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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 4031: move HydroForceEngine to independent source files.


revno: 4031
committer: bchareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Wed 2017-04-05 19:18:06 +0200
  move HydroForceEngine to independent source files.


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=== modified file 'pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
+++ pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
 #include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
 void ForceEngine::action(){
 	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
@@ -81,737 +81,3 @@
-void HydroForceEngine::action(){
-	/* Application of hydrodynamical forces */
-	if (activateAverage==true) averageProfile(); //Calculate the average solid profiles
-	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
-		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
-		if (!b) continue;
-		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
-		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
-		if (sphere){
-			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
-			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
-			if ((p<nCell)&&(p>=0)) {
-				Vector3r liftForce = Vector3r::Zero();
-				Vector3r dragForce = Vector3r::Zero();
-				Vector3r convAccForce = Vector3r::Zero();
-				//deterministic version
-// 				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p],0,0) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
-				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p]+vFluctX[id],vFluctY[id],vFluctZ[id]) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
-				//Drag force calculation
-				if (vRel.norm()!=0.0) {
-					dragForce = 0.5*densFluid*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,2.0)*(0.44*vRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*sphere->radius*2))*pow(1-phiPart[p],-expoRZ)*vRel;
-				}
-				//lift force calculation due to difference of fluid pressure between top and bottom of the particle
-				int intRadius = floor(sphere->radius/deltaZ);
-				if ((p+intRadius<nCell)&&(p-intRadius>0)&&(lift==true)) {
-					Real vRelTop = vxFluid[p+intRadius] -  b->state->vel[0]; // relative velocity of the fluid wrt the particle at the top of the particle
-					Real vRelBottom = vxFluid[p-intRadius] -  b->state->vel[0]; // same at the bottom
-					liftForce[2] = 0.5*densFluid*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,2.0)*Cl*(vRelTop*vRelTop-vRelBottom*vRelBottom);
-				}
-				//buoyant weight force calculation
-				Vector3r buoyantForce = -4.0/3.0*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,3.0)*densFluid*gravity;
-				if (convAccOption==true){convAccForce[0] = - convAcc[p];}
-				//add the hydro forces to the particle
-				scene->forces.addForce(id,dragForce+liftForce+buoyantForce+convAccForce);		
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void HydroForceEngine::averageProfile(){
-	//Initialization
-	int minZ;
-	int maxZ;
-	int numLayer;
-	Real deltaCenter;
-	Real zInf;
-	Real zSup;
-	Real volPart;
-	Vector3r uRel = Vector3r::Zero();
-	Vector3r fDrag  = Vector3r::Zero();
-	int nMax = nCell;
-	vector<Real> velAverageX(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageY(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageZ(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> phiAverage(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> dragAverage(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> phiAverage1(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> dragAverage1(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> velAverageX1(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageY1(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageZ1(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> phiAverage2(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> dragAverage2(nMax,0.0);
-	vector<Real> velAverageX2(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageY2(nMax,0.0);
-        vector<Real> velAverageZ2(nMax,0.0);
-	//Loop over the particles
-	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *Omega::instance().getScene()->bodies){
-		shared_ptr<Sphere> s=YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<Sphere>(b->shape); if(!s) continue;
-		const Real zPos = b->state->pos[2]-zRef;
-		int Np = floor(zPos/deltaZ);	//Define the layer number with 0 corresponding to zRef. Let the z position wrt to zero, that way all z altitude are positive. (otherwise problem with volPart evaluation)
-		if ((b->state->blockedDOFs==State::DOF_ALL)&&(zPos > s->radius)) continue;// to remove contribution from the fixed particles on the sidewalls.
-		// Relative fluid/particle velocity using also the associated fluid vel. fluct. 
-		if ((Np>=0)&&(Np<nCell)){
-			uRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[Np]+vFluctX[b->id], vFluctY[b->id],vFluctZ[b->id]) - b->state->vel;
-			// Drag force with a Dallavalle formulation (drag coef.) and Richardson-Zaki Correction (hindrance effect)
-			fDrag = 0.5*Mathr::PI*pow(s->radius,2.0)*densFluid*(0.44*uRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*2.0*s->radius))*pow((1-phiPart[Np]),-expoRZ)*uRel;
-		}
-		else fDrag = Vector3r::Zero();
-		minZ= floor((zPos-s->radius)/deltaZ);
-		maxZ= floor((zPos+s->radius)/deltaZ);
-		deltaCenter = zPos - Np*deltaZ;
-		// Loop over the cell in which the particle is contained
-		numLayer = minZ;
-		while (numLayer<=maxZ){
-			if ((numLayer>=0)&&(numLayer<nMax)){ //average under zRef does not interest us, avoid also negative values not compatible with the evaluation of volPart
-				zInf=(numLayer-Np-1)*deltaZ + deltaCenter;
-				zSup=(numLayer-Np)*deltaZ + deltaCenter;
-				if (zInf<-s->radius) zInf = -s->radius;
-				if (zSup>s->radius) zSup = s->radius;
-				//Analytical formulation of the volume of a slice of sphere
-				volPart = Mathr::PI*pow(s->radius,2)*(zSup - zInf +(pow(zInf,3)-pow(zSup,3))/(3*pow(s->radius,2)));
-				phiAverage[numLayer]+=volPart;
-				velAverageX[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
-                                velAverageY[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
-                                velAverageZ[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
-				dragAverage[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
-				if (twoSize==true){
-					if (s->radius==radiusPart1){
-						phiAverage1[numLayer]+=volPart; 
-						dragAverage1[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
-						velAverageX1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
-						velAverageY1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
-						velAverageZ1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
-					}
-					if (s->radius==radiusPart2){
-						phiAverage2[numLayer]+=volPart;
-						dragAverage2[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
-						velAverageX2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
-						velAverageY2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
-						velAverageZ2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			numLayer+=1;
-		}
-	}
-	//Normalized the weighted velocity by the volume of particles contained inside the cell
-	for(int n=0;n<nMax;n++){
-		if (phiAverage[n]!=0){
-			velAverageX[n]/=phiAverage[n];
-                        velAverageY[n]/=phiAverage[n];
-                        velAverageZ[n]/=phiAverage[n];
-			dragAverage[n]/=phiAverage[n];
-			//Normalize the concentration after
-			phiAverage[n]/=vCell;
-			if (twoSize==true){
-				if (phiAverage1[n]!=0){
-					dragAverage1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
-					velAverageX1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
-					velAverageY1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
-					velAverageZ1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
-				}
-				else {
-					dragAverage1[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageX1[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageY1[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageZ1[n]=0.0;
-				}
-				if (phiAverage2[n]!=0){
-					dragAverage2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
-					velAverageX2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
-					velAverageY2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
-					velAverageZ2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
-				}
-				else {
-					dragAverage2[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageX2[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageY2[n]=0.0;
-					velAverageZ2[n]=0.0;
-				}
-				phiAverage1[n]/=vCell;
-				phiAverage2[n]/=vCell;
-			 }
-		}
-		else {
-			velAverageX[n] = 0.0;
-                        velAverageY[n] = 0.0;
-                        velAverageZ[n] = 0.0;
-			dragAverage[n] = 0.0;
-			if (twoSize==true){
-				dragAverage1[n] = 0.0;
-				dragAverage2[n] = 0.0;
-				velAverageX1[n]=0.0;
-				velAverageY1[n]=0.0;
-				velAverageZ1[n]=0.0;
-				velAverageX2[n]=0.0;
-				velAverageY2[n]=0.0;
-				velAverageZ2[n]=0.0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//Assign the results to the global/public variables of HydroForceEngine
-	phiPart = phiAverage;
-	vxPart = velAverageX;
-	vyPart = velAverageY;
-        vzPart = velAverageZ;
-	averageDrag = dragAverage;
-	phiPart1 = phiAverage1;	//Initialize everything to zero if the twoSize option is not activated
-	phiPart2 = phiAverage2;
-	averageDrag1 = dragAverage1;
-	averageDrag2 = dragAverage2;
-	vxPart1 = velAverageX1;
-	vyPart1 = velAverageY1;
-	vzPart1 = velAverageZ1;
-	vxPart2 = velAverageX2;
-	vyPart2 = velAverageY2;
-	vzPart2 = velAverageZ2;
-	//desactivate the average to avoid calculating at each step, only when asked by the user
-	activateAverage=false; 
-/* Velocity fluctuation determination.  To execute at a given (changing) period corresponding to the eddy turn over time*/
-/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
-void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuation(){
-	/* check size */
-	size_t size=vFluctX.size();
-	if(size<scene->bodies->size()){
-		size=scene->bodies->size();
-		vFluctX.resize(size);
-		vFluctY.resize(size);
-		vFluctZ.resize(size);
-	}
-	/* reset stored values to zero */
-	memset(& vFluctX[0],0,size);
-	memset(& vFluctY[0],0,size);
-	memset(& vFluctZ[0],0,size);
-	/* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
-	/* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
-	static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
-	static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
-	static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
-	double rand1 = 0.0;
-	double rand2 = 0.0;
-	double rand3 = 0.0;
-	/* Attribute a fluid velocity fluctuation to each body above the bed elevation */
-	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
-		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
-		if (!b) continue;
-		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
-		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
-		if (sphere){
-			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
-			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
-			// If the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
-			// The fluctuation magnitude is linked to the value of the Reynolds stress tensor at the given position, a kind of local friction velocity ustar
-			// The fluctuations along wall-normal and streamwise directions are correlated in order to be consistent with the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor and to recover the result
-			// that the magnitude of the fluctuation along streamwise = 2*along wall normal
-			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {  // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
-				Real uStar2 = simplifiedReynoldStresses[p];
-				if (uStar2>0.0){
-					Real uStar = sqrt(uStar2);
-					rand1 = rnd();
-					rand2 = rnd();
-					rand3 = -rand1 + rnd();// x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
-					vFluctZ[id] = rand1*uStar;
-					vFluctY[id] = rand2*uStar;
-					vFluctX[id] = rand3*uStar;
-				}
-			}
-			else{
-				vFluctZ[id] = 0.0;
-				vFluctY[id] = 0.0;
-				vFluctX[id] = 0.0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/* Alternative Velocity fluctuation model, same as turbulentFluctuation model but with a time step associated with the fluctuation generation depending on z */
-/* Should be executed in the python script at a period dtFluct corresponding to the smallest value of the fluctTime vector */
-/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
-void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationBIS(){
-        int idPartMax = vFluctX.size();
-        double rand1 = 0.0;
-        double rand2 = 0.0;
-        double rand3 = 0.0;
-        /* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
-        /* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
-        static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
-        static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
-        static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
-	//Loop on the particles
-        for(int idPart=0;idPart<idPartMax;idPart++){
-		//Remove the time ran since last application of the function (dtFluct define in global)
-                fluctTime[idPart]-=dtFluct;
-		//If negative, means that the time of application of the fluctuation is over, generate a new one with a new associated time
-                if (fluctTime[idPart]<=0){ 
-                        fluctTime[idPart] = 10*dtFluct; //Initialisation of the application time
-                        Body* b=Body::byId(idPart,scene).get();
-                        if (!b) continue;
-                        if (!(scene->bodies->exists(idPart))) continue;
-                        const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
-                        Real uStar = 0.0;
-                        if (sphere){
-                                Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
-                                int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
-                                if (simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]>0.0) uStar = sqrt(simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]);
-                                // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
-                                if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {
-                                        rand1 = rnd();
-                                        rand2 = rnd();
-                                        rand3 = -rand1 + rnd(); // x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
-                                        vFluctZ[idPart] = rand1*uStar;
-                                        vFluctY[idPart] = rand2*uStar;
-                                        vFluctX[idPart] = rand3*uStar;
-					// Limit the value to avoid the application of fluctuations in the viscous sublayer
-                                        const Real zPos = max(b->state->pos[2]-zRef-bedElevation,11.6*viscoDyn/densFluid/uStar);
-					// Time of application of the fluctuation as a function of depth from kepsilon model
-                                        if (uStar>0.0) fluctTime[idPart]=min(0.33*0.41*zPos/uStar,10.);
-                                        }
-				else{
-					vFluctZ[idPart] = 0.0;
-					vFluctY[idPart] = 0.0;
-					vFluctX[idPart] = 0.0;
-					fluctTime[idPart] = 0.0;
-				}
-                                }
-                        }
-        }
-/* Velocity fluctuation determination.  To execute at a given period*/
-/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
-void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed(){
-	/* check size */
-	size_t size=vFluctX.size();
-	if(size<scene->bodies->size()){
-		size=scene->bodies->size();
-		vFluctX.resize(size);
-		vFluctY.resize(size);
-		vFluctZ.resize(size);
-	}
-	/* reset stored values to zero */
-	memset(& vFluctX[0],0,size);
-	memset(& vFluctY[0],0,size);
-	memset(& vFluctZ[0],0,size);
-	/* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
-	/* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
-	static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
-	static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
-	static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
-	double rand1 = 0.0;
-	double rand2 = 0.0;
-	double rand3 = 0.0;
-	/* Attribute a fluid velocity fluctuation to each body above the bed elevation */
-	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
-		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
-		if (!b) continue;
-		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
-		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
-		if (sphere){
-			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
-			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
-			// If the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
-			// The fluctuation magnitude is linked to the value of the Reynolds stress tensor at the given position, a kind of local friction velocity ustar
-			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>0.)) {  // Remove the particles outside of the flow
-				Real uStar2 = simplifiedReynoldStresses[p];
-				if (uStar2>0.0){
-					Real uStar = sqrt(uStar2);
-					rand1 = rnd();
-					rand2 = rnd();
-					rand3 = rnd();
-					vFluctZ[id] = rand1*uStar;
-					vFluctY[id] = rand2*uStar;
-					vFluctX[id] = rand3*uStar;
-				}
-			}
-			else{
-				vFluctZ[id] = 0.0;
-				vFluctY[id] = 0.0;
-				vFluctX[id] = 0.0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/* function declaration */
-void doubleq(double ddam1[],double ddam2[],double ddam3[],double ddbm[],double ddxm[],int n);
-void calbeta(int irheolf, double alphas[], double beta[], double alphasmax, unsigned long n);
-void calviscotlm(int iturbu, int ilm, double dz, double h,double ufn[], double alphas[], double alphasmax, double kappa, double lmExp, double viscoft[], unsigned long n);
-void fluidModel(double h,double sig[],double dsig[],double dp,double ufn[],double alphaf[],double rhof,double viscof,double usnp[],double alphas[],double rhos,double alphasmax,double dpdx,double slope, double gra, double tfin,double dt,double cfdpYade[], double ufnp[], double viscoft[]);
-void  HydroForceEngine::updateVelocity() {
-	fluidModel(fluidHeight,&sig[0],&dsig[0],diameterPart,&vxFluid[0],
-			&phiPart[0],//FIXME: in the py script it's in fact (1-phiPart) which is passed to nsmp, wtf? and why the redundancy wrt [#] (below)
-			densFluid,
-			viscoDyn /*is it really the dynamic one here? else pass viscoDyn/densFluid (awkward anyway) */,
-			&vxPart[0],
-			&phiPartFluid[0] /*[#] WHY PASSING IT AGAIN?!! It seems to be equal to phiPart in practice */,
-			densPart, alphasmax, dpdx, slope,
-			gravity[2],/*FIXME: I'm assuming that gravity is along 2-axis (??), does it mean that users have to define gravity multiple times in one single script? Newton::gravity, HydroForceEngine::gravity? ugly... :-\ */
-			fluidResolPeriod,dtFluid,
-			&taufsi[0],
-			&vxFluid[0],&turbulentViscosity[0]); //<-------- output of the function
-void fluidModel(double h,double sig[],double dsig[],double dp,double ufn[],double alphaf[],double rhof,double viscof,double usnp[],double alphas[],double rhos,double alphasmax,double dpdx,double slope, double gra, double tfin,double dt,double cfdpYade[], double ufnp[], double viscoft[])
-	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
-  unsigned j;
-  int irheolf,idrag,iturbu,ilm,iusl,idrift;
-  double dummy,dn1,ds1,dn2,ds2,dz,dzn,dzs,dzm;
-  double alphafp,alphafwn,alphafws,rhop;
-  double kappa,lmExp,expoRZ;
-  double as,an,ap1,a[ndimz],b[ndimz],c[ndimz],s[ndimz],udrift[ndimz],beta[ndimz],cfdp[ndimz];
-  double Rep,cd;
-  double time=0;
-  // impose constant grid size
-  dz=dsig[0]*h;
-  //
-  // Option of the code
-  //
-  //    irheolf = 0 : Viscosite du fluide pur
-  //              1 : Viscosite d'Einstein
-  //              2 : Viscosite de Graham
-  //              3 : Viscosite de Krieger-Dougherty / Ishii-Zuber
-  //              4 : Viscosite de Boyer et al. 
-  irheolf = 0;
-  //     idrag = 0 : Trainee de Dallavale
-  //             1 : Trainee de Schiller & Naumann
-  //             2 : Trainee de Clift & Gauvin
-  //             3 : Loi de Stokes
-  //             4 : Loi de Darcy
-  //             5 : Loi de Ergun
-  //             6 : Imposed from averaged drag force (Yade) 
-  idrag = 0;
-  //     exposant de Richardson-Zaki (fonction d'entravement)
-  expoRZ = -3.1;
-  //     iturbu = 0 : Pas de turbulence
-  //              1 : Longueur de mélange 
-  //                  ilm = 0 : longueur de melange de Prandtl
-  //                        1 : longueur de melange de Prandtl avec effet de Surface libre
-  //                        2 : Li and Sawamoto  (1995)
-  iturbu = 1;
-  ilm = 2;
-  kappa = 0.41;
-  lmExp = 1;
-  //     iusl = 0 : Condition de Dirichlet (u=0 en z=h)
-  //            1 : Condition de Neumann   (dudz=0 en z=h)
-  iusl = 1;     
-  //     idrift = 0 : Sans vitesse de dispersion
-  //              1 : Avec vitesse de dispersion
-  idrift = 0;
-  // Time loop
-  while (time < tfin)
-    {
-      // Advance time
-      time = time + dt;
-      printf("t=%7.4f s\n",time);
-      // Viscosity amplification factor
-      calbeta(irheolf,alphas,beta,alphasmax,ndimz);
-      // Eddy viscosity 
-      calviscotlm(iturbu,ilm,dz,h,ufn,alphas,alphasmax,kappa,lmExp,viscoft,ndimz);
-      // Bottom boundary condition: (always no-slip)
-      j=0;
-      a[j]=0.;
-      b[j]=1.;
-      c[j]=0.;
-      s[j]=0.;
-      // Top boundary condition: (0: no-slip / 1: zero gradient) 
-      j=ndimz-1;
-      if (iusl==0)
-	{
-	  a[j]=0.;
-	  b[j]=1.;
-	  c[j]=0.;
-	}
-      else if (iusl==1)
-	{
-	  a[j]=-1.;
-          b[j]=1.;
-          c[j]=0.;
-	}
-      s[j]=0.;
-      //Main loop
-      for(j=1;j<=ndimz-2;j++)
-	{
-	  // volume fraction interpolation (staggered grid)
-	  alphafp = 0.5*(alphaf[j]+alphaf[j+1]);
-	  if (j==1)
-	    {
-	      dzn = dz;
-	      dzs = 1.5*dz;
-	      alphafwn=0.5*(alphaf[j+2]+alphaf[j+1]); 
-	      alphafws=alphaf[j-1]; 
-	    }
-	  else if (j==ndimz-2)
-	    {
-	      dzn = 0.5*dz;
-	      dzs = dz;
-	      alphafwn=alphaf[j+1]; 
-	      alphafws=0.5*(alphaf[j  ]+alphaf[j-1]);
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      dzn = dz;
-	      dzs = dz;
-	      alphafwn=0.5*(alphaf[j+2]+alphaf[j+1]); 
-	      alphafws=0.5*(alphaf[j  ]+alphaf[j-1]);
-	    }
-	  dzm = 0.5*(dzn+dzs);
-	  // Drag model
-	  if (idrag==6)
-	    {
-	      // read from file:
-	      //cfdp[j] = cfdpYade[j];
-	      cfdp[j] = max(0.,cfdpYade[j]/max(fabs(usnp[j]-ufn[j]),1e-5))/rhof;
-	      //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
-	    }
-	  else if (idrag==0)
-	    {
-	      // Dallavalle + Richardson & Zaki
-	      Rep=max(fabs(ufn[j]-usnp[j])*dp/viscof,1e-8);
-	      cd=(24.4/Rep+0.4)*pow(alphafp,expoRZ);
-	      cfdp[j]=0.75*(1-alphafp)/dp*cd*fabs(ufn[j]-usnp[j]);
-	      //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      printf("idrag value undefined");
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  // Diffusion coefficients
-	  // Eddy viscosity terms
-	  dummy=dt/dzm;   
-	  ds1=dummy*viscoft[j  ]/dzn;
-	  dn1=dummy*viscoft[j+1]/dzs;
-	  // Viscous terms
-	  ds2=dummy*viscof*beta[j  ]/dz*alphafp;
-	  dn2=dummy*viscof*beta[j+1]/dz*alphafp;
-	  // Numerical scheme coefficient (diffussion only in 1DV)
-	  an=dn1+(dn2)*alphafwn;
-	  as=ds1+(ds2)*alphafws;
-	  ap1=dn1+(dn2)*alphafp+ds1+(ds2)*alphafp;
-	  // LHS: algebraic system coefficients
-	  a[j] = - as;
-	  b[j] = alphafp + ap1 + dt*cfdp[j];
-	  c[j] = - an;
-	  // RHS: unsteady, gravity, drag, pressure gradient
-	  s[j]= alphafp*ufn[j] + alphafp*gra*sin(slope)*dt + dt*cfdp[j]*(usnp[j]+udrift[j]) - alphafp*dpdx/rhof*dt;
-	  //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,a[j],b[j],c[j]);
-	}
-      // Implicit solution using tridiag (useful because of potential very high viscosities) 
-      doubleq( a, b , c, s , ufnp,ndimz);
-      // Update solution for next time step
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
-	{
-	  ufn[j]=ufnp[j];
-	  //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
-	}
-    }
-void calbeta(int irheolf, double alphas[], double beta[], double alphasmax, unsigned long n)
-	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
-  int j;
-  double ratio1,hsuram1;
-  // viscosity amplification factor
-  if (irheolf==0)
-    // 0 : Viscosite du fluide pur
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-	beta[j]=1.;
-    }
-  else if (irheolf==1)
-    // 1 : Viscosite d'Einstein
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-	beta[j]=1.+2.5*alphas[j];
-    }
-  else if (irheolf==2)
-    // 2 : Viscosite de Graham // this one is buged
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-	{
-	  ratio1=pow(min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),0.3333333);
-	  hsuram1=0.5*max(ratio1/(1.-ratio1),1e-3);
-	  //	  printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,ratio1,hsura);
-	  beta[j]=1.+2.5*alphas[j]+2.25*(1+0.5/hsuram1)*(hsuram1-pow(1.+1./hsuram1,-1)-pow(1+1./hsuram1,2));
-	}
-    }
-  else if (irheolf==3)
-    // 3 : Viscosite de Krieger-Dougherty / Ishii-Zuber
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-	beta[j]=pow(1.-min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),-(2.5*alphasmax));
-    }
-  else if (irheolf==4)
-    // 4 : Viscosite de Boyer et al.
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-	beta[j]=1. + 2.5*alphas[j]*pow(1.-min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),-1);
-    }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
-void calviscotlm(int iturbu, int ilm, double dz, double h,double ufn[], double alphas[], double alphasmax, double kappa, double lmExp, double viscoft[], unsigned long n)
-	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
-  int j;
-  double lm[n],dist,sum,alphasmid,dzm,dudz;
-  // Eddy viscosity 
-  if (iturbu==0)
-    // 0 : No turbulence
-    {
-      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
-        viscoft[j]=0.;
-    }
-  else if (iturbu==1)
-    // 1 : Turbulence activated
-    {
-      if (ilm==0)
-	// 0 : Prandtl mixing length
-	{
-	  dist = 0;
-	  lm[0]=0.;
-	  for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
-	    {
-	      lm[j]=kappa*dist;
-	      dist = dist + dz;
-	    }
-	}
-      else if (ilm==1)
-        // 1 : Parabolic profile (free surface flows)
-        {
-          dist = 0;
-	  lm[0]=0.;
-          for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
-            {
-              lm[j]=kappa*dist*sqrt(1.-dist/h);
-	      dist = dist + dz;
-            }
-          lm[ndimz-1]=0.;
-        }
-      else if (ilm==2)
-        // 2 : Li and Sawamoto (1995) integral of concentration profile
-        {
-          dist = 0;
-	  sum = 0.;
-	  lm[0]=0.;
-          for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
-            {
-	      alphasmid=0.5*(alphas[j-1]+alphas[j]);
-	      sum = sum + min(alphasmid/alphasmax,0.9999999)*dz;
-	      lm[j]=kappa*(dist-pow(sum,lmExp));
-	      //	      printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,lm[j],dist*kappa);
-              dist=dist+dz;
-            }
-          lm[ndimz-1]=lm[ndimz-2];
-        }
-      // Compute the velocity gradient and the mixing length
-      for(j=1;j<ndimz-1;j++)
-	{
-	  if (j==1)
-	    dzm=1.5*dz;
-	  else if (j==ndimz-1)
-	    dzm=0.5*dz;
-	  else
-	    dzm=dz;
-	  dudz=(ufn[j]-ufn[j-1])/dz;
-	  viscoft[j]=(1.-alphas[j])*pow(lm[j],2)*fabs(dudz);
-	  //printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,fabs(dudz),lm[j],viscoft[j]);
-	}
-      viscoft[ndimz-1]=viscoft[ndimz-2];
-    }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
-void doubleq(double ddam1[],double ddam2[],double ddam3[],double ddbm[],double ddxm[],int n)
-  /* reosolution of tridiagonal system
-       am1,2,3[n] - Tridiagonal matrix coefficients                                     
-       bm[n]   - RHS vector        
-       xm[n]   - Solution vector        
-       em[n], fm[n) - working arrays
-       n       - algebraic system size
-  */
-  int i,ii;
-  double ddem[n],ddfm[n],dddiv;
-  // downward sweep
-  dddiv=ddam2[0];
-  ddem[0]=-ddam3[0]/dddiv;
-  ddfm[0]=ddbm[0]/dddiv;
-  for (i=1;i<=n-2;i++)
-    {
-      dddiv=ddam2[i]+ddam1[i]*ddem[i-1];
-      ddem[i]=-ddam3[i]/dddiv;
-      ddfm[i]=(ddbm[i]-ddam1[i]*ddfm[i-1])/dddiv;
-    }
-    // upward sweep
-  dddiv=ddam2[n-1]+ddam1[n-1]*ddem[n-2];
-  ddfm[n-1]=(ddbm[n-1]-ddam1[n-1]*ddfm[n-2])/dddiv;
-  ddxm[n-1]=ddfm[n-1];
-  for (ii=1;ii<=n-1;ii++)
-    {
-      i=n-1-ii;
-      ddxm[i]=ddem[i]*ddxm[i+1]+ddfm[i];
-    }  
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'pkg/common/ForceEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/common/ForceEngine.hpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
+++ pkg/common/ForceEngine.hpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
@@ -68,82 +68,3 @@
-class HydroForceEngine: public PartialEngine{
-	public:
-		static const unsigned ndimz = 900;
-		void averageProfile();
-		void turbulentFluctuation();
-		void turbulentFluctuationBIS();
-		void turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed();
-		void updateVelocity();
-	public:
-		virtual void action();
-	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(HydroForceEngine,PartialEngine,"Apply drag and lift due to a fluid flow vector (1D) to each sphere + the buoyant weight.\n The applied drag force reads\n\n $F_{d}=\\frac{1}{2} C_d A\\rho^f|\\vec{v_f - v}| \\vec{v_f - v}$ \n\n where $\\rho$ is the medium density (:yref:`densFluid<HydroForceEngine.densFluid>`), $v$ is particle's velocity,  $v_f$ is the velocity of the fluid at the particle center(:yref:`vxFluid<HydroForceEngine.vxFluid>`),  $A$ is particle projected area (disc), $C_d$ is the drag coefficient. The formulation of the drag coefficient depends on the local particle reynolds number and the solid volume fraction. The formulation of the drag is [Dallavalle1948]_ [RevilBaudard2013]_ with a correction of Richardson-Zaki [Richardson1954]_ to take into account the hindrance effect. This law is classical in sediment transport. It is possible to activate a fluctuation of the drag force for each particle which account for the turbulent fluctuation of the fluid velocity (:yref:`velFluct<HydroForceEngine.velFluct>`). The model implemented for the turbulent velocity fluctuation is a simple discrete random walk which takes as input the Reynolds stress tensor $R^f_{xz}$ as a function of the depth, and allows to recover the main property of the fluctuations by imposing $<u_x'u_z'> (z) = <R^f_{xz}>(z)/\\rho^f$. It requires as input $<R^f_{xz}>(z)/\\rho^f$ called :yref:`simplifiedReynoldStresses<HydroForceEngine.simplifiedReynoldStresses>` in the code. \n The formulation of the lift is taken from [Wiberg1985]_ and is such that : \n\n $F_{L}=\\frac{1}{2} C_L A\\rho^f((v_f - v)^2_{top} - (v_f - v)^2_{bottom})$ \n\n Where the subscript top and bottom means evaluated at the top (respectively the bottom) of the sphere considered. This formulation of the lift account for the difference of pressure at the top and the bottom of the particle inside a turbulent shear flow. As this formulation is controversial when approaching the threshold of motion [Schmeeckle2007]_ it is possible to desactivate it with the variable :yref:`lift<HydroForceEngine.lift>`.\n The buoyancy is taken into account through the buoyant weight : \n\n $F_{buoyancy}= - \\rho^f V^p g$ \n\n, where g is the gravity vector along the vertical, and $V^p$ is the volume of the particle. This engine also evaluate the average particle velocity, solid volume fraction and drag force depth profiles, through the function averageProfile. This is done as the solid volume fraction depth profile is required for the drag calculation, and as the three are required for the independent fluid resolution.",
-		///  BEGIN Transitory variables for migration fortran->c++
-		((Real,fluidHeight,1.,,"Height of the flow from the bottom of the sample"))
-		((vector<Real>,sig,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???????"))
-		((vector<Real>,dsig,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???????"))
-		((Real,diameterPart,0.,,"Reference particle diameter"))
-		((Real,densPart,1.,,"mass density of the particles"))
-		((Real,dpdx,0.,,"pressure gradient along streamwise direction"))
-		((Real,slope,0.,,"Angle of the slope in radian"))
-		((Real,fluidResolPeriod,0.,,"1/fluidResolPeriod = frequency of the calculation of the fluid profile"))
-		((vector<Real>,taufsi,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"Create Taufsi/rhof = dragTerm/(rhof(vf-vxp)) to transmit to the fluid code"))
-		((Real,dtFluid,0.,,"Time step for the fluid resolution"))
-		((vector<Real>,turbulentViscosity,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"Turbulent viscocity"))
-		((vector<Real>,phiPartFluid,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???"))
-		((Real,alphasmax, 0.61,,"????"))
-		//// END
-		((Real,densFluid,1000,,"Density of the fluid, by default - density of water"))
-		((Real,viscoDyn,1e-3,,"Dynamic viscosity of the fluid, by default - viscosity of water"))
-		((Real,zRef,,,"Position of the reference point which correspond to the first value of the fluid velocity, i.e. to the ground."))
-		((Real,deltaZ,,,"Height of the discretization cell."))
-		((Real,expoRZ,3.1,,"Value of the Richardson-Zaki exponent, for the drag correction due to hindrance"))
-                ((bool,lift,false,,"Option to activate or not the evaluation of the lift"))
-		((Real,Cl,0.2,,"Value of the lift coefficient taken from [Wiberg1985]_"))
-		((Real,vCell,,,"Volume of averaging cell"))
-		((int,nCell,,,"Number of cell in the depth"))
-                ((Vector3r,gravity,Vector3r(0,0,-9.81),,"Gravity vector (may depend on the slope)."))
-		((vector<Real>,vxFluid,,,"Discretized streamwise fluid velocity depth profile"))
-		((vector<Real>,phiPart,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile. Can be taken as input parameter, or evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() function, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vxPart,,,"Discretized streamwise solid velocity depth profile. Can be taken as input parameter, or evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() function, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
-                ((vector<Real>,vyPart,,,"Discretized spanwise solid velocity depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
-                ((vector<Real>,vzPart,,,"Discretized normal solid velocity depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,averageDrag,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
-                ((bool,twoSize,false,,"Option to activate when considering two particle size in the simulation. When activated evaluate the average solid volume fraction and drag force for the two type of particles of diameter diameterPart1 and diameterPart2 independently."))
-		((Real,radiusPart1,0.,,"Radius of the particles of type 1. Useful only when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((Real,radiusPart2,0.,,"Radius of the particles of type 2. Useful only when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,phiPart1,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,phiPart2,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,averageDrag1,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,averageDrag2,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vxPart1,,,"Discretized solid streamwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vxPart2,,,"Discretized solid streamwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vyPart1,,,"Discretized solid spanwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vyPart2,,,"Discretized solid spanwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vzPart1,,,"Discretized solid wall-normal velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((vector<Real>,vzPart2,,,"Discretized solid wall-normal velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
-		((bool,activateAverage,false,,"If true, activate the calculation of the average depth profiles of drag, solid volume fraction, and solid velocity for the application of the force (phiPart in hindrance function) and to use in python for the coupling with the fluid."))
-		((bool,velFluct,false,,"If true, activate the determination of turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation for the next time step only at the position of each particle, using a simple discrete random walk (DRW) model based on the Reynolds stresses profile (:yref:`simplifiedReynoldStresses<HydroForceEngine.simplifiedReynoldStresses>`)"))
-		((vector<Real>,vFluctX,,,"Vector associating a streamwise fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
-		((vector<Real>,vFluctY,,,"Vector associating a spanwise fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
-		((vector<Real>,vFluctZ,,,"Vector associating a normal fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
-		((vector<Real>,simplifiedReynoldStresses,,,"Vector of size equal to :yref:`nCell<HydroForceEngine.nCell>` containing the Reynolds stresses divided by the fluid density in function of the depth. simplifiedReynoldStresses(z) $=  <u_x'u_z'>(z)^2$"))
-		((Real,bedElevation,,,"Elevation of the bed above which the fluid flow is turbulent and the particles undergo turbulent velocity fluctuation."))
-		((vector<Real>,fluctTime,,,"Vector containing the time of life of the fluctuations associated to each particles."))
-		((vector<Real>,convAcc,0,,"Convective acceleration, depth dependent"))
-		((Real,convAccOption,false,,"To activate the convective acceleration"))
-		((Real,dtFluct,,,"Execution time step of the turbulent fluctuation model."))
-	,/*ctor*/
-	,/*py*/
-	 .def("averageProfile",&HydroForceEngine::averageProfile,"Compute and store the particle velocity (:yref:`vxPart<HydroForceEngine.vxPart>`, :yref:`vyPart<HydroForceEngine.vyPart>`, :yref:`vzPart<HydroForceEngine.vzPart>`) and solid volume fraction (:yref:`phiPart<HydroForceEngine.phiPart>`) depth profile. For each defined cell z, the k component of the average particle velocity reads: \n\n $<v_k>^z= \\sum_p V^p v_k^p/\\sum_p V^p$,\n\n where the sum is made over the particles contained in the cell, $v_k^p$ is the k component of the velocity associated to particle p, and $V^p$ is the part of the volume of the particle p contained inside the cell. This definition allows to smooth the averaging, and is equivalent to taking into account the center of the particles only when there is a lot of particles in each cell. As for the solid volume fraction, it is evaluated in the same way:  for each defined cell z, it reads: \n\n $<\\phi>^z= \\frac{1}{V_{cell}}\\sum_p V^p$, where $V_{cell}$ is the volume of the cell considered, and $V^p$ is the volume of particle p contained in cell z.\n This function gives depth profiles of average velocity and solid volume fraction, returning the average quantities in each cell of height dz, from the reference horizontal plane at elevation :yref:`zRef<HydroForceEngine.zRef>` (input parameter) until the plane of elevation :yref:`zRef<HydroForceEngine.zRef>` plus :yref:`nCell<HydroForceEngine.nCell>` times :yref:`deltaZ<HydroForceEngine.deltaZ>` (input parameters). When the option :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True, evaluate in addition the average drag (:yref:`averageDrag1<HydroForceEngine.averageDrag1>` and :yref:`averageDrag2<HydroForceEngine.averageDrag2>`) and solid volume fraction (:yref:`phiPart1<HydroForceEngine.phiPart1>` and :yref:`phiPart2<HydroForceEngine.phiPart2>`) depth profiles considering only the particles of radius respectively :yref:`radiusPart1<HydroForceEngine.radiusPart1>` and :yref:`radiusPart2<HydroForceEngine.radiusPart2>` in the averaging.")
-	 .def("updateVelocity",&HydroForceEngine::updateVelocity,"Calculate the fluid velocity profile.")
-	 .def("turbulentFluctuation",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuation,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem.")
-	 .def("turbulentFluctuationBIS",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationBIS,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem with an alternative formulation.")
-	 .def("turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem with another alternative formulation.")
-	);

=== added file 'pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.cpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+// 2004 © Janek Kozicki <cosurgi@xxxxxxxxxx> 
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx> 
+// 2014 © Raphael Maurin <raphael.maurin@xxxxxxxxx> 
+#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
+void HydroForceEngine::action(){
+	/* Application of hydrodynamical forces */
+	if (activateAverage==true) averageProfile(); //Calculate the average solid profiles
+	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
+		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
+		if (!b) continue;
+		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
+		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+		if (sphere){
+			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
+			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
+			if ((p<nCell)&&(p>=0)) {
+				Vector3r liftForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+				Vector3r dragForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+				Vector3r convAccForce = Vector3r::Zero();
+				//deterministic version
+// 				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p],0,0) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
+				Vector3r vRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[p]+vFluctX[id],vFluctY[id],vFluctZ[id]) -  b->state->vel;//fluid-particle relative velocity
+				//Drag force calculation
+				if (vRel.norm()!=0.0) {
+					dragForce = 0.5*densFluid*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,2.0)*(0.44*vRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*sphere->radius*2))*pow(1-phiPart[p],-expoRZ)*vRel;
+				}
+				//lift force calculation due to difference of fluid pressure between top and bottom of the particle
+				int intRadius = floor(sphere->radius/deltaZ);
+				if ((p+intRadius<nCell)&&(p-intRadius>0)&&(lift==true)) {
+					Real vRelTop = vxFluid[p+intRadius] -  b->state->vel[0]; // relative velocity of the fluid wrt the particle at the top of the particle
+					Real vRelBottom = vxFluid[p-intRadius] -  b->state->vel[0]; // same at the bottom
+					liftForce[2] = 0.5*densFluid*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,2.0)*Cl*(vRelTop*vRelTop-vRelBottom*vRelBottom);
+				}
+				//buoyant weight force calculation
+				Vector3r buoyantForce = -4.0/3.0*Mathr::PI*pow(sphere->radius,3.0)*densFluid*gravity;
+				if (convAccOption==true){convAccForce[0] = - convAcc[p];}
+				//add the hydro forces to the particle
+				scene->forces.addForce(id,dragForce+liftForce+buoyantForce+convAccForce);		
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void HydroForceEngine::averageProfile(){
+	//Initialization
+	int minZ;
+	int maxZ;
+	int numLayer;
+	Real deltaCenter;
+	Real zInf;
+	Real zSup;
+	Real volPart;
+	Vector3r uRel = Vector3r::Zero();
+	Vector3r fDrag  = Vector3r::Zero();
+	int nMax = nCell;
+	vector<Real> velAverageX(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageY(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageZ(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> phiAverage(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> dragAverage(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> phiAverage1(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> dragAverage1(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> velAverageX1(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageY1(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageZ1(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> phiAverage2(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> dragAverage2(nMax,0.0);
+	vector<Real> velAverageX2(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageY2(nMax,0.0);
+        vector<Real> velAverageZ2(nMax,0.0);
+	//Loop over the particles
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *Omega::instance().getScene()->bodies){
+		shared_ptr<Sphere> s=YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<Sphere>(b->shape); if(!s) continue;
+		const Real zPos = b->state->pos[2]-zRef;
+		int Np = floor(zPos/deltaZ);	//Define the layer number with 0 corresponding to zRef. Let the z position wrt to zero, that way all z altitude are positive. (otherwise problem with volPart evaluation)
+		if ((b->state->blockedDOFs==State::DOF_ALL)&&(zPos > s->radius)) continue;// to remove contribution from the fixed particles on the sidewalls.
+		// Relative fluid/particle velocity using also the associated fluid vel. fluct. 
+		if ((Np>=0)&&(Np<nCell)){
+			uRel = Vector3r(vxFluid[Np]+vFluctX[b->id], vFluctY[b->id],vFluctZ[b->id]) - b->state->vel;
+			// Drag force with a Dallavalle formulation (drag coef.) and Richardson-Zaki Correction (hindrance effect)
+			fDrag = 0.5*Mathr::PI*pow(s->radius,2.0)*densFluid*(0.44*uRel.norm()+24.4*viscoDyn/(densFluid*2.0*s->radius))*pow((1-phiPart[Np]),-expoRZ)*uRel;
+		}
+		else fDrag = Vector3r::Zero();
+		minZ= floor((zPos-s->radius)/deltaZ);
+		maxZ= floor((zPos+s->radius)/deltaZ);
+		deltaCenter = zPos - Np*deltaZ;
+		// Loop over the cell in which the particle is contained
+		numLayer = minZ;
+		while (numLayer<=maxZ){
+			if ((numLayer>=0)&&(numLayer<nMax)){ //average under zRef does not interest us, avoid also negative values not compatible with the evaluation of volPart
+				zInf=(numLayer-Np-1)*deltaZ + deltaCenter;
+				zSup=(numLayer-Np)*deltaZ + deltaCenter;
+				if (zInf<-s->radius) zInf = -s->radius;
+				if (zSup>s->radius) zSup = s->radius;
+				//Analytical formulation of the volume of a slice of sphere
+				volPart = Mathr::PI*pow(s->radius,2)*(zSup - zInf +(pow(zInf,3)-pow(zSup,3))/(3*pow(s->radius,2)));
+				phiAverage[numLayer]+=volPart;
+				velAverageX[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
+                                velAverageY[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
+                                velAverageZ[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
+				dragAverage[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
+				if (twoSize==true){
+					if (s->radius==radiusPart1){
+						phiAverage1[numLayer]+=volPart; 
+						dragAverage1[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
+						velAverageX1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
+						velAverageY1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
+						velAverageZ1[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
+					}
+					if (s->radius==radiusPart2){
+						phiAverage2[numLayer]+=volPart;
+						dragAverage2[numLayer]+=volPart*fDrag[0];
+						velAverageX2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[0];
+						velAverageY2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[1];
+						velAverageZ2[numLayer]+=volPart*b->state->vel[2];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			numLayer+=1;
+		}
+	}
+	//Normalized the weighted velocity by the volume of particles contained inside the cell
+	for(int n=0;n<nMax;n++){
+		if (phiAverage[n]!=0){
+			velAverageX[n]/=phiAverage[n];
+                        velAverageY[n]/=phiAverage[n];
+                        velAverageZ[n]/=phiAverage[n];
+			dragAverage[n]/=phiAverage[n];
+			//Normalize the concentration after
+			phiAverage[n]/=vCell;
+			if (twoSize==true){
+				if (phiAverage1[n]!=0){
+					dragAverage1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
+					velAverageX1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
+					velAverageY1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
+					velAverageZ1[n]/=phiAverage1[n];
+				}
+				else {
+					dragAverage1[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageX1[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageY1[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageZ1[n]=0.0;
+				}
+				if (phiAverage2[n]!=0){
+					dragAverage2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
+					velAverageX2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
+					velAverageY2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
+					velAverageZ2[n]/=phiAverage2[n];
+				}
+				else {
+					dragAverage2[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageX2[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageY2[n]=0.0;
+					velAverageZ2[n]=0.0;
+				}
+				phiAverage1[n]/=vCell;
+				phiAverage2[n]/=vCell;
+			 }
+		}
+		else {
+			velAverageX[n] = 0.0;
+                        velAverageY[n] = 0.0;
+                        velAverageZ[n] = 0.0;
+			dragAverage[n] = 0.0;
+			if (twoSize==true){
+				dragAverage1[n] = 0.0;
+				dragAverage2[n] = 0.0;
+				velAverageX1[n]=0.0;
+				velAverageY1[n]=0.0;
+				velAverageZ1[n]=0.0;
+				velAverageX2[n]=0.0;
+				velAverageY2[n]=0.0;
+				velAverageZ2[n]=0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Assign the results to the global/public variables of HydroForceEngine
+	phiPart = phiAverage;
+	vxPart = velAverageX;
+	vyPart = velAverageY;
+        vzPart = velAverageZ;
+	averageDrag = dragAverage;
+	phiPart1 = phiAverage1;	//Initialize everything to zero if the twoSize option is not activated
+	phiPart2 = phiAverage2;
+	averageDrag1 = dragAverage1;
+	averageDrag2 = dragAverage2;
+	vxPart1 = velAverageX1;
+	vyPart1 = velAverageY1;
+	vzPart1 = velAverageZ1;
+	vxPart2 = velAverageX2;
+	vyPart2 = velAverageY2;
+	vzPart2 = velAverageZ2;
+	//desactivate the average to avoid calculating at each step, only when asked by the user
+	activateAverage=false; 
+/* Velocity fluctuation determination.  To execute at a given (changing) period corresponding to the eddy turn over time*/
+/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
+void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuation(){
+	/* check size */
+	size_t size=vFluctX.size();
+	if(size<scene->bodies->size()){
+		size=scene->bodies->size();
+		vFluctX.resize(size);
+		vFluctY.resize(size);
+		vFluctZ.resize(size);
+	}
+	/* reset stored values to zero */
+	memset(& vFluctX[0],0,size);
+	memset(& vFluctY[0],0,size);
+	memset(& vFluctZ[0],0,size);
+	/* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
+	/* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
+	static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
+	static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
+	static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
+	double rand1 = 0.0;
+	double rand2 = 0.0;
+	double rand3 = 0.0;
+	/* Attribute a fluid velocity fluctuation to each body above the bed elevation */
+	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
+		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
+		if (!b) continue;
+		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
+		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+		if (sphere){
+			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
+			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
+			// If the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
+			// The fluctuation magnitude is linked to the value of the Reynolds stress tensor at the given position, a kind of local friction velocity ustar
+			// The fluctuations along wall-normal and streamwise directions are correlated in order to be consistent with the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor and to recover the result
+			// that the magnitude of the fluctuation along streamwise = 2*along wall normal
+			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {  // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
+				Real uStar2 = simplifiedReynoldStresses[p];
+				if (uStar2>0.0){
+					Real uStar = sqrt(uStar2);
+					rand1 = rnd();
+					rand2 = rnd();
+					rand3 = -rand1 + rnd();// x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
+					vFluctZ[id] = rand1*uStar;
+					vFluctY[id] = rand2*uStar;
+					vFluctX[id] = rand3*uStar;
+				}
+			}
+			else{
+				vFluctZ[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctY[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctX[id] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* Alternative Velocity fluctuation model, same as turbulentFluctuation model but with a time step associated with the fluctuation generation depending on z */
+/* Should be executed in the python script at a period dtFluct corresponding to the smallest value of the fluctTime vector */
+/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
+void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationBIS(){
+        int idPartMax = vFluctX.size();
+        double rand1 = 0.0;
+        double rand2 = 0.0;
+        double rand3 = 0.0;
+        /* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
+        /* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
+        static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
+        static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
+        static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
+	//Loop on the particles
+        for(int idPart=0;idPart<idPartMax;idPart++){
+		//Remove the time ran since last application of the function (dtFluct define in global)
+                fluctTime[idPart]-=dtFluct;
+		//If negative, means that the time of application of the fluctuation is over, generate a new one with a new associated time
+                if (fluctTime[idPart]<=0){ 
+                        fluctTime[idPart] = 10*dtFluct; //Initialisation of the application time
+                        Body* b=Body::byId(idPart,scene).get();
+                        if (!b) continue;
+                        if (!(scene->bodies->exists(idPart))) continue;
+                        const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+                        Real uStar = 0.0;
+                        if (sphere){
+                                Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
+                                int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
+                                if (simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]>0.0) uStar = sqrt(simplifiedReynoldStresses[p]);
+                                // Remove the particles outside of the flow and inside the granular bed, they are not submitted to turbulent fluctuations. 
+                                if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>bedElevation)) {
+                                        rand1 = rnd();
+                                        rand2 = rnd();
+                                        rand3 = -rand1 + rnd(); // x and z fluctuation are correlated as measured by Nezu 1977 and as expected from the formulation of the Reynolds stress tensor. 
+                                        vFluctZ[idPart] = rand1*uStar;
+                                        vFluctY[idPart] = rand2*uStar;
+                                        vFluctX[idPart] = rand3*uStar;
+					// Limit the value to avoid the application of fluctuations in the viscous sublayer
+                                        const Real zPos = max(b->state->pos[2]-zRef-bedElevation,11.6*viscoDyn/densFluid/uStar);
+					// Time of application of the fluctuation as a function of depth from kepsilon model
+                                        if (uStar>0.0) fluctTime[idPart]=min(0.33*0.41*zPos/uStar,10.);
+                                        }
+				else{
+					vFluctZ[idPart] = 0.0;
+					vFluctY[idPart] = 0.0;
+					vFluctX[idPart] = 0.0;
+					fluctTime[idPart] = 0.0;
+				}
+                                }
+                        }
+        }
+/* Velocity fluctuation determination.  To execute at a given period*/
+/* Should be initialized before running HydroForceEngine */
+void HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed(){
+	/* check size */
+	size_t size=vFluctX.size();
+	if(size<scene->bodies->size()){
+		size=scene->bodies->size();
+		vFluctX.resize(size);
+		vFluctY.resize(size);
+		vFluctZ.resize(size);
+	}
+	/* reset stored values to zero */
+	memset(& vFluctX[0],0,size);
+	memset(& vFluctY[0],0,size);
+	memset(& vFluctZ[0],0,size);
+	/* Create a random number generator rnd() with a gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 1.0 */
+	/* see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_random/reference.html and the chapter 7 of Numerical Recipes in C, second edition (1992) for more details */
+	static boost::minstd_rand0 randGen((int)TimingInfo::getNow(true));
+	static boost::normal_distribution<Real> dist(0.0, 1.0);
+	static boost::variate_generator<boost::minstd_rand0&,boost::normal_distribution<Real> > rnd(randGen,dist);
+	double rand1 = 0.0;
+	double rand2 = 0.0;
+	double rand3 = 0.0;
+	/* Attribute a fluid velocity fluctuation to each body above the bed elevation */
+	FOREACH(Body::id_t id, ids){
+		Body* b=Body::byId(id,scene).get();
+		if (!b) continue;
+		if (!(scene->bodies->exists(id))) continue;
+		const Sphere* sphere = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->shape.get());
+		if (sphere){
+			Vector3r posSphere = b->state->pos;//position vector of the sphere
+			int p = floor((posSphere[2]-zRef)/deltaZ); //cell number in which the particle is
+			// If the particle is inside the water and above the bed elevation, so inside the turbulent flow, evaluate a turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation which will be used to apply the drag.
+			// The fluctuation magnitude is linked to the value of the Reynolds stress tensor at the given position, a kind of local friction velocity ustar
+			if ((p<nCell)&&(posSphere[2]-zRef>0.)) {  // Remove the particles outside of the flow
+				Real uStar2 = simplifiedReynoldStresses[p];
+				if (uStar2>0.0){
+					Real uStar = sqrt(uStar2);
+					rand1 = rnd();
+					rand2 = rnd();
+					rand3 = rnd();
+					vFluctZ[id] = rand1*uStar;
+					vFluctY[id] = rand2*uStar;
+					vFluctX[id] = rand3*uStar;
+				}
+			}
+			else{
+				vFluctZ[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctY[id] = 0.0;
+				vFluctX[id] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* function declaration */
+void doubleq(double ddam1[],double ddam2[],double ddam3[],double ddbm[],double ddxm[],int n);
+void calbeta(int irheolf, double alphas[], double beta[], double alphasmax, unsigned long n);
+void calviscotlm(int iturbu, int ilm, double dz, double h,double ufn[], double alphas[], double alphasmax, double kappa, double lmExp, double viscoft[], unsigned long n);
+void fluidModel(double h,double sig[],double dsig[],double dp,double ufn[],double alphaf[],double rhof,double viscof,double usnp[],double alphas[],double rhos,double alphasmax,double dpdx,double slope, double gra, double tfin,double dt,double cfdpYade[], double ufnp[], double viscoft[]);
+void  HydroForceEngine::updateVelocity() {
+	fluidModel(fluidHeight,&sig[0],&dsig[0],diameterPart,&vxFluid[0],
+			&phiPart[0],//FIXME: in the py script it's in fact (1-phiPart) which is passed to nsmp, wtf? and why the redundancy wrt [#] (below)
+			densFluid,
+			viscoDyn /*is it really the dynamic one here? else pass viscoDyn/densFluid (awkward anyway) */,
+			&vxPart[0],
+			&phiPartFluid[0] /*[#] WHY PASSING IT AGAIN?!! It seems to be equal to phiPart in practice */,
+			densPart, alphasmax, dpdx, slope,
+			gravity[2],/*FIXME: I'm assuming that gravity is along 2-axis (??), does it mean that users have to define gravity multiple times in one single script? Newton::gravity, HydroForceEngine::gravity? ugly... :-\ */
+			fluidResolPeriod,dtFluid,
+			&taufsi[0],
+			&vxFluid[0],&turbulentViscosity[0]); //<-------- output of the function
+void fluidModel(double h,double sig[],double dsig[],double dp,double ufn[],double alphaf[],double rhof,double viscof,double usnp[],double alphas[],double rhos,double alphasmax,double dpdx,double slope, double gra, double tfin,double dt,double cfdpYade[], double ufnp[], double viscoft[])
+	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
+  unsigned j;
+  int irheolf,idrag,iturbu,ilm,iusl,idrift;
+  double dummy,dn1,ds1,dn2,ds2,dz,dzn,dzs,dzm;
+  double alphafp,alphafwn,alphafws,rhop;
+  double kappa,lmExp,expoRZ;
+  double as,an,ap1,a[ndimz],b[ndimz],c[ndimz],s[ndimz],udrift[ndimz],beta[ndimz],cfdp[ndimz];
+  double Rep,cd;
+  double time=0;
+  // impose constant grid size
+  dz=dsig[0]*h;
+  //
+  // Option of the code
+  //
+  //    irheolf = 0 : Viscosite du fluide pur
+  //              1 : Viscosite d'Einstein
+  //              2 : Viscosite de Graham
+  //              3 : Viscosite de Krieger-Dougherty / Ishii-Zuber
+  //              4 : Viscosite de Boyer et al. 
+  irheolf = 0;
+  //     idrag = 0 : Trainee de Dallavale
+  //             1 : Trainee de Schiller & Naumann
+  //             2 : Trainee de Clift & Gauvin
+  //             3 : Loi de Stokes
+  //             4 : Loi de Darcy
+  //             5 : Loi de Ergun
+  //             6 : Imposed from averaged drag force (Yade) 
+  idrag = 0;
+  //     exposant de Richardson-Zaki (fonction d'entravement)
+  expoRZ = -3.1;
+  //     iturbu = 0 : Pas de turbulence
+  //              1 : Longueur de mélange 
+  //                  ilm = 0 : longueur de melange de Prandtl
+  //                        1 : longueur de melange de Prandtl avec effet de Surface libre
+  //                        2 : Li and Sawamoto  (1995)
+  iturbu = 1;
+  ilm = 2;
+  kappa = 0.41;
+  lmExp = 1;
+  //     iusl = 0 : Condition de Dirichlet (u=0 en z=h)
+  //            1 : Condition de Neumann   (dudz=0 en z=h)
+  iusl = 1;     
+  //     idrift = 0 : Sans vitesse de dispersion
+  //              1 : Avec vitesse de dispersion
+  idrift = 0;
+  // Time loop
+  while (time < tfin)
+    {
+      // Advance time
+      time = time + dt;
+      printf("t=%7.4f s\n",time);
+      // Viscosity amplification factor
+      calbeta(irheolf,alphas,beta,alphasmax,ndimz);
+      // Eddy viscosity 
+      calviscotlm(iturbu,ilm,dz,h,ufn,alphas,alphasmax,kappa,lmExp,viscoft,ndimz);
+      // Bottom boundary condition: (always no-slip)
+      j=0;
+      a[j]=0.;
+      b[j]=1.;
+      c[j]=0.;
+      s[j]=0.;
+      // Top boundary condition: (0: no-slip / 1: zero gradient) 
+      j=ndimz-1;
+      if (iusl==0)
+	{
+	  a[j]=0.;
+	  b[j]=1.;
+	  c[j]=0.;
+	}
+      else if (iusl==1)
+	{
+	  a[j]=-1.;
+          b[j]=1.;
+          c[j]=0.;
+	}
+      s[j]=0.;
+      //Main loop
+      for(j=1;j<=ndimz-2;j++)
+	{
+	  // volume fraction interpolation (staggered grid)
+	  alphafp = 0.5*(alphaf[j]+alphaf[j+1]);
+	  if (j==1)
+	    {
+	      dzn = dz;
+	      dzs = 1.5*dz;
+	      alphafwn=0.5*(alphaf[j+2]+alphaf[j+1]); 
+	      alphafws=alphaf[j-1]; 
+	    }
+	  else if (j==ndimz-2)
+	    {
+	      dzn = 0.5*dz;
+	      dzs = dz;
+	      alphafwn=alphaf[j+1]; 
+	      alphafws=0.5*(alphaf[j  ]+alphaf[j-1]);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      dzn = dz;
+	      dzs = dz;
+	      alphafwn=0.5*(alphaf[j+2]+alphaf[j+1]); 
+	      alphafws=0.5*(alphaf[j  ]+alphaf[j-1]);
+	    }
+	  dzm = 0.5*(dzn+dzs);
+	  // Drag model
+	  if (idrag==6)
+	    {
+	      // read from file:
+	      //cfdp[j] = cfdpYade[j];
+	      cfdp[j] = max(0.,cfdpYade[j]/max(fabs(usnp[j]-ufn[j]),1e-5))/rhof;
+	      //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
+	    }
+	  else if (idrag==0)
+	    {
+	      // Dallavalle + Richardson & Zaki
+	      Rep=max(fabs(ufn[j]-usnp[j])*dp/viscof,1e-8);
+	      cd=(24.4/Rep+0.4)*pow(alphafp,expoRZ);
+	      cfdp[j]=0.75*(1-alphafp)/dp*cd*fabs(ufn[j]-usnp[j]);
+	      //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      printf("idrag value undefined");
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  // Diffusion coefficients
+	  // Eddy viscosity terms
+	  dummy=dt/dzm;   
+	  ds1=dummy*viscoft[j  ]/dzn;
+	  dn1=dummy*viscoft[j+1]/dzs;
+	  // Viscous terms
+	  ds2=dummy*viscof*beta[j  ]/dz*alphafp;
+	  dn2=dummy*viscof*beta[j+1]/dz*alphafp;
+	  // Numerical scheme coefficient (diffussion only in 1DV)
+	  an=dn1+(dn2)*alphafwn;
+	  as=ds1+(ds2)*alphafws;
+	  ap1=dn1+(dn2)*alphafp+ds1+(ds2)*alphafp;
+	  // LHS: algebraic system coefficients
+	  a[j] = - as;
+	  b[j] = alphafp + ap1 + dt*cfdp[j];
+	  c[j] = - an;
+	  // RHS: unsteady, gravity, drag, pressure gradient
+	  s[j]= alphafp*ufn[j] + alphafp*gra*sin(slope)*dt + dt*cfdp[j]*(usnp[j]+udrift[j]) - alphafp*dpdx/rhof*dt;
+	  //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,a[j],b[j],c[j]);
+	}
+      // Implicit solution using tridiag (useful because of potential very high viscosities) 
+      doubleq( a, b , c, s , ufnp,ndimz);
+      // Update solution for next time step
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
+	{
+	  ufn[j]=ufnp[j];
+	  //printf("%u\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n", j,ufn[j],usnp[j],cfdp[j]);
+	}
+    }
+void calbeta(int irheolf, double alphas[], double beta[], double alphasmax, unsigned long n)
+	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
+  int j;
+  double ratio1,hsuram1;
+  // viscosity amplification factor
+  if (irheolf==0)
+    // 0 : Viscosite du fluide pur
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+	beta[j]=1.;
+    }
+  else if (irheolf==1)
+    // 1 : Viscosite d'Einstein
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+	beta[j]=1.+2.5*alphas[j];
+    }
+  else if (irheolf==2)
+    // 2 : Viscosite de Graham // this one is buged
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+	{
+	  ratio1=pow(min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),0.3333333);
+	  hsuram1=0.5*max(ratio1/(1.-ratio1),1e-3);
+	  //	  printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,ratio1,hsura);
+	  beta[j]=1.+2.5*alphas[j]+2.25*(1+0.5/hsuram1)*(hsuram1-pow(1.+1./hsuram1,-1)-pow(1+1./hsuram1,2));
+	}
+    }
+  else if (irheolf==3)
+    // 3 : Viscosite de Krieger-Dougherty / Ishii-Zuber
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+	beta[j]=pow(1.-min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),-(2.5*alphasmax));
+    }
+  else if (irheolf==4)
+    // 4 : Viscosite de Boyer et al.
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+	beta[j]=1. + 2.5*alphas[j]*pow(1.-min(alphas[j]/alphasmax,0.99),-1);
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+void calviscotlm(int iturbu, int ilm, double dz, double h,double ufn[], double alphas[], double alphasmax, double kappa, double lmExp, double viscoft[], unsigned long n)
+	const unsigned& ndimz=HydroForceEngine::ndimz;
+  int j;
+  double lm[n],dist,sum,alphasmid,dzm,dudz;
+  // Eddy viscosity 
+  if (iturbu==0)
+    // 0 : No turbulence
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<=ndimz;j++)
+        viscoft[j]=0.;
+    }
+  else if (iturbu==1)
+    // 1 : Turbulence activated
+    {
+      if (ilm==0)
+	// 0 : Prandtl mixing length
+	{
+	  dist = 0;
+	  lm[0]=0.;
+	  for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
+	    {
+	      lm[j]=kappa*dist;
+	      dist = dist + dz;
+	    }
+	}
+      else if (ilm==1)
+        // 1 : Parabolic profile (free surface flows)
+        {
+          dist = 0;
+	  lm[0]=0.;
+          for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
+            {
+              lm[j]=kappa*dist*sqrt(1.-dist/h);
+	      dist = dist + dz;
+            }
+          lm[ndimz-1]=0.;
+        }
+      else if (ilm==2)
+        // 2 : Li and Sawamoto (1995) integral of concentration profile
+        {
+          dist = 0;
+	  sum = 0.;
+	  lm[0]=0.;
+          for(j=1;j<=ndimz-1;j++)
+            {
+	      alphasmid=0.5*(alphas[j-1]+alphas[j]);
+	      sum = sum + min(alphasmid/alphasmax,0.9999999)*dz;
+	      lm[j]=kappa*(dist-pow(sum,lmExp));
+	      //	      printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,lm[j],dist*kappa);
+              dist=dist+dz;
+            }
+          lm[ndimz-1]=lm[ndimz-2];
+        }
+      // Compute the velocity gradient and the mixing length
+      for(j=1;j<ndimz-1;j++)
+	{
+	  if (j==1)
+	    dzm=1.5*dz;
+	  else if (j==ndimz-1)
+	    dzm=0.5*dz;
+	  else
+	    dzm=dz;
+	  dudz=(ufn[j]-ufn[j-1])/dz;
+	  viscoft[j]=(1.-alphas[j])*pow(lm[j],2)*fabs(dudz);
+	  //printf("%u\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n",j,fabs(dudz),lm[j],viscoft[j]);
+	}
+      viscoft[ndimz-1]=viscoft[ndimz-2];
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+void doubleq(double ddam1[],double ddam2[],double ddam3[],double ddbm[],double ddxm[],int n)
+  /* reosolution of tridiagonal system
+       am1,2,3[n] - Tridiagonal matrix coefficients                                     
+       bm[n]   - RHS vector        
+       xm[n]   - Solution vector        
+       em[n], fm[n) - working arrays
+       n       - algebraic system size
+  */
+  int i,ii;
+  double ddem[n],ddfm[n],dddiv;
+  // downward sweep
+  dddiv=ddam2[0];
+  ddem[0]=-ddam3[0]/dddiv;
+  ddfm[0]=ddbm[0]/dddiv;
+  for (i=1;i<=n-2;i++)
+    {
+      dddiv=ddam2[i]+ddam1[i]*ddem[i-1];
+      ddem[i]=-ddam3[i]/dddiv;
+      ddfm[i]=(ddbm[i]-ddam1[i]*ddfm[i-1])/dddiv;
+    }
+    // upward sweep
+  dddiv=ddam2[n-1]+ddam1[n-1]*ddem[n-2];
+  ddfm[n-1]=(ddbm[n-1]-ddam1[n-1]*ddfm[n-2])/dddiv;
+  ddxm[n-1]=ddfm[n-1];
+  for (ii=1;ii<=n-1;ii++)
+    {
+      i=n-1-ii;
+      ddxm[i]=ddem[i]*ddxm[i+1]+ddfm[i];
+    }  
\ No newline at end of file

=== added file 'pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/common/HydroForceEngine.hpp	2017-04-05 17:18:06 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// 2014 © Raphael Maurin <raphael.maurin@xxxxxxxxx> 
+#pragma once
+class HydroForceEngine: public PartialEngine{
+	public:
+		static const unsigned ndimz = 900;
+		void averageProfile();
+		void turbulentFluctuation();
+		void turbulentFluctuationBIS();
+		void turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed();
+		void updateVelocity();
+	public:
+		virtual void action();
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(HydroForceEngine,PartialEngine,"Apply drag and lift due to a fluid flow vector (1D) to each sphere + the buoyant weight.\n The applied drag force reads\n\n $F_{d}=\\frac{1}{2} C_d A\\rho^f|\\vec{v_f - v}| \\vec{v_f - v}$ \n\n where $\\rho$ is the medium density (:yref:`densFluid<HydroForceEngine.densFluid>`), $v$ is particle's velocity,  $v_f$ is the velocity of the fluid at the particle center(:yref:`vxFluid<HydroForceEngine.vxFluid>`),  $A$ is particle projected area (disc), $C_d$ is the drag coefficient. The formulation of the drag coefficient depends on the local particle reynolds number and the solid volume fraction. The formulation of the drag is [Dallavalle1948]_ [RevilBaudard2013]_ with a correction of Richardson-Zaki [Richardson1954]_ to take into account the hindrance effect. This law is classical in sediment transport. It is possible to activate a fluctuation of the drag force for each particle which account for the turbulent fluctuation of the fluid velocity (:yref:`velFluct<HydroForceEngine.velFluct>`). The model implemented for the turbulent velocity fluctuation is a simple discrete random walk which takes as input the Reynolds stress tensor $R^f_{xz}$ as a function of the depth, and allows to recover the main property of the fluctuations by imposing $<u_x'u_z'> (z) = <R^f_{xz}>(z)/\\rho^f$. It requires as input $<R^f_{xz}>(z)/\\rho^f$ called :yref:`simplifiedReynoldStresses<HydroForceEngine.simplifiedReynoldStresses>` in the code. \n The formulation of the lift is taken from [Wiberg1985]_ and is such that : \n\n $F_{L}=\\frac{1}{2} C_L A\\rho^f((v_f - v)^2_{top} - (v_f - v)^2_{bottom})$ \n\n Where the subscript top and bottom means evaluated at the top (respectively the bottom) of the sphere considered. This formulation of the lift account for the difference of pressure at the top and the bottom of the particle inside a turbulent shear flow. As this formulation is controversial when approaching the threshold of motion [Schmeeckle2007]_ it is possible to desactivate it with the variable :yref:`lift<HydroForceEngine.lift>`.\n The buoyancy is taken into account through the buoyant weight : \n\n $F_{buoyancy}= - \\rho^f V^p g$ \n\n, where g is the gravity vector along the vertical, and $V^p$ is the volume of the particle. This engine also evaluate the average particle velocity, solid volume fraction and drag force depth profiles, through the function averageProfile. This is done as the solid volume fraction depth profile is required for the drag calculation, and as the three are required for the independent fluid resolution.",
+		///  BEGIN Transitory variables for migration fortran->c++
+		((Real,fluidHeight,1.,,"Height of the flow from the bottom of the sample"))
+		((vector<Real>,sig,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???????"))
+		((vector<Real>,dsig,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???????"))
+		((Real,diameterPart,0.,,"Reference particle diameter"))
+		((Real,densPart,1.,,"mass density of the particles"))
+		((Real,dpdx,0.,,"pressure gradient along streamwise direction"))
+		((Real,slope,0.,,"Angle of the slope in radian"))
+		((Real,fluidResolPeriod,0.,,"1/fluidResolPeriod = frequency of the calculation of the fluid profile"))
+		((vector<Real>,taufsi,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"Create Taufsi/rhof = dragTerm/(rhof(vf-vxp)) to transmit to the fluid code"))
+		((Real,dtFluid,0.,,"Time step for the fluid resolution"))
+		((vector<Real>,turbulentViscosity,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"Turbulent viscocity"))
+		((vector<Real>,phiPartFluid,vector<Real>(ndimz),,"???"))
+		((Real,alphasmax, 0.61,,"????"))
+		//// END
+		((Real,densFluid,1000,,"Density of the fluid, by default - density of water"))
+		((Real,viscoDyn,1e-3,,"Dynamic viscosity of the fluid, by default - viscosity of water"))
+		((Real,zRef,,,"Position of the reference point which correspond to the first value of the fluid velocity, i.e. to the ground."))
+		((Real,deltaZ,,,"Height of the discretization cell."))
+		((Real,expoRZ,3.1,,"Value of the Richardson-Zaki exponent, for the drag correction due to hindrance"))
+                ((bool,lift,false,,"Option to activate or not the evaluation of the lift"))
+		((Real,Cl,0.2,,"Value of the lift coefficient taken from [Wiberg1985]_"))
+		((Real,vCell,,,"Volume of averaging cell"))
+		((int,nCell,,,"Number of cell in the depth"))
+                ((Vector3r,gravity,Vector3r(0,0,-9.81),,"Gravity vector (may depend on the slope)."))
+		((vector<Real>,vxFluid,,,"Discretized streamwise fluid velocity depth profile"))
+		((vector<Real>,phiPart,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile. Can be taken as input parameter, or evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() function, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vxPart,,,"Discretized streamwise solid velocity depth profile. Can be taken as input parameter, or evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() function, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
+                ((vector<Real>,vyPart,,,"Discretized spanwise solid velocity depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
+                ((vector<Real>,vzPart,,,"Discretized normal solid velocity depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,averageDrag,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile. No role in the engine, output parameter. For practical reason, it can be evaluated directly inside the engine, calling from python the averageProfile() method of the engine, or puting :yref:`activateAverage<HydroForceEngine.activateAverage>` to True."))
+                ((bool,twoSize,false,,"Option to activate when considering two particle size in the simulation. When activated evaluate the average solid volume fraction and drag force for the two type of particles of diameter diameterPart1 and diameterPart2 independently."))
+		((Real,radiusPart1,0.,,"Radius of the particles of type 1. Useful only when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((Real,radiusPart2,0.,,"Radius of the particles of type 2. Useful only when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,phiPart1,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,phiPart2,,,"Discretized solid volume fraction depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,averageDrag1,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,averageDrag2,,,"Discretized average drag depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vxPart1,,,"Discretized solid streamwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vxPart2,,,"Discretized solid streamwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vyPart1,,,"Discretized solid spanwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vyPart2,,,"Discretized solid spanwise velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vzPart1,,,"Discretized solid wall-normal velocity depth profile of particles of type 1. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((vector<Real>,vzPart2,,,"Discretized solid wall-normal velocity depth profile of particles of type 2. Evaluated when :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True."))
+		((bool,activateAverage,false,,"If true, activate the calculation of the average depth profiles of drag, solid volume fraction, and solid velocity for the application of the force (phiPart in hindrance function) and to use in python for the coupling with the fluid."))
+		((bool,velFluct,false,,"If true, activate the determination of turbulent fluid velocity fluctuation for the next time step only at the position of each particle, using a simple discrete random walk (DRW) model based on the Reynolds stresses profile (:yref:`simplifiedReynoldStresses<HydroForceEngine.simplifiedReynoldStresses>`)"))
+		((vector<Real>,vFluctX,,,"Vector associating a streamwise fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
+		((vector<Real>,vFluctY,,,"Vector associating a spanwise fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
+		((vector<Real>,vFluctZ,,,"Vector associating a normal fluid velocity fluctuation to each particle. Fluctuation calculated in the C++ code from the discrete random walk model"))
+		((vector<Real>,simplifiedReynoldStresses,,,"Vector of size equal to :yref:`nCell<HydroForceEngine.nCell>` containing the Reynolds stresses divided by the fluid density in function of the depth. simplifiedReynoldStresses(z) $=  <u_x'u_z'>(z)^2$"))
+		((Real,bedElevation,,,"Elevation of the bed above which the fluid flow is turbulent and the particles undergo turbulent velocity fluctuation."))
+		((vector<Real>,fluctTime,,,"Vector containing the time of life of the fluctuations associated to each particles."))
+		((vector<Real>,convAcc,0,,"Convective acceleration, depth dependent"))
+		((Real,convAccOption,false,,"To activate the convective acceleration"))
+		((Real,dtFluct,,,"Execution time step of the turbulent fluctuation model."))
+	,/*ctor*/
+	,/*py*/
+	 .def("averageProfile",&HydroForceEngine::averageProfile,"Compute and store the particle velocity (:yref:`vxPart<HydroForceEngine.vxPart>`, :yref:`vyPart<HydroForceEngine.vyPart>`, :yref:`vzPart<HydroForceEngine.vzPart>`) and solid volume fraction (:yref:`phiPart<HydroForceEngine.phiPart>`) depth profile. For each defined cell z, the k component of the average particle velocity reads: \n\n $<v_k>^z= \\sum_p V^p v_k^p/\\sum_p V^p$,\n\n where the sum is made over the particles contained in the cell, $v_k^p$ is the k component of the velocity associated to particle p, and $V^p$ is the part of the volume of the particle p contained inside the cell. This definition allows to smooth the averaging, and is equivalent to taking into account the center of the particles only when there is a lot of particles in each cell. As for the solid volume fraction, it is evaluated in the same way:  for each defined cell z, it reads: \n\n $<\\phi>^z= \\frac{1}{V_{cell}}\\sum_p V^p$, where $V_{cell}$ is the volume of the cell considered, and $V^p$ is the volume of particle p contained in cell z.\n This function gives depth profiles of average velocity and solid volume fraction, returning the average quantities in each cell of height dz, from the reference horizontal plane at elevation :yref:`zRef<HydroForceEngine.zRef>` (input parameter) until the plane of elevation :yref:`zRef<HydroForceEngine.zRef>` plus :yref:`nCell<HydroForceEngine.nCell>` times :yref:`deltaZ<HydroForceEngine.deltaZ>` (input parameters). When the option :yref:`twoSize<HydroForceEngine.twoSize>` is set to True, evaluate in addition the average drag (:yref:`averageDrag1<HydroForceEngine.averageDrag1>` and :yref:`averageDrag2<HydroForceEngine.averageDrag2>`) and solid volume fraction (:yref:`phiPart1<HydroForceEngine.phiPart1>` and :yref:`phiPart2<HydroForceEngine.phiPart2>`) depth profiles considering only the particles of radius respectively :yref:`radiusPart1<HydroForceEngine.radiusPart1>` and :yref:`radiusPart2<HydroForceEngine.radiusPart2>` in the averaging.")
+	 .def("updateVelocity",&HydroForceEngine::updateVelocity,"Calculate the fluid velocity profile.")
+	 .def("turbulentFluctuation",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuation,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem.")
+	 .def("turbulentFluctuationBIS",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationBIS,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem with an alternative formulation.")
+	 .def("turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed",&HydroForceEngine::turbulentFluctuationFluidizedBed,"Apply turbulent fluctuation to the problem with another alternative formulation.")
+	);