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Hi Bruno,

For the last Bazaar version, I modified the TriaxialStateRecorder, in order to be able to use it equally with TriaxialCompressionEngine or ThreeDTriaxialEngine. Actually it was a modification done by Luc Scholtès a long time ago but that we have never commited. The idea is to access functions in TriaxialStressController directly without passing trought TriaxialCompressionEngine.

Could you please tell me whether you agree (source files are attached)?
If yes, I will commit that.



Luc Sibille

Université de Nantes - Laboratoire GeM UMR CNRS

IUT de Saint Nazaire
58, rue Michel-Ange - BP 420
44606 Saint-Nazaire Cedex, France

Tel: +33 (0)2 40 17 81 78
*  Copyright (C) 2006 by luc Scholtes                                    *
*  luc.scholtes@xxxxxxxxxxx                                              *
*  Copyright (C) 2008 by Bruno Chareyre                                  *
*  bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx                                            *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *

#include "TriaxialStateRecorder.hpp"
//#include <yade/pkg-dem/ElasticContactLaw.hpp>
#include <yade/pkg-dem/TriaxialStressController.hpp>  //luc
//#include <yade/pkg-dem/TriaxialCompressionEngine.hpp>  //luc

//#include <yade/pkg-dem/ScGeom.hpp>
//#include <yade/pkg-dem/FrictPhys.hpp>

#include <yade/core/Omega.hpp>
#include <yade/core/Scene.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

#include <yade/pkg-dem/ScGeom.hpp>
#include <yade/pkg-dem/FrictPhys.hpp>


TriaxialStateRecorder::TriaxialStateRecorder () : Recorder(){
	porosity = 1.;

void TriaxialStateRecorder::action (Scene * ncb )
	// at the beginning of the file; write column titles
		out<<"iteration s11 s22 s33 e11 e22 e33 unb_force porosity kineticE"<<endl;

	//if ( !triaxialCompressionEngine )  //luc
	if ( !triaxialStressController )  //luc
		vector<shared_ptr<Engine> >::iterator itFirst = ncb->engines.begin();
		vector<shared_ptr<Engine> >::iterator itLast = ncb->engines.end();
		for ( ;itFirst!=itLast; ++itFirst )
			//if ( ( *itFirst )->getClassName() == "TriaxialCompressionEngine" ) //|| //luc (*itFirst)->getBaseClassName() == "TriaxialCompressionEngine")
			if ( ( *itFirst )->getClassName() == "TriaxialCompressionEngine" || ( *itFirst )->getClassName() == "ThreeDTriaxialEngine" ) // luc
				LOG_DEBUG ( "stress controller engine found" );
				//triaxialCompressionEngine =  YADE_PTR_CAST<TriaxialCompressionEngine> ( *itFirst ); //luc
				triaxialStressController =  YADE_PTR_CAST<TriaxialStressController> ( *itFirst ); //luc
				//triaxialCompressionEngine = shared_ptr<TriaxialCompressionEngine> (static_cast<TriaxialCompressionEngine*> ( (*itFirst).get()));
		//if ( !triaxialCompressionEngine ) LOG_DEBUG ( "stress controller engine NOT found" ); //luc
		if ( !triaxialStressController ) LOG_DEBUG ( "stress controller engine NOT found" ); //luc
	/*if ( ! ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % triaxialCompressionEngine->computeStressStrainInterval == 0 ) )
		triaxialCompressionEngine->computeStressStrain ( ncb ); */ //luc
	if ( ! ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % triaxialStressController->computeStressStrainInterval == 0 ) )
		triaxialStressController->computeStressStrain ( ncb ); //luc

	/// Compute kinetic energy and porosity :

	Real Vs=0, kinematicE = 0;
	//Real V = ( triaxialCompressionEngine->height ) * ( triaxialCompressionEngine->width ) * ( triaxialCompressionEngine->depth );  // luc
	Real V = ( triaxialStressController->height ) * ( triaxialStressController->width ) * ( triaxialStressController->depth );  // luc

	BodyContainer::iterator bi = ncb->bodies->begin();
	BodyContainer::iterator biEnd = ncb->bodies->end();

	for ( ; bi!=biEnd; ++bi )

		const shared_ptr<Body>& b = *bi;

		if ( b->isDynamic )
			const Vector3r& v = b->state->vel;
			kinematicE +=
				0.5* ( b->state->mass ) * ( v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2] );

			Vs += 1.3333333*Mathr::PI*pow ( YADE_PTR_CAST<Sphere>( b->shape)->radius, 3 );

	porosity = ( V - Vs ) /V;

// ======================================================================== 

 	/*out << lexical_cast<string> ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right][0] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top][1] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front][2] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[0] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[1] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[2] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->ComputeUnbalancedForce ( ncb ) ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( porosity ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( kinematicE )
 	<< endl;*/  //luc
	out << lexical_cast<string> ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->stress[triaxialStressController->wall_right][0] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->stress[triaxialStressController->wall_top][1] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->stress[triaxialStressController->wall_front][2] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->strain[0] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->strain[1] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->strain[2] ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialStressController->ComputeUnbalancedForce ( ncb ) ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( porosity ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( kinematicE )
 	<< endl;  // luc

// ======================================================================== 
	if ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % 500 == 0 || Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() == 0 )

	out << lexical_cast<string> ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right][0] ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top][1] ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front][2] ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[0] ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[1] ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->strain[2] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right][0] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top][1] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front][2] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_left][0] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_bottom][1] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->force[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_back][2] ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_right ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_top ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_front ) << " "

	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->ComputeUnbalancedForce ( ncb ) ) << " "
	<< lexical_cast<string> ( porosity ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_left ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_bottom ) << " "
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( triaxialCompressionEngine->position_back ) << " "
 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( kinematicE ) << " " << endl;
// 	<< lexical_cast<string> ( force_sphere ) << " " << endl;

TriaxialStressController::ComputeLoveStress ( Scene * ncb )
	shared_ptr<BodyContainer>& bodies = ncb->bodies;

	Real f1_el_x=0, f1_el_y=0, f1_el_z=0, x1=0, y1=0, z1=0, x2=0, y2=0, z2=0;

	Real sig11_el=0, sig22_el=0, sig33_el=0, sig12_el=0, sig13_el=0,
	//, Vwater = 0,
 Real kinematicE = 0;

 InteractionContainer::iterator ii    = ncb->interactions->begin();
 InteractionContainer::iterator iiEnd = ncb->interactions->end();

 Real j = 0;
 Real FT[3][3] = {{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}};

 for ( ; ii!=iiEnd ; ++ii )
	 if ( ( *ii )->isReal() )
		 const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction = *ii;

		 unsigned int id1 = interaction -> getId1();
		 unsigned int id2 = interaction -> getId2();

		 ScGeom* currentContactGeometry  =
				 static_cast<ScGeom*> ( interaction->interactionGeometry.
				 get() );

		 FrictPhys* currentContactPhysics =
				 ( interaction->interactionPhysics.get() );

		 Real fn = currentContactPhysics->normalForce.Length();

		 if ( fn!=0 )

				//if (currentContactGeometry->penetrationDepth >= 0)


			 Vector3r fel =
					 currentContactPhysics->normalForce + currentContactPhysics->shearForce;


			 int geometryIndex1 =
					 ( *bodies ) [id1]->geometricalModel->getClassIndex();
			 int geometryIndex2 =
					 ( *bodies ) [id2]->geometricalModel->getClassIndex();

			 if ( geometryIndex1 == geometryIndex2 )

				 BodyMacroParameters* de1 =
						 static_cast<BodyMacroParameters*> ( ( *bodies ) [id1]->physicalParameters.get() );
				 x1 = de1->se3.position[0];
				 y1 = de1->se3.position[1];
				 z1 = de1->se3.position[2];

				 BodyMacroParameters* de2 =
						 static_cast<BodyMacroParameters*> ( ( *bodies ) [id2]->physicalParameters.get() );
				 x2 = de2->se3.position[0];
				 y2 = de2->se3.position[1];
				 z2 = de2->se3.position[2];

					///Calcul des contraintes elastiques spheres/spheres

				 sig11_el = sig11_el + f1_el_x* ( x2 - x1 );
				 sig22_el = sig22_el + f1_el_y* ( y2 - y1 );
				 sig33_el = sig33_el + f1_el_z* ( z2 - z1 );
				 sig12_el = sig12_el + f1_el_x* ( y2 - y1 );
				 sig13_el = sig13_el + f1_el_x* ( z2 - z1 );
				 sig23_el = sig23_el + f1_el_y* ( z2 - z1 );



				 Vector3r l =
						 std::min ( currentContactGeometry->radius2,
						 currentContactGeometry->radius1 )

					/// Calcul des contraintes elastiques spheres/parois

				 sig11_el = sig11_el + f1_el_x*l[0];
				 sig22_el = sig22_el + f1_el_y*l[1];
				 sig33_el = sig33_el + f1_el_z*l[2];
				 sig12_el = sig12_el + f1_el_x*l[1];
				 sig13_el = sig13_el + f1_el_x*l[2];
				 sig23_el = sig23_el + f1_el_y*l[2];


				/// fabric tensor

			 Vector3r normal = currentContactGeometry->normal;

			 for ( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
				 for ( int n=0; n<3; ++n )
							 += normal[i]*normal[n];


*  Copyright (C) 2006 by luc Scholtes                                    *
*  luc.scholtes@xxxxxxxxxxx                                              *
*  Copyright (C) 2008 by Bruno Chareyre                                  *
*  bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx                                            *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *

#pragma once

#include <yade/pkg-common/Recorder.hpp>

/*! \brief Record the stress-strain state of a sample in simulations using TriaxialCompressionEngine

	The output is a text file where each line is a record, with the format 
	IterationNumber sigma11 sigma22 sigma33 epsilon11 epsilon22 epsilon33

// class TriaxialCompressionEngine; // luc
class TriaxialStressController;  // luc

class TriaxialStateRecorder : public Recorder
	private :
		// shared_ptr<TriaxialCompressionEngine> triaxialCompressionEngine; // luc
		shared_ptr<TriaxialStressController> triaxialStressController;  // luc
		bool changed;
	public :
		Real 		porosity;
		//Real height, width, depth;
		//Real thickness; // FIXME should retrieve "extents" of a Box
		//int wall_bottom_id, wall_top_id, wall_left_id, wall_right_id, wall_front_id, wall_back_id;

		TriaxialStateRecorder ();
		virtual void action(Scene*);

	protected :

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