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[Question #690262]: predicte


New question #690262 on Yade:

Hi All,
last time I asked the question in this post:https://answers.launchpad.net/yade/+question/690079

one answer for the local bodies is we can use the following code:
The same for interactions (e.g. based on their contactPoint):
predicate = pack.inAlignedBox(...)
localIntrs = [i for i in O.interactions if predicate(i.geom.contactPoint)]

I did the same way, here is my code:
def local_interaction():
	predicate = pack.inAlignedBox((0.1,0.1,0.1),(0.15,0.15,0.15))
	#predicate = pack.inSphere((0.2,0.2,0.1), 0.1)
	localintrs = [i for i in O.interactions if predicate(i.geom.contactPoint)]
	for i in localintrs:
		constnormal1 = i.geom.normal[0]
		constnormal2 = i.geom.normal[1]
		constnormal3 = i.geom.normal[2]
	print('this is contact normal 1:',constnormal1)
	print('this is contact normal 2:',constnormal2)
	print('this is contact normal 3:',constnormal3)
###############but I got the error:
In [1]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ArgumentError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/bin/yade in <module>()

/usr/bin/yade in local_interaction()
     40         predicate = pack.inAlignedBox((0.1,0.1,0.1),(0.15,0.15,0.15))
     41         #predicate = pack.inSphere((0.2,0.2,0.1), 0.1)
---> 42         localintrs = [i for i in O.interactions if predicate(i.geom.contactPoint)]
     43         for i in localintrs:
     44                 constnormal1 = i.geom.normal[0]

ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    Predicate.__call__(inAlignedBox, Vector3)
did not match C++ signature:
    __call__(PredicateWrap {lvalue}, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>, double)
    __call__(Predicate {lvalue}, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>, double)
sorry, I don't know the error, but i know it's related to line 42 "if predicate(i.geom.contactPoint)]-------------here"
it seems i need to add something here.
if we use another code post at that question.
predicate = pack.inAlignedBox(...) # or other instance or combination of several predicates
localBodies = [b for b in O.bodies if predicate(b.state.pos,b.shape.radius)]
these code didn't give me error.
but if i change here----------------if predicate(b.state.pos,b.shape.radius)]------to-------if predicate(b.state.pos)], it will give me the same error. 
for these code, i think we need the position as well as the radius to identify one sphere, so we need:b.state.pos,b.shape.radius.
but for an interaction point, why we can't just use i.geom.contactPoint to determine the contact point is in this predicate or not?

overall, I think my question is how to use the predicate to determine whether a contact point is in this predicate or not?

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