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Re: Triaxial statetransition and code submission


I modified 2 or 3 lines in TriaxialCompressionEngine in order to update the friction angle from compactionFrictionDeg to FrictionDeg when the state transition is performed manually (by editing the .xml file) from Iso_compaction to Triax_loading. (but I am not sure to respect the idea of the person who written this part of the code)

It makes sense. I will review your changes when you will have them committed.

In addition, during the state transition, I would like to update the tangent of friction angle for all interaction and not only "real" interaction
By design, interactions which are not "real" have really no reason to be considered. See them as if they don't even exist. They will be seen as "new" interactions if, by any chance, they become real again. So, they will be re-initialized anyway, and your updated values will be overwritten before they can be actually used. Did you try it already? I suspect it would lead to some i->friction = x with i the null pointer, then Yade crash.
(from a discussion between Jerome and Bruno I understood that the transition (isReal = 0 and isNew = 0) => (isReal = 1 and isNew = 0) will not happen, but I would prefer to have several "protections" than only one).

Sticking with the current design rule is the best way to avoid problems if you ask me. If this transition from (0,0) to (1,0) could occure, it would be a major bug, and a correct value of friction would not help a lot (think about the tangential displacement, which would be totally wrong : current_position - position_when_the_contact_was_lost).

My question: I may want to submit code modifications in opposition with previous developments. Thus, what is the philosophy? submit directly these modifications to svn, or via a yade developer who will filter the modifications?

Personnaly, I'd prefer people to at least point it out when they modify some code that I'm developping/using (Triaxial and related classes). Exactly like you just did. The commit itself can (should) be done by the one who modified the code (you).

To summarize :
1/ For changing friction after manual editing - or any other change consistent with current philosophy : let you commit your change. 2/ For accessing unreal values, it is really not consistent with the current contact logic. If you really want this behaviour, or anything else in opposition with previous logic, it is better to create your own separate class.

An important point when you modify an existing class : your changes must keep the default behaviour unchanged (might sound obvious).
One usual way for this is :

class C {

+ bool newFeatureActivation;

in the constructor : newFeatureActivation = false, and then define the modified behaviour in a if (newFeatureActivation) { ... }.

This precaution is not needed for your friction update though, as it is already doing nothing by default.



Chareyre Bruno
Maitre de conference

Grenoble INP
Laboratoire 3SR - bureau E145
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France
Tél : 33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : 33 4 76 82 70 43

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