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Message #21085
Re: [Question #685303]: How to set coefficient of rolling friction
Question #685303 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Luc Sibille proposed the following answer:
Here is the rolling friction coefficient:
Yes the shear stiffness is calculated using the parameter
which actually not a Young modulus, but a stiffness modulus of the
Finally you can find a new paper about theses questions in the
continuity of the one from Aboul Hosn et al, here [1]
[1] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nag.2911
Le 21/10/2019 à 14:17, Chu a écrit :
> New question #685303 on Yade:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/yade/+question/685303
> Hello,
> According to Rodaina Aboul Hosn(2017)[1],we can introduce rolling resistance by the rolling stiffness and coefficient of rolling friction.According [2],I use Law2_ScGeom6D_CohFrictPhys_CohesionMoment().I find the rolling stiffness alphaKr[3], but I don't find the coefficient of rolling friction.How can I set coefficient of rolling friction?
> In addition, rolling stiffnesses are proportional to the shear stiffness through dimensionless factors alphaKr[3]. I think the shear stiffness is calculated using Young's modulus,right?
> Thanks for your any suggestion.
> [1]https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10035-016-0687-0
> [2]https://answers.launchpad.net/yade/+question/202803
> [3]https://yade-dev.gitlab.io/trunk/yade.wrapper.html?highlight=cohfrictmat#yade.wrapper.CohFrictMat.alphaKr
Luc Sibille
Université Grenoble Alpes / IUT1 de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3SR: Sols, Solides, Structures, Risques
Tel lab.: +33 (0)4 76 82 63 48
Tel IUT: +33 (0)4 76 82 53 36
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