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Re: [Question #690935]: makeVideo


Question #690935 on Yade changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Paolo is still having a problem:
Thank you guys, I'm making progress. I succeeded in collecting snapshots
both from the simulation and the addData graph. I eventually downloaded
mencoder and now everything works well.

Just one last thing. It happens that sometimes, during the simulation,
the following error appears and stops the evolution of the plotted
graph. The simulation goes on and I can collect the snapshots from it
correctly, but the graph remains stuck. I cannot understand what it

In [1]: Unhandled exception in thread started by <function liveUpdate at 0x7f785b36e5d0>
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/yade/py/yade/plot.py in liveUpdate(timestamp)
    506                         for ax in axes:
    507                                 try:
--> 508                                         ax.relim() # recompute axes limits
    509                                         ax.autoscale_view()
    510                                 except RuntimeError: pass # happens if data are being updated and have not the same dimension at the very moment

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.pyc in relim(self, visible_only)
   1936         for line in self.lines:
   1937             if not visible_only or line.get_visible():
-> 1938                 self._update_line_limits(line)
   1940         for p in self.patches:

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.pyc in _update_line_limits(self, line)
   1799         Figures out the data limit of the given line, updating self.dataLim.
   1800         """
-> 1801         path = line.get_path()
   1802         if path.vertices.size == 0:
   1803             return

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/lines.pyc in get_path(self)
    955         """
    956         if self._invalidy or self._invalidx:
--> 957             self.recache()
    958         return self._path

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/lines.pyc in recache(self, always)
    665             y = self._y
--> 667         self._xy = np.column_stack(np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)).astype(float)
    668         self._x, self._y = self._xy.T  # views

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/lib/stride_tricks.pyc in broadcast_arrays(*args, **kwargs)
    247     args = [np.array(_m, copy=False, subok=subok) for _m in args]
--> 249     shape = _broadcast_shape(*args)
    251     if all(array.shape == shape for array in args):

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/lib/stride_tricks.pyc in _broadcast_shape(*args)
    182     # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    183     # consistently
--> 184     b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    185     # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    186     for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):

ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single

Thanks for helping me!

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