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How to use constitutive laws in Python scripts


Hi all,

Sorry to ask about that, but if the "How to write "is quite clear, I could
not find find something concerning the use of the different constitutive

I joined a script as an example but, basically, here are my questions:

1 - How can we manage the value of the physical parameters in a python
script? In almost all the examples, parameters are not assigned. I assume
that their default are then used, but what is the way of writing in order to
control them?

To be sure that I am enough clear, how can we, for example, manage kn, ks
and frictionAngle in the basic ElasticContactLaw (or in the

2 - I tried to do the same simulation with different Laws (see the script),
but unfortunately, only the elactic ones works. I suspect that the possible
interaction between spheres and facets is at the origin of the problem...
Probably wrong, but here it comes to my third question...

3 - Is it possible to create a simulation with several constitutive laws?
For example, can we define an elastic law between some elements (spheres and
facets?) and a cohesive one (RockPM) between others (spheres and spheres),
or do we have to define the two objects in the same law?

Thanks for your help


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