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Re: [Question #669990]: error using saveVtk() to get tesselation geometry


Question #669990 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

rhaven is still having a problem:
Hi Bruno,
I looked at the tesselationwrapper, but didnt see a way to access the edges as a list pertaining to each voronoi cell. Is this possible?
I saw saveVtk can save out the voronoi diagram and seemed to be the easier way to access the geometry...

I should really say (taking yet another step back and looking at the bigger picture), what I really want to do is obtain a pore size distribution for my packing. (The pore size I am defining to be the radius of an inscribed sphere that fits in the space between particles.) 
So to calculate something that looks like this https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Frank_Werner/publication/273284325/figure/fig7/AS:294826168864779@1447303444628/An-example-of-a-Voronoi-diagram-in-Laguerre-geometry-for-a-set-of-multi-sized-circles.png
many thanks

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