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Message #16418
Re: [Question #661618]: Grids visualization in ParaView
Question #661618 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Deepak proposed the following answer:
I use the VTK recorder in the O.engines list like this: (I just have
gridNodes and gridConnections in my simulation)
This would export all the interactions and you will see it as a lines in paraview when you open it.
In paraview, use the 'tube' filter, set the number of sides (6 is default, I use 12). and the radius of the grid node. You would be able to see the 3D representation for the gridconnections. But the situation would be different when you have spheres in your simulation, you would see the interactions appear as cylinders between the gridconnection-sphere and sphere-sphere interactions.
I think you can use the VTKexporter, exportInteractions() [1] with the ids of the gridnodes for viewing the gridconnections alone.
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