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Message #16188
Re: [Question #659557]: Flow engine working randomly with CHOLMOD
Question #659557 on Yade changed:
Status: Solved => Open
Luc Scholtès is still having a problem:
Just to confirm that I don't have the random behavior with yade
2017.10.a as mentioned by Lingran. Why? I have no idea but I'll stick to
this version for now on.
However, this version does not allow to run simulations with
DFNFlowEngine as it produces a segfault as soon as a crack or fracture
is present in the medium. I managed to avoid the segfault by modifying
the trickPermeability() function which was at the origin of the
segfault. However, now, when a cell is identified as cracked (and so its
permeability is modified/increased with respect to the non cracked
cells), I get this warning:
CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
something went wrong in Cholesky factorization, use LDLt as fallback this time1
and the flow computation is wrong.
Any idea where I should look at for this particular issue?
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