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Triaxial statetransition and code submission



I will be a little bit boring...

Question about submission of code to svn:

I modified 2 or 3 lines in TriaxialCompressionEngine in order to update the friction angle from compactionFrictionDeg to FrictionDeg when the state transition is performed manually (by editing the .xml file) from Iso_compaction to Triax_loading. (but I am not sure to respect the idea of the person who written this part of the code)

In addition, during the state transition, I would like to update the tangent of friction angle for all interaction and not only "real" interaction (from a discussion between Jerome and Bruno I understood that the transition (isReal = 0 and isNew = 0) => (isReal = 1 and isNew = 0) will not happen, but I would prefer to have several "protections" than only one).

My question: I may want to submit code modifications in opposition with previous developments. Thus, what is the philosophy? submit directly these modifications to svn, or via a yade developer who will filter the modifications?



Luc Sibille

Université de Nantes - Laboratoire GeM UMR CNRS

IUT de Saint Nazaire
58, rue Michel-Ange - BP 420
44606 Saint-Nazaire Cedex, France

Tel: +33 (0)2 40 17 81 78

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