.py'
--- scripts/default-test.py	2009-12-13 19:27:57 +0000
+++ scripts/default-test.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# coding=UTF-8
-# this must be run inside yade
-# pass 'mail:sender@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,recipient@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' as an argument so that the crash report is e-mailed 
-# using the default SMTP settings (sendmail?) on your system
-import os,time,sys
-from yade import *
-import yade.runtime,yade.system,yade.config
-simulFile='/tmp/yade-test-%d.xml'%(os.getpid()) # generated simulations here
-pyCmdFile='/tmp/yade-test-%d.py'%(os.getpid()) # generated script here
-msgFile='/tmp/yade-test-%d.msg'%(os.getpid()) # write message here
-# generated file
-from yade import *
-simulFile='%s'; msgFile='%s'; nIter=%d;
-import time
-	O.load(simulFile)
-	O.run(10); O.wait() # run first 10 iterations
-	start=time.time(); O.run(nIter); O.wait(); finish=time.time() # run nIter iterations, wait to finish, measure elapsed time
-	speed=nIter/(finish-start); open(msgFile,'w').write('%%g iter/sec'%%speed)
-	import sys, traceback
-	traceback.print_exc()
-	sys.exit(1)
-print 'main: Yade: normal exit.'
-#generated file
-from yade import *
-print 'main: Yade: normal exit.'
-def crashProofRun(cmd,quiet=True):
-	import subprocess,os,os.path,yade.runtime
-	f=open(pyCmdFile,'w'); f.write(cmd); f.close(); 
-	if os.path.exists(msgFile): os.remove(msgFile)
-	p=subprocess.Popen([sys.executable,pyCmdFile],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,env=dict(os.environ,**{'PYTHONPATH':os.path.join(yade.config.prefix,'lib','yade'+yade.config.suffix,'py'),'DISPLAY':''}))
-	pout=p.communicate()[0]
-	retval=p.wait()
-	if not quiet: print pout
-	msg=''
-	if os.path.exists(msgFile): msg=open(msgFile,'r').readlines()[0]
-	if retval==0: return True,msg,pout
-	else:
-		# handle crash at exit :-(
-		if 'main: Yade: normal exit.' in pout: return True,msg,pout
-		return False,msg,pout
-	#'USCTGen':{'spheresFile':'examples/small.sdec.xyz'}
-for pp in yade.system.childClasses('FileGenerator'):
-	if pp in broken:
-		summary.append(pp,'skipped (broken)','');
-	params='' if pp not in genParams else (","+",".join(["%s=%s"%(k,repr(genParams[pp][k])) for k in genParams[pp]]))
-	ok1,msg1,out1=crashProofRun(runGenerator%(pp,params))
-	if not ok1:
-		reports.append([pp,'generator CRASH',out1]); summary.append([pp,'generator CRASH'])
-	else:
-		ok2,msg2,out2=crashProofRun(runSimul)
-		if not ok2: reports.append([pp,'simulation CRASH',out2]); summary.append([pp,'simulation CRASH'])
-		else: summary.append([pp,'passed (%s)'%msg2])
-	print summary[-1][0]+':',summary[-1][1]
-# delete temporaries
-for f in simulFile,msgFile,pyCmdFile:
-	if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f)
-# handle crash reports, if any
-if reports:
-	mailFrom,mailTo=None,None
-	for a in yade.runtime.argv:
-		if 'mail:' in a: mailFrom,mailTo=a.replace('mail:','').split(',')
-	reportText='\n'.join([80*'#'+'\n'+r[0]+': '+r[1]+'\n'+80*'#'+'\n'+r[2] for r in reports])
-	if mailTo and mailFrom:
-		from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-		import yade.config
-		msg=MIMEText(reportText)
-		msg['Subject']="Automated crash report for Yade "+yade.config.revision+": "+",".join([r[0] for r in reports])
-		msg['From']=mailFrom
-		msg['To']=mailTo
-		msg['Reply-To']='yade-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-		import smtplib
-		s=smtplib.SMTP()
-		s.connect()
-		s.sendmail(mailFrom,[mailTo],msg.as_string())
-		s.close()
-		print "Sent crash report to ",mailTo
-	else:
-		print "\n\n=================================== PROBLEM DETAILS ===================================\n"
-		print reportText
-print "\n\n========================================= SUMMARY ======================================\n"
-for l in summary: print "%30s: %s"%(l[0],l[1])

=== removed file 'scripts/hackett-warn-replace.py'
--- scripts/hackett-warn-replace.py	2010-04-25 15:46:26 +0000
+++ scripts/hackett-warn-replace.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This scripts attempts to replace deprecated symbols by their new equivalents based on compiler's output log. Symbol map must be
-# given explicitly (see renamedSymbols below).
-# The only command-line argument is yade's buildRoot (trunk) directory. This script further on the fact that all filenames reported
-# in compiler's warnings are relative to the buildRoot. Therefore, you better use scons to compile, since default Makefile are recursive.
-# Build log (like "scons >build.log 2>&1") is piped from standard input. It MUST be strictly sequential, i.e. no -j2 etc.
-# You may have to adjust the runCxxPattern below depending on the compiler you use. It must distinguish a compiler invocation.
-# Likewise for deprecatedPattern. It must have the following groups: file, line, symbol.
-# This one works for g++4.0 and possibly other compilers.
-deprecatedPattern=r"^(.*?):([0-9]+): warning: '.*<[a-zA-Z]*>::([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\(.*'|') is deprecated.*$"
-# All files modified are backed up to their directory with some extension like .~undeprecated~.
-import sys
-from re import *
-import logging
-from os.path import join
-import os.path
-import shutil
-from pprint import pprint
-# these symbols are class methods. Several of them are the same (like Vector{2,3}.x()), but they have been
-# fortunately renamed the same for all classes. So we don't need to distinguish that.
-# the dictionary was generated by hackett2.py from tags files
-	'ZERO':'Zero()',
-	'UNIT_X':'UnitX()',
-	'UNIT_Y':'UnitY()',
-	'UNIT_Z':'UnitZ()',
-	'ONE':'Ones()',
-	'W':'w',
-	'X':'x',
-	'Y':'y',
-	'Z':'z',
-	'Cross':'cross',
-	'Dot':'dot',
-	'Conjugate':'conjugate',
-	'Inverse':'inverse',
-	'Determinant':'determinant',
-	'Transpose':'transpose',
-	'Length':'norm',
-	'SquaredLength':'squaredNorm',
-	'Align':'setFromTwoVectors',
-	}
-# places where deprecated methods are used
-# keys are symbols, value is a list of (file,line,count)
-# this is the global dictionary
-# dtto, but for one individual compiler run; changes are merged to D afterwards
-# count of deprecation warnings, only for the heck of informing the user of what is going on
-# Symbols at different lines than the compiler reports.
-# Maps (symbol,file,line_as_reported_by_compiler) -> real_line.
-# We are not intelligent enough to do fuzzy match on line number.
-#	{('sqRoot','include/yade/yade-lib-wm3-math/Quaternion.ipp',459):455,
-#	('sqRoot','include/yade/yade-lib-wm3-math/Vector3.ipp',270):267,
-#	('x','include/yade/yade-lib-serialization/KnownFundamentalsHandler.tpp',187):188,
-#	('y','include/yade/yade-lib-serialization/KnownFundamentalsHandler.tpp',187):190,
-#	('z','include/yade/yade-lib-serialization/KnownFundamentalsHandler.tpp',187):192,
-#	('sqRoot','include/yade/yade-lib-wm3-math/Vector2.ipp',243):241}
-# parse the build log as fed by stdin
-for l in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
-	if match(runCxxPattern,l): #initialization, i.e. the compiler being run; until the next compiler run or EOF, all messages belong to this compilation.
-		# merge dictonary from the previous compiler run
-		for s in D1.keys():
-			if not s in D.keys(): # new symbol; simply add
-				D[s]=D1[s]
-				continue
-			# OK, now s is in D already
-			for ss1 in D1[s]: # iterate over locations for symbol s from this compilation
-				done=False # tmp to break the outer loop from the nested one
-				for ss in D[s]: # iterate over locations from all previous compilations
-					if ss[0]!=ss1[0]: continue # file doesn't match, doesn't belong here
-					if ss[1]!=ss1[1]: continue # line doesn't match, dtto
-					# here, symbol, file, and line match. Make sure that count also matches. It should.
-					if ss[2]==ss1[2]: # this is OK. Last compilation all report that symbol the same number of times for that line
-						done=True
-					else:
-						logging.error("%s:%d: Deprecations warning number doesn't match for `%s'"%(f,line,s))
-						# since it is a fatal logic error, bail out
-						#assert(1==0)
-				if done: continue
-				D[s].append(ss1) # warning not yet encountered at this place exactly
-		# now hashes have been merged
-		D1={}
-		continue # this input line is not further processed
-	# deprecation warning from the compiler
-	dep=match(deprecatedPattern,l)
-	if dep:
-		f=dep.group(1)
-		line=int(dep.group(2))
-		symbol=dep.group(3)
-		if 'yade/lib-miniWm3/' in f: continue # ignore warnings in wwm3 headers themselves
-		# this indicates inconsistency of what symbols are marked as deprecated and what we think these are
-		if not symbol in renamedSymbols.keys():
-			#logging.error("%s:%d: Unknown symbol `%s' reported as deprecated."%(f,line,symbol))
-			unknownDeprec.add(symbol)
-			continue
-		Dcount+=1
-		# handle cases where compiler reports wrong line number: adjust the line number
-		if (symbol,f,line) in Doffsets.keys(): line=Doffsets[(symbol,f,line)]
-		if not symbol in D1.keys(): # first warning emitted for this symbol in this file
-			D1[symbol]=[[f,line,1]] 
-			continue
-		done=False
-		# iterate over all warnings about this symbols we've had so far in this run
-		for ww in D1[symbol]:
-			if ww[0]!=f: continue
-			if ww[1]!=line: continue
-			# only care if both filename and linenumber match: increment count
-			ww[2]+=1
-			done=True
-		# otherwise create a new record
-		if not done: D1[symbol].append([f,line,1])
-logging.info('Total number of %d deprecation warnings processed.'%Dcount)
-logging.info('These symbols were reported deprecated but are not known: %s'%(', '.join(unknownDeprec)))
-## now go ahead and modify sources... :-( scared? huh, there will be many safety checks on the way, don't worry...
-# reoarganize D, so that it is hashed by (file,line) and contains (symbol,count)
-for symbol in D.keys():
-	for ss in D[symbol]:
-		file,line,count=ss
-		if not F.has_key((file,line)):
-			F[file,line]=[(symbol,count)]
-			Fcount+=count
-		else:
-			for sss in F[file,line]: # can't have the same symbol twice...
-				assert(sss!=(symbol,count))
-			F[file,line].append((symbol,count))
-			Fcount+=count
-logging.info('Merged into the total of %d usages of deprecated functions'%Fcount)
-# files that we will have to modify
-for f,l in F.keys():
-	if not f in fileList: fileList.append(f)
-logging.info('%d files to be modified'%len(fileList))
-for fName in fileList:
-	origFile=join(buildRoot,fName)
-	origFile=os.path.realpath(origFile)
-	bcupFile=origFile+'.~undeprecated~'
-	logging.info("Modifying file `%s' (%s); backup is `%s'."%(origFile,fName,bcupFile))
-	# the first branch is normal run. The second one is a dry-run, where original files are not modified
-	if 0:
-		shutil.move(origFile,bcupFile)
-		fout=open(origFile,'w')
-		fin=open(bcupFile)
-	else:
-		fin=open(origFile)
-		fout=open(bcupFile,'w')
-	lineno=0
-	for l in fin.xreadlines():
-		lineno+=1
-		if F.has_key((fName,lineno)):
-			for symbol,count in F[fName,lineno]: # this has list of symbols and their counts on this particular line
-				l2,subs=subn(r'\b'+symbol+r'\b',renamedSymbols[symbol],l) # try textual replace
-				# make sure we have found exactly the same number of matches compiler told us about!
-				# this is not the case if the expressions spans several lines or if there are local symbols with the same name as the deprecated method
-				# some cases have been already handled by the Doffset custom dictionary above
-				#if subs!=count: 
-				#	logging.info("%s:%d: Regexp found different number (%d) of `%s' than the compiler (%d).") # Fix by hand (replace by `%s'), please."%(fName,lineno,subs,symbol,count,renamedSymbols[symbol]))
-					#l=l2
-				#else:
-				logging.info('%s:%d: %s -> %s %s'%(fName,lineno,symbol,renamedSymbols[symbol],'count mismatch %d!=%d'%(subs,count) if subs!=count else ''))
-				l=l2
-		fout.write(l)

=== removed file 'scripts/hackett.py'
--- scripts/hackett.py	2013-10-16 15:24:49 +0000
+++ scripts/hackett.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Hacket is a character from Beckett's Watt. It is only briefly intorduced once at the beginning of Watt, 
-# (IIRC) shortly before Watt hears choir singing about big fat bun for everyone.
-# This script was used (once) to convert deprecated (bastardized) version of wm3 in yade to the official version
-# Arguments to provide are explained below.
-# Many things are hardcoded, don't ever try to use it without reading the source throughly.
-# You have been warned.
-# since the tags files must contain prototypes: I ran
-#  ctags-exuberant --extra=+q --c++-kinds=+pf --language-force=c++ *
-# in wm3's Foundation/Math directory as well as in yade-lib-wm3-math
-# To perform the actual conversion, I did
-#  ./hackett.py tags-ok tags-bastard ~/yade/trunk/yade-libs/yade-lib-wm3-math/src/yade-lib-wm3-math
-# where tags-ok and tags-bastard are symlinked from their respective directories
-import sys,os
-from re import *
-import string
-import logging
-from pprint import *
-import copy
-# renames that are not obvious to be guess by the first-letter-case-changing algorithm
-# (they must include class name)
-def tagsParse(tagsFile):
-	logging.info("Parsing tags file `%s'."%tagsFile)
-	tags={}
-	tagsFile=open(tagsFile)
-	for l in tagsFile:
-		l=l[:-1]
-		# ctags header
-		if l[0]=='!': continue
-		if match('^\S*operator\s.*$',l): continue # discard operators
-		if match('^.*\s[dntc]$',l): continue # discard #defines, namespaces, typedefs and classes
-		#since the text field can contain \t which is otherwise field separator, pattern is clumsy but should work
-		m=match('^(\S+|\S+operator \S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(/\^.*\$/;")\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)?.*$',l)
-		if not m:
-			logging.warn("Line `%s' not matched"%l)
-			continue
-		name,file,text,type,extra=m.groups()[0:5]
-		#print name,file,text,type,extra
-		### this is probably not needed anymore
-			# these are typedefs, like this:
-			#	Wm3::Matrix2d   Wm3Matrix2.h    /^typedef Matrix2<double> Matrix2d;$/;" t       namespace:Wm3
-			# we don't need these, since they weren't bastardized
-		if extra[0:10]=='namespace:': continue
-			# some two bizzare cases (namespace opening and something different...)
-		if extra[0:5]=='file:': continue
-			#if extra[0:6]!='class:':
-			#	logging.warning('Skipping weird tag: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s',name,file,text,type,extra)
-			#	continue
-			## we want only prototypes and function definitions
-			# perhaps they wouldn't pass through the regexp filter above anyway
-		if not type in 'pf': continue
-			# this would discard classes (have no '::'), but that should have been caught by the above as well...
-		if name.find('::')<0: continue
-			# end
-		# prepend class name to the symbol name, unless it is already contained
-		if extra[0:6]=='class':
-			clss=extra[6:]
-			if name.find(clss)!=0:
-				name=clss+'::'+name
-		if name[0:5]=='Wm3::': name=name[5:] # chop Wm3:: off the symbol name
-		# ctags escape some metacharacters, we don't nee that
-		text=text.replace('\\','')
-		isAlready=False
-		if tags.has_key(name):
-			for t in tags[name]:
-				if t[0]==type and t[1]==text and t[2]==file:
-				# exact match found, skip
-					isAlready=True
-			if isAlready: continue
-		if not tags.has_key(name): tags[name]=[]
-		tags[name].append([type,text,file,False])
-	return tags
-#pprint(bad); pprint(good)
-#for c,n in good.keys(): print c
-#for c,n in bad.keys(): print c
-#tags that are in bad but not in good
-# tags that are only renamed in bad and otherwise exist in good
-# keys are (badClss,badName), values are keys in good: (goodClss,goodName)
-# list of (class,name) tags, that have been kept intact
-for badTag in bad.keys():
-	# probably not needed
-	if match('::operator.*',badTag): continue
-	bb=bad[badTag]
-	# if the method is lowercase and uppercased appears in the good set, it was renamed
-	cls,meth=badTag.split('::')
-	goodTag=cls+'::'+meth[0].upper()+meth[1:]
-	if renamedTags.has_key(badTag): continue
-	elif good.has_key(badTag): keptTags.append(badTag)
-	elif meth[0].lower()==meth[0] and good.has_key(goodTag):
-		renamedTags[badTag]=goodTag
-	# otherwise, it is an added method that has no corresponding good class
-	else:
-		addedTags[badTag]=bb[0]
-### uncomment this to get symbols map for hackett-warn-replace.py 
-if 0:
-	r={}
-	for t in renamedTags.keys(): r[t.split('::')[-1]]=renamedTags[t].split('::')[-1]
-	for t in sorted(r.keys()): print "\t'%s':'%s',"%(t,r[t])
-	sys.exit(0)
-# now accumulate changes for particular files, so that we can iterate over files conveniently
-for t in renamedTags:
-	for bb in bad[t]:
-		f=bb[2]
-		if not f in fileReplace: fileReplace.append(f)
-######## here begins the actual work
-import shutil
-from os.path import join
-for fName in fileReplace:
-	origFile=join(badDir,fName)
-	bcupFile=origFile+'.~bastardized.0~'
-	logging.info("Processing `%s'."%origFile)
-	if 1: # if 1, files will be copied and written over; the next branch writes to "backup" files
-		shutil.move(origFile,bcupFile)
-		fout=open(origFile,'w')
-		fin=open(bcupFile)
-	else:
-		fin=open(origFile)
-		fout=open(bcupFile,'w')
-	# buffer for line that has not been syntactically terminated
-	leftOver=''
-	written=False
-	for l in fin.xreadlines():
-		if len(leftOver)>0: l=leftOver+l
-		written=False
-		for tt in renamedTags:
-			for t in bad[tt]:
-				#if t[0]!='p': continue # for now, only do prototypes...
-				#print t
-				pat=t[1][2:-4] # line hardcopy - discard leading /^ and trailing $;/" 
-				f=t[2] # filename
-				if f!=fName: continue
-				if not l.find(pat)<0:
-					if t[3]: # there are two different tags in the same file, but their text signature is the same - presumaly argument list that differs continues on the next line etc. Since it will cause erroneous output, shout to the user
-						logging.info("The method `%s' had the same tag `%s' twice (overloaded?). Please fix by hand!!!"%(tt,pat))
-						continue
-					# classes may be discarded from names
-					badMethName=tt.split('::')[-1]
-					goodMethName=renamedTags[tt].split('::')[-1]
-					# badMethName is the old method inline declarationand definition that is marked as deprecated and merely wraps the new method
-					# goodMethName is the new method
-					# badMeth and goodMeth are corresponding source lines that we will create
-					# this pattern matches both declaration and definition header. It must return return type in \1, method argument list in \2.
-					methodPattern=r'^(.*?)\b'+badMethName+r'\b\s?(\s?\(.*\)\s*(const)?)\s*(;|{).*$';
-					badMeth,count=subn(methodPattern,r'\1'+badMethName+r'\2',l)
-					goodMeth,count2=subn(methodPattern,r'\1'+goodMethName+r'\2 \4',l)
-					# match the same times for both methods (always, since pattern is the same)
-					# match at most once; otherwise output might be syntactically incorrect
-					assert(count==count2); assert(count<=1)
-					# we will append function body (wrapper) to badMeth, get rid of newline
-					badMeth=badMeth.replace('\n',''); #goodMeth=goodMeth.replace('\n','')
-					badMeth="\t__attribute__((deprecated)) inline "+badMeth
-					if count==0: leftOver=l[:-1] # the declaration is not terminated at this lines, process with the next line
-					elif count==1:
-						leftOver=''
-						t[3]=True # this particular tag has been processed by us - this allows us to list unprocessed tags at the end, if there are any, since taht would probably indicate some error
-						if t[0]=='p': # we are dealing with prototype, hence we define wrapper for goodMeth
-							args=search(r'\((.*)\)',goodMeth); # extract arguments
-							assert(args)
-							a=args.group(1);
-							args=args.group(1).split(',') # process args one by one
-							try: args.remove('') # in case of void methods, remove empty args
-							except ValueError: pass
-							# begin building the wrapper
-							badMeth+='{return '+goodMethName+'('
-							# pass it all arguments
-							for i in range(0,len(args)):
-								var=args[i].split()[-1] # for every arg, only the last word (variable name), not type
-								var=sub('\[[0-9]+\]$','',var) # remove array brackets after variable
-								badMeth+=var
-								if i<len(args)-1: badMeth+=',' # append , except after the last arg
-							badMeth+=');}\n'
-							fout.write(badMeth) # wrapper is on the line preceeding the actual method
-						fout.write(goodMeth) # write goodMeth
-						written=True
-		if not written and leftOver=='': fout.write(l) # write lines that were not interesting
-# list tags that have not been processed. There shouldn't be any.
-for tt in renamedTags:
-	for t in bad[tt]:
-		if t[3]==False: logging.warning("Tag `%s' was not processed (%s)!"%(tt,t))

=== removed file 'scripts/installOnUbuntu.sh'
--- scripts/installOnUbuntu.sh	2009-08-24 15:35:49 +0000
+++ scripts/installOnUbuntu.sh	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# This script works on Ubuntu 9.04, and possibly on new Debians.
-# It "compiles and installs" the latest YADE BZR-version.
-# The install is maximal: you will get almost all YADE functionality, even if you dont need it
-# Please, copy this script to the empty directory and start it.
-# WARNING: this will install on your machine the version, that may not work for you
-# for a while. It can happen because of some "working" commits to the repository.
-# If it happens, wait a little bit and try again. Or contact us through mailing list.
-sudo aptitude install scons libqt3-mt-dev qt3-dev-tools freeglut3-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-regex-dev fakeroot dpkg-dev build-essential g++ libboost-iostreams-dev liblog4cxx10-dev python-dev libboost-python-dev ipython python-matplotlib libsqlite3-dev python-numeric python-tk gnuplot doxygen python-pygraphviz python-epydoc libgts-dev
-bzr checkout lp:yade
-mkdir $BASEDIR/build
-mkdir $BASEDIR/build/data
-cd $BASEDIR/yade
-scons PREFIX=$BASEDIR/../build optimize=1 -j2 features=log4cxx,python,opengl,gts,openmp version=$VERSION linkStrategy=monolithic
-scons doc
-cd doc
-$BASEDIR/../../build/bin/yade-$VERSION yade-epydoc.py

=== removed file 'scripts/make-release.sh'
--- scripts/make-release.sh	2008-07-25 10:02:04 +0000
+++ scripts/make-release.sh	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# this script must be run from the top-level source directory (the one with SConstruct)
-if [ -z "$RELEASE" ]; then echo "Pass the version number as first argument"; exit 1; fi
-if [ ! -e "SConstruct" ]; then echo "Run this script from the top-level source directory (sh scripts/make-release.sh $RELEASE)"; exit 1; fi
-echo $1 > RELEASE
-cd $MYPARENT; mv $MYSUBDIR yade-$RELEASE; tar c yade-$RELEASE | bzip2 > yade-$RELEASE.tar.bz2; mv yade-$RELEASE $MYSUBDIR; cd $MYSUBDIR
-ls -l ../yade-$RELEASE.tar.bz2
-echo "All done, bye."

=== removed file 'scripts/regression-tests.py'
--- scripts/regression-tests.py	2009-11-23 12:32:14 +0000
+++ scripts/regression-tests.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Run all defined regression tests, then exit.
-Exit status is 0 on success and nonzero on failure.
-import yade.tests
-	result=yade.tests.testAll()
-	print "*********************** UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION WHILE RUNNING TESTS ******************"
-	print "******************",sys.exc_info()[0]
-	print "****************** Please report bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/yade providing the following traceback:"
-	import traceback
-	traceback.print_exc()
-	print "***************************************** Thank you *******************************"
-	sys.exit(2)
-if result.wasSuccessful():
-	print "*** ALL TESTS PASSED ***"
-	print "********************** SOME TESTS FAILED ************************"
-sys.exit(0 if result.wasSuccessful() else 1)

=== removed file 'scripts/scanreplace.py'
--- scripts/scanreplace.py	2009-12-05 10:45:14 +0000
+++ scripts/scanreplace.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# source: http://www.scons.org/wiki/ReplacementBuilder
-# used internally by scons, do not delete
-from string import Template
-def replace_action(target, source, env):
-    open(str(target[0]),'w').write(Template(open(str(source[0]),'r').read()).safe_substitute(env))
-    return 0
-def replace_string(target, source, env):
-    return None #"T %s %s" % (str(source[0]), str(target[0]))
-def generate(env, **kw):
-    action = env.Action(replace_action, replace_string)
-    env['BUILDERS']['ScanReplace'] = env.Builder(action=action, src_suffix='.in', single_source=True)
-def exists(env):
-    return 1

=== removed file 'scripts/yade-exec-wrapper'
--- scripts/yade-exec-wrapper	2010-01-09 17:26:41 +0000
+++ scripts/yade-exec-wrapper	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"""Get yade binary as the first argument. Run it, passing all other arguments.
-If yade succeeds or crashes at exit, return success, otherwise return the same error as yade.
-Purpose: run binary even if no installed in the PREFIX (using YADE_PREFIX),
-and return no error if there is only (expected) crash at exit.
-You should only run non-interactive sessions this way.
-import os,sys,subprocess
-from os.path import *
-print bin,dirname(bin)
-cmd='DISPLAY= LD_PRELOAD= YADE_PREFIX='+prefix+' '+' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
-print cmd
-print pout
-if retval==0 or 'Yade: normal exit.' in pout: sys.exit(0)

=== removed file 'scripts/ysl1.py'
--- scripts/ysl1.py	2007-03-31 06:18:17 +0000
+++ scripts/ysl1.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# 1. Move all files (.*)/([^/]*)/src/\2/(.*)$ -> \1/\3 using svn
-# 2. Rename all directories named yade-([a-z]+)-([a-z]+) -> \2 using svn
-import re,os
-#import pysvn
-#client = pysvn.Client()
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk('..'):
-	for d in ('.svn','yade-flat','include'):
-		try: dirs.remove(d)
-		except ValueError: pass
-	for d in dirs:	emptyDirs.append(d)
-	for f in files+dirs:
-		rootf=root+'/'+f
-		if action=='*/src/*':
-			m=re.match(r'(.*)/([^/]*)/src/\2/(.*)$',rootf)
-			if m:
-				newFile=m.group(1)+'/'+m.group(2)+'/'+m.group(3)
-				#client.move(rootf,newFile)
-				os.system('svn move %s %s'%(rootf,newFile))
-				dd.write(root+'\n')
-		elif action=='*/src':
-			m=re.match(r'(.*)/([^/]*)/src/([^/]*)$',rootf)
-			if m:
-				newFile=m.group(1)+'/'+m.group(2)+'/'+m.group(3)
-				#client.move(rootf.newFile)
-				os.system('svn move %s %s'%(rootf,newFile))
-				#print rootf,newFile
-		elif action=='yade-*-*':
-			m=re.match(r'(.*)/yade-([a-z]+)-([a-z-]+)$',rootf)
-			if m:
-				newDir=m.group(1)+'/'+m.group(3)
-				if m.group(3)=='dem-simulator': newDir=m.group(1)+'/spherical-dem-simulator'
-				os.system('svn move %s %s'%(rootf,newDir))
-				#print rootf,newDir
-		elif action=='pkg-*/*/*/*':
-			# target structure:
-			# {DataClass,Engine}/*/*.?pp
-			# {RenderingEngine,PreProcessor,Container}/*.?pp
-			if os.path.isdir(rootf): continue # skip dirs here
-			m=re.match(r'(.*)/pkg/([^/]+)/(Engine|DataClass|RenderingEngine|PreProcessor|Container)/([^/]*)/([^/]*/)?(.+\..pp)$',rootf)
-			#deep1=re.match(r'(.*)/pkg/([^/]+)/(PreProcessor|Container)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?(.*)$',rootf)
-			cmd=None
-			if m:
-				gg=m.groups()
-				## gg[4] will be skipped
-				# replace any references to it in SConscript files
-				script="%s/pkg/%s/SConscript"%(gg[0],gg[1])
-				if gg[2] in ['Engine','DataClass','RenderingEngine']:
-					skipped=''
-					if gg[4]: skipped+="/%s"%gg[4][:-1] ## gg[4] has trailing /
-					if len(skipped)==0: continue
-					cmd=["perl -pi~ -e's@(%s/%s)%s([^.])@\\1\\2@' %s"%(gg[2],gg[3],skipped,script)]
-					newFile="%s/pkg/%s/%s/%s/%s"%(gg[0],gg[1],gg[2],gg[3],gg[5])
-				elif gg[2] in ['PreProcessor','Container']:
-					skipped='/%s'%gg[3]
-					if gg[4]: skipped+="/%s"%gg[4][:-1]
-					cmd=["perl -pi~ -e's@(%s)%s([^.])@\\1\\2@' %s"%(gg[2],skipped,script)]
-					newFile="%s/pkg/%s/%s/%s"%(gg[0],gg[1],gg[2],gg[5])
-				else: raise RuntimeError
-				cmd+=["svn move %s %s"%(rootf,newFile)]
-				dd.write(root+'\n')
-				#print cmd[0]
-				#print cmd[1]
-				for cc in cmd: os.system(cc)
-				#os.system(cmd)
-			#	print cmd