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Re: [Question #240625]: missing SpherePack.toSimulation


Question #240625 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

matthias  is still having a problem:
Yade [1]: sp=SpherePack()
Yade [2]: sp
 ->  [2]: <yade._packSpheres.SpherePack object at 0x1a9a368>
Yade [3]: sp.add(Vector3(0,0,0),0.01)
Yade [4]: sp.toSimulation()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

/..../yade in <module>()
----> 1 

AttributeError: 'SpherePack' object has no attribute 'toSimulation'
Yade [5]: sp.
sp.__class__          sp.__repr__           sp.getClumps
sp.__delattr__        sp.__setattr__        sp.hasClumps
sp.__dict__           sp.__sizeof__         sp.isPeriodic
sp.__doc__            sp.__str__            sp.load
sp.__format__         sp.__subclasshook__   sp.makeCloud
sp.__getattribute__   sp.__weakref__        sp.makeClumpCloud
sp.__getitem__        sp.aabb               sp.particleSD
sp.__hash__           sp.add                sp.particleSD2
sp.__init__           sp.appliedPsdScaling  sp.particleSD_2d
sp.__instance_size__  sp.cellFill           sp.psd
sp.__iter__           sp.cellRepeat         sp.relDensity
sp.__len__            sp.cellSize           sp.rotate
sp.__module__         sp.center             sp.save
sp.__new__            sp.dim                sp.scale
sp.__reduce__         sp.fromList           sp.toList
sp.__reduce_ex__      sp.fromSimulation     sp.translate
Yade [5]: sp.

the object sp, instance of SpherePack, has no method toSimulation

could this happen by using wrong compilation parameters? because this
build is made by our HPC guys

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