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Message #16774
Re: [Question #664499]: Not able to understand the error
Question #664499 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Robert Caulk proposed the following answer:
Hello Anay,
The error says it all: JCFpmMat does not have the attribute named
epsCrackOnset. While we are looking at material attributes, JCFpmMat
does not have relDuctility or isoPrestress. Further, the tensile
strength attribute is assigned by tensileStrength, not sigmaT. Since
JCFpm does not have these attributes, Yade tries to assign values to
attributes that do not exist, and then Yade (Python really) throws the
error. I know it is difficult to keep track of all the variously named
attributes for all the different Yade materials, and therefore I would
encourage you to refer to the Yade class reference to find the available
specific class attributes [1]. Hey, you might find some hidden
attributes that will help you decide if the material is suitable for
what you want to model!
To fix this error, you should remove these attributes from the list:
>Is JCFpm be the appropriate method for modeling the concrete? I planned
to use the Bonded particle >model (Cundal, 2004) for the cohesion but
here on this portal, Luc Scholtes suggested that JCFpm is >actually
better than BPM. Can anyone suggest me on the which method would be
Well, JCFpm is simply a modified version of BPM IINM. I guess I will
just answer your question with a question: Should your concrete model
rely on an interparticle frictional mohr coulomb model to determine the
shear strength of the particle bonds? If so, JCFpm is great for you.
And for completeness: Yade has a specific concrete model named "CpmMat"
which is designed specifically for concrete [2].
[2] https://yade-dem.org/doc/yade.wrapper.html#yade.wrapper.CpmMat
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