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Message #19607
Re: [Question #679544]: Best way to fix typos in documentation: source edit + git push?
Give me your gitlab.com name. :)
Le lun. 29 avr. 2019 16:08, Gael Lorieul <gael.lorieul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a
écrit :
> Hi Bruno (and the team),
> El 26-04-19 a las 10:03, Bruno Chareyre escribió:
> > Yes you can write emails to yade-dev.
> Ok, I'll do that next time ;)
> But I'll finish the present conversation in yade-users to keep it simple
> (and avoid possibly a mess).
> > It would be very helpful if you could try method [1] (gitlab),
> especially if you plan to change more later, and it should not be a big
> deal.
> > Assuming you are working on source code pulled from the gitlab
> repository (else send use the result of "git remote -v"):
> >
> > cd trunk
> > git status #list which files you have modified
> > git commit file1 file2 file3 #the files you changed
> > git pull --rebase
> > git push origin master:fixtypo
> I tried that last Friday and got: (same thing today…)
> > GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to this project.
> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
> Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the
> repository exists.
> Some info about my `origin` repository i.e. `git remote show origin`
> remote origin
> Fetch URL: git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade-dev/trunk.git
> Push URL: git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade-dev/trunk.git
> Branch HEAD: master
> Remote branch:
> master tracked
> I am using SSH authentication, and the gitlab server has the
> corresponding public key (I checked which key I am using with `ssh -vT
> git@xxxxxxxxxx`).
> Https authentication also fails (and I checked the credentials I use):
> Username for 'https://gitlab.com': g* dot l* at coandev dot com
> Password for 'https://*@gitlab.com':
> remote: You are not allowed to push code to this project.
> Although I cannot push, I can pull i.e. `git pull --rebase` succeeds.
> In the GitLab web interface I can see that I am *not* a member of the
> `yade-dev/trunk` project (my user name is g* dot l* at coandev dot com
> i.e. same as the e-mail address I am using but with a different host)
> Could that be that I would need to be a member of the `yade-dev/trunk`
> project for approach #1 to succeed? Any ideas? ;)
> Gaël
> PS:
> Result of `git remote -v`
> origin git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade-dev/trunk.git (fetch)
> origin git@xxxxxxxxxx:yade-dev/trunk.git (push)
> origin_https https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk.git (fetch)
> origin_https https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk.git (push)
> Note: remote `origin` is the upstream.
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