Hi Raphaël,
Let's use yade-dev for this sort of things.
Sorry if I broke something, I was actually about to write to you when
The check-script is apparently not using timeStepper since "yade
--check" still gives the expected result:
//running: checkViscElPM.py//
//Status: success//
One thing to clarify before I can suggest something is this: before
my last commit [1] a body with null stiffness (no contact) would not
be asigned a timestep at all, while I can imagine that some particles
have viscous interactions with neighbors even if they don't touch. No?
In last commit I thus inserted something to let timestep be computed
with just viscosity part, it leads to line 58 being now conditional:
/if (not viscEl) return;/
You can remove the "if" to restore previous behaviour. Most of the
other changes I made are only effective if densityScaling=true, which
is not your case I guess. So this "return" is one of very changes
that could cause the regression.
On 10/17/2018 05:52 PM, Raphaël Maurin wrote:
New question #675297 on Yade:
Hi all,
I just updated the code from source, and a problem just appeared in GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper, which was working fine before. When considering the example script trunk/examples/HydroForceEngine/twoWayCoupling/sedimentTransportExample_1DRANSCoupling.py, I get a time step of the order of 10^{-310} (!).
This is the case when considering the option viscEl = True, while everything is fine if viscEl = False.
This seems to come from a recent commit by Bruno (2 days ago), but I am not able to find from where the change come from. Can anyone (Bruno ? ) help me to identify the problem ?
Thanks !