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Re: [Question #403736]: about O.force.addMove


Question #403736 on Yade changed:

Jérôme Duriez proposed the following answer:
Using "contact law algorithm", I was in fact referring to the contact constitutive relations:
 contact force = f(relative displacements)

Actually, such relations usually read in YADE, for tangential contact force especially:
contact force = f(bodies velocities, time step)
hence the problem if you change bodies positions without any changes to bodies velocities.

On the other hand, Velocity-Verlet algorithm is a particular integration algorithm applied to Newton's second law in order to update bodies positions knowing their accelerations.
The corresponding YADE algorithm is described in the doc at [1], as per the source code of NewtonIntegrator [2].
As for the names, the YADE algorithm is the so-called leap frog algorithm, which seems close to Velocity-Verlet algorithm (?)

[1] https://yade-dem.org/doc/formulation.html#motion-integration
[2] https://github.com/yade/trunk/blob/e4e757f2e98a620e3177b7a36a1d10f69f6a6a28/pkg/dem/NewtonIntegrator.cpp#L187

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