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Message #09961
Re: [Question #252656]: Crash when using CPM model
Question #252656 on Yade changed:
Colin Power posted a new comment:
Yes, there are multiple facets in the simulation and there are also are
multiple material types. I am also using a buoyancy model that is
outlined in this example:
I have pasted my script below. The ccore_yade module just contains
helper functions for file management.
import sys, time, random, os, gts, math
from yade import ymport
from yade import pack
from yade import qt
import ccore_yade
# Simulation Parameters
filename = 'seabed'
volumeName = 'keel'
iterPeriod = 100
folder = ccore_yade.newSimulationFolder(filename)
print "Simulation is being stored in: " + folder
filepath = folder+'/'+filename
#used for randomDensePack, experimenting with this.
#define material properties:
shearModulus = 3.6e9
poissonRatio = 0.28
youngModulus = 2*shearModulus*(1+poissonRatio)
angle = radians(36) #friction angle in radians
angle_r = radians(36) #friction angle in radians
rho_p = 917 #density of particles
rho_f = 1029 #density of the fluid, rho_f > rho_p = floating particles
rho_r = 1602 #density of seafloor rock
rho_s = 8050 #density of steel
v_iw = 0 #velocity of increasing water-level
gravity = -9.80665 #m/s
damping = 0.3 #ratio
radius = 0.05 #m
seabed_velocity = 0.05 #m/s
#define water boundaries:
boundaryMin = Vector3(-6, -6, -0.14)
boundaryMax = Vector3(10, 10, 10)
waterLevel = boundaryMin[2]
t0 = O.time
#define colors:
sphereColor = (0.0,0.0,0.05) #dirty yellow
waterColor = (.2,.2,.7) #blue
#define materials:
id_Mat=O.materials.append(CpmMat(young=youngModulus, poisson=poissonRatio, density=rho_p, frictionAngle=angle, sigmaT=5.5e3, relDuctility=30, epsCrackOnset=1e10, isoPrestress=0, damLaw=0) )
id_Mat=O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=50e6, poisson=0.3, density=rho_r, frictionAngle=angle_r))
#steel materials have been seperated for filtering in Paraview
steel_Mat1=O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=50e6, poisson=0.3, density=rho_s, frictionAngle=angle))
steel_Mat2=O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=50e6, poisson=0.3, density=rho_s, frictionAngle=angle))
steel_Mat3=O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=50e6, poisson=0.3, density=rho_s, frictionAngle=angle))
# Import mesh files to create facets
seabed = O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh(meshfile=filename+'.mesh', shift=Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale=1.00, orientation=Quaternion.Identity, color=(0.75,0.35,0), material=rock, wire=False))
leftWall = O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh(meshfile='leftWall.mesh', shift=Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale=1.00, orientation=Quaternion.Identity, color=(0.8,0.8,0.85), material=steel1, wire=False))
rightWall = O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh(meshfile='rightWall.mesh', shift=Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale=1.00, orientation=Quaternion.Identity, color=(0.8,0.8,0.85), material=steel2, wire=False))
topWall = O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh(meshfile='topWall.mesh', shift=Vector3(0, 0, 0), scale=1.00, orientation=Quaternion.Identity, color=(0.8,0.8,0.85), material=steel3, wire=False))
# Create water level indicator
idsWaterFacets = []
idsWaterFacets.append(O.bodies.append(facet( \
[ boundaryMin, [boundaryMax[0], boundaryMin[1], boundaryMin[2]], [boundaryMax[0], boundaryMax[1], boundaryMin[2]] ], \
fixed=True, material=FrictMat(young=0), color=waterColor, wire=False))) #no interactions will appear
idsWaterFacets.append(O.bodies.append(facet( \
[ [boundaryMax[0], boundaryMax[1], boundaryMin[2]], [boundaryMin[0], boundaryMax[1], boundaryMin[2]], boundaryMin ], \
fixed=True, material=FrictMat(young=0), color=waterColor, wire=False))) #no interactions will appear
O.bodies.append(pack.randomDensePack(predicate=volume, radius=radius,
material=Mat, cropLayers=0, rRelFuzz=0.6666, spheresInCell=50000,
memoizeDb=None, useOBB=False, memoDbg=False, color=None,
#Define timestep
ccore_yade.recordTimeStep(filepath, iterPeriod)
InsertionSortCollider([ Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(), Bo1_Facet_Aabb()]),
[Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom()],
[Ip2_Mat_CpmMat_CpmPhys(cohesiveThresholdIter=10000), Ip2_FrictMat_CpmMat_FrictPhys()],
[Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack(), Law2_ScGeom_CpmPhys_Cpm(omegaThreshold=1, yieldEllipseShift=0, yieldSurfType=0)]
NewtonIntegrator(damping=damping, gravity=[0, 0, gravity], label='integrator'),
TranslationEngine(dead=False, ids=seabed, translationAxis=[-1,0,0], velocity=seabed_velocity, label='seabed_movement'),
#Moveable walls for future simulations
#TranslationEngine(dead=False, ids=leftWall, translationAxis=[0,1,0], velocity=0.1, label='leftWall_movement'),
#TranslationEngine(dead=False, ids=rightWall, translationAxis=[0,-1,0], velocity=0.1, label='rightWall_movement'),
#TranslationEngine(dead=False, ids=topWall, translationAxis=[0,0,-1], velocity=0.1, label='topWall_movement'),
# Save data for Paraview
VTKRecorder(fileName=filepath+'_vtk', recorders=['all', 'cpm'], iterPeriod=iterPeriod),
PyRunner(command='O.pause()', iterPeriod=nbIter),
PyRunner(iterPeriod=25, command='applyBuoyancy()', label='buoLabel'),
PyRunner(iterPeriod=10000, command='print O.iter')
print "Start simulation: " + filename
qt.View() # launch Yade with the 3D view
O.pause() # launch Yade with the simulation paused
# Based on https://github.com/yade/trunk/blob/f50c914fd20b550e06512a774022653467b2e041/examples/clumps/apply-buoyancy-clumps.py
def applyBuoyancy():
global waterLevel
waterLevel = (O.time-t0)*v_iw + boundaryMin[2]
for b in O.bodies:
zMin = 1e9
zMax = -1e9
if b.isStandalone and isinstance(b.shape,Sphere):
rad = b.shape.radius
zMin = b.state.pos[2] - rad
dh = min((waterLevel - zMin), 2*rad) #to get sure, that dh is not bigger than 2*radius
elif b.isClump: #determine rad, zMin and zMax for clumps:
for ii in b.shape.members.keys():
pos = O.bodies[ii].state.pos
zMin = min(zMin,pos[2]-O.bodies[ii].shape.radius)
zMax = max(zMax,pos[2]+O.bodies[ii].shape.radius)
#get equivalent radius from clump mass:
rad = ( 3*b.state.mass/(4*pi*O.bodies[b.shape.members.keys()[0]].mat.density) )**(1./3.)
#get dh relative to equivalent sphere, but acting when waterLevel is between clumps z-dimensions zMin and zMax:
dh = min((waterLevel - zMin)*2*rad/(zMax - zMin), 2*rad)
if dh > 0:
F_buo = -1*(pi/3)*dh*dh*(3*rad - dh)*rho_f*integrator.gravity # = -V*rho*g
O.forces.addF(b.id, F_buo, permanent=True)
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