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Re: [Question #695081]: [Solved] Compilation failed on vtk8.2.0


Question #695081 on Yade changed:

Kan Su posted a new comment:
Thanks a lot!

I re-complied with  VECTORIZE=OFF and ran all tests and checks again.  
All tests passed, but one check failed.

checkPotentialVTKRecorders.py  failure, caught exception  FileNotFoundError :  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/data/potentialVTKRecorders/ver8.2/pbcontactPoint.10.vtu'  

I then wen to  the directory. Not that there's no file named
`pbcontactPoint.10.vtu` but only one named `ppcontactPoint.10.vtu`

➜  yade git:(master) ✗ cd /usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/data/potentialVTKRecorders/ver8.2/
➜  ver8.2 ll                                                                      
total 52K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  38K Jan 21 00:09 pp-pb.10.vtp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.4K Jan 21 00:09 ppId.10.vtu
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.2K Jan 21 00:09 ppcontactPoint.10.vtu
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.8K Jan 21 00:09 ppvel.10.vtu
Below are the output of printAllVersions, tests and checks

➜  yade git:(master) ✗ yade
Welcome to Yade 2021.01a 
Using python version: 3.9.1 (default, Dec 13 2020, 11:55:53) 
[GCC 10.2.0]
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
TCP python prompt on localhost:9000, auth cookie `esdcsk'
XMLRPC info provider on http://localhost:21000
QSettings::value: Empty key passed
QSettings::value: Empty key passed
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
[[ ^L clears screen, ^U kills line. F12 controller, F11 3D view (press "h" in 3D view for help), F10 both, F9 generator, F8 plot. ]]

In [1]: printAllVersions()

Yade version   :  2021.01a
Yade config dir:  ~/.yade
Yade precision :  53 bits, 15 decimal places, with mpmath
Yade RealHP<…> :  (15, 33, 45, 60, 120, 150, 300) decimal digits in C++, (15, 33) decimal digits accessible from python

Libraries used :

| library       | cmake                 | C++                 |
| ------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| boost         | 1.75.0                | 1.75.0              |
| cgal          |                       | 4.14.3              |
| clp           | 1.17.6                | 1.17.6              |
| cmake         | 3.19.3                |                     |
| coinutils     | 2.11.4                | 2.11.4              |
| compiler      | /usr/bin/c++ 10.2.0   | gcc 10.2.0          |
| eigen         | 3.3.9                 | 3.3.9               |
| freeglut      | 3.0.0                 |                     |
| gl            |                       | 20190805            |
| ipython       | 7.19.0                |                     |
| metis         |                       | 5.1.0               |
| mpfr          | 4.1.0                 | 4.1.0               |
| mpi           | 3.1                   | ompi:4.0.5          |
| mpi4py        | 3.0.3                 |                     |
| mpmath        | 1.1.0                 |                     |
| openblas      |                       |  OpenBLAS 0.3.13    |
| python        | 3.9.1                 | 3.9.1               |
| qglviewer     |                       | 2.7.2               |
| qt            |                       | 5.15.2              |
| sqlite        |                       | 3.34.0              |
| suitesparse   | 5.8.1                 | 5.8.1               |
| vtk           | 8.2.0                 | 8.2.0               |

Linux version  :  Arch Linux
Architecture   :  unknown
Little endian  :  True

➜  yade git:(master) ✗ yade --test
Using python version: 3.9.1 (default, Dec 13 2020, 11:55:53) 
[GCC 10.2.0]
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.

Using PrecisionDouble with 15 digits.

Using (15, 33) decimal digits in python. Importing mpmath

testDummySomething (yade.tests.dummyTest.TestDummy) ... ok
testDummySomethingElse (yade.tests.dummyTest.TestDummy) ... ok
testMatrix3 (yade.TestEigenWrapper)
Math: Matrix3 operations ... ok
testQuaternion (yade.TestEigenWrapper)
Math: Quaternion operations ... ok
testVector2 (yade.TestEigenWrapper)
Math: Vector2 operations ... ok
testVector3 (yade.TestEigenWrapper)
Math: Vector3 operations ... ok
testClassCtors (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: correct types are instantiated ... ok
testDispatcherCtor (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: dispatcher ctors with functors ... ok
testHidden (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: Attr::hidden ... ok
testInteractionLoopCtor (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: InteractionLoop special ctor ... ok
testInvalidAttr (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: invalid attribute access raises AttributeError ... ok
testNoSave (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: Attr::noSave ... ok
testParallelEngineCtor (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: ParallelEngine special ctor ... ok
testRootDerivedCtors_attrs_few (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: class ctor's attributes ... ok
testTriggerPostLoad (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: Attr::triggerPostLoad ... ok
testWrongFunctorType (yade.TestObjectInstantiation)
Core: dispatcher and functor type mismatch is detected ... ok
testErase (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: erased bodies are None in python ... ok
testErasedAndNewlyCreatedSphere (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: The bug is described in LP:1001194. If the new body was created after deletion of previous, it has no bounding box ... ok
testErasedIterate (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: Iterator silently skips erased ones ... ok
testIterate (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: Iteration ... ok
testLen (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: len(O.bodies) ... ok
testNegativeIndex (yade.TestBodies)
Bodies: Negative index counts backwards (like python sequences). ... ok
testSaveAllClasses (yade.TestIO)
I/O: All classes can be saved and loaded with boost::serialization ... Entered the initialization functionWARNING: cannot open files used for capillary law, all forces will be null. Instructions on how to download and install them is found here : https://yade-dem.org/wiki/CapillaryTriaxialTest.
testEraseBodiesInInteraction (yade.TestInteractions) ... ok
testDead (yade.TestLoop)
Loop: dead engines are not run ... ok
testEnginesModificationInsideLoop (yade.TestLoop)
Loop: O.engines can be modified inside the loop transparently. ... ok
testSubstepping (yade.TestLoop)
Loop: substepping ... ok
testMatchMakerCollisions (yade.TestMatchMaker) ... ok
testMaterialReturnsState (yade.TestMaterialStateAssociativity)
Material+State: CpmMat returns CpmState when asked for newAssocState ... ok
testThrowsAtBadCombination (yade.TestMaterialStateAssociativity)
Material+State: throws when body has material and state that don't work together. ... ok
testThrowsAtNullState (yade.TestMaterialStateAssociativity)
Material+State: throws when body has material but NULL state. ... ok
testAccess (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: find by index or label; KeyError raised for invalid label. ... ok
testIterate (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: iteration over O.materials ... ok
testLen (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: len(O.materials) ... ok
testNegativeIndex (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: negative index counts backwards. ... ok
testShared (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: shared_ptr's makes change in material immediate everywhere ... ok
testSharedAfterReload (yade.TestMaterials)
Material: shared_ptr's are preserved when saving/loading ... ok
testMissingFunction (yade.TestPyRunner) ... Entered the initialization functionTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'missingFunction' is not defined
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'missingFunction()'

name 'missingFunction' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'missingFunction' is not defined
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'missingFunction' is not defined
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'missingFunction()'

name 'missingFunction' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'missingFunction' is not defined
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
testPythonToCppToPythonThrow (yade.TestPyRunner) ... No suitable packing in database found, running PERIODIC compression
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/pack.py", line 522, in randomDensePack
    O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!
RuntimeError: Please call O.stop() first.
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'from yade import

Please call O.stop() first.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

  File "/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/pack.py", line 522, in randomDensePack
    O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!

RuntimeError: Please call O.stop() first.
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
No suitable packing in database found, running PERIODIC compression
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/pack.py", line 522, in randomDensePack
    O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!
RuntimeError: Please call O.stop() first.
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'from yade import

Please call O.stop() first.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

  File "/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/pack.py", line 522, in randomDensePack
    O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!

RuntimeError: Please call O.stop() first.
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
testRaisingFunction (yade.TestPyRunner) ... Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: raised RuntimeError
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'raise RuntimeError("raised RuntimeError")'

raised RuntimeError

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

RuntimeError: raised RuntimeError
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: raised RuntimeError
<FATAL ERROR> ThreadRunner:35 void yade::ThreadRunner::run(): Exception occured: 
PyRunner error.

COMMAND: 'raise RuntimeError("raised RuntimeError")'

raised RuntimeError

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

RuntimeError: raised RuntimeError
<ERROR> yadeWrapper.cpp:1066 void yade::pyOmega::wait(): Simulation error encountered.
testDegenerate (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: degenerate cell raises exception ... ok
testHomotheticResizeVel (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: homothetic cell deformation adjusts particle velocity ... ok
testKineticEnergy (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: utils.kineticEnergy considers only fluctuation velocity, not the velocity gradient ... ok
testL3GeomIncidentVelocity (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: L3Geom computes incident velocity correctly ... ok
testScGeomIncidentVelocity (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: ScGeom computes incident velocity correctly ... ok
testSetBox (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: setBox modifies hSize correctly ... ok
testTrsfChange (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: chaing trsf changes hSize0, but does not modify hSize ... ok
testVelGrad (yade.TestPBC)
PBC: velGrad changes hSize, accumulates in trsf ... ok
testConsistency (yade.TestSimpleClump)
Clump: ids and flags consistency ... ok
testStaticProperties (yade.TestSimpleClump)
Clump: mass, centroid, intertia ... ok
testVelocity (yade.TestSimpleClump)
Clump: velocities of member assigned by NewtonIntegrator ... ok
testMotion (yade.tests.cohesive-chain.TestCohesiveChain)
CohesiveChain: velocity/positions tested in transient dynamics and equilibrium state ... /usr/lib/yade/py/yade/gridpfacet.py:57: UserWarning: chainedCylinder is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use GridConnection instead. See examples/grids/CohesiveGridConnectionSphere.py.
  warnings.warn('\033[1;31mchainedCylinder is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use GridConnection instead. See examples/grids/CohesiveGridConnectionSphere.py.\033[1;0m',category=UserWarning)
testKinematicEngines (yade.TestKinematicEngines)
Engines: kinematic engines ... ok
testLabels (yade.TestLabelsOfEngines) ... ok
testUserCreatedInteraction (yade.TestUtils) ... ok
testLibVersions (yade.tests.libVersions.TestLibVersions) ... cmake versions:  {'cmake': [(3, 19, 3), '3.19.3'], 'compiler': [(10, 2, 0), '/usr/bin/c++ 10.2.0'], 'boost': [(1, 75, 0), '1.75.0'], 'freeglut': [(3, 0, 0), '3.0.0'], 'python': [(3, 9, 1), '3.9.1'], 'eigen': [(3, 3, 9), '3.3.9'], 'vtk': [(8, 2, 0), '8.2.0'], 'suitesparse': [(5, 8, 1), '5.8.1'], 'mpi': [(3, 1, 0), '3.1'], 'ipython': [(7, 19, 0), '7.19.0'], 'clp': [(1, 17, 6), '1.17.6'], 'coinutils': [(2, 11, 4), '2.11.4'], 'mpi4py': [(3, 0, 3), '3.0.3'], 'mpfr': [(4, 1, 0), '4.1.0'], 'mpmath': [(1, 1, 0), '1.1.0']}
C++ versions:  {'compiler': [(10, 2, 0), 'gcc 10.2.0'], 'boost': [(1, 75, 0), '1.75.0'], 'qt': [(5, 15, 2), '5.15.2'], 'gl': [(2019, 8, 5), '20190805'], 'qglviewer': [(2, 7, 2), '2.7.2'], 'python': [(3, 9, 1), '3.9.1'], 'eigen': [(3, 3, 9), '3.3.9'], 'sqlite': [(3, 34, 0), '3.34.0'], 'vtk': [(8, 2, 0), '8.2.0'], 'cgal': [(4, 14, 3), '4.14.3'], 'suitesparse': [(5, 8, 1), '5.8.1'], 'openblas': [(0, 0, 0), ' OpenBLAS 0.3.13 '], 'metis': [(5, 1, 0), '5.1.0'], 'mpi': [(4, 0, 5), 'ompi:4.0.5'], 'clp': [(1, 17, 6), '1.17.6'], 'coinutils': [(2, 11, 4), '2.11.4'], 'mpfr': [(4, 1, 0), '4.1.0']}

Yade version   :  2021.01a
Yade config dir:  ~/.yade
Yade precision :  53 bits, 15 decimal places, with mpmath
Yade RealHP<…> :  (15, 33, 45, 60, 120, 150, 300) decimal digits in C++, (15, 33) decimal digits accessible from python

Libraries used :

| library       | cmake                 | C++                 |
| boost         | 1.75.0                | 1.75.0              |
| cgal          |                       | 4.14.3              |
| clp           | 1.17.6                | 1.17.6              |
| cmake         | 3.19.3                |                     |
| coinutils     | 2.11.4                | 2.11.4              |
| compiler      | /usr/bin/c++ 10.2.0   | gcc 10.2.0          |
| eigen         | 3.3.9                 | 3.3.9               |
| freeglut      | 3.0.0                 |                     |
| gl            |                       | 20190805            |
| ipython       | 7.19.0                |                     |
| metis         |                       | 5.1.0               |
| mpfr          | 4.1.0                 | 4.1.0               |
| mpi           | 3.1                   | ompi:4.0.5          |
| mpi4py        | 3.0.3                 |                     |
| mpmath        | 1.1.0                 |                     |
| openblas      |                       |  OpenBLAS 0.3.13    |
| python        | 3.9.1                 | 3.9.1               |
| qglviewer     |                       | 2.7.2               |
| qt            |                       | 5.15.2              |
| sqlite        |                       | 3.34.0              |
| suitesparse   | 5.8.1                 | 5.8.1               |
| vtk           | 8.2.0                 | 8.2.0               |

Linux version  :  Arch Linux
Architecture   :  unknown
Little endian  :  True

Yade version   :  2021.01a
Yade config dir:  ~/.yade
Yade precision :  53 bits, 15 decimal places, with mpmath
Yade RealHP<…> :  (15, 33, 45, 60, 120, 150, 300) decimal digits in C++, (15, 33) decimal digits accessible from python

Libraries used :

| library       | cmake                 | C++                 |
| ------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| boost         | 1.75.0                | 1.75.0              |
| cgal          |                       | 4.14.3              |
| clp           | 1.17.6                | 1.17.6              |
| cmake         | 3.19.3                |                     |
| coinutils     | 2.11.4                | 2.11.4              |
| compiler      | /usr/bin/c++ 10.2.0   | gcc 10.2.0          |
| eigen         | 3.3.9                 | 3.3.9               |
| freeglut      | 3.0.0                 |                     |
| gl            |                       | 20190805            |
| ipython       | 7.19.0                |                     |
| metis         |                       | 5.1.0               |
| mpfr          | 4.1.0                 | 4.1.0               |
| mpi           | 3.1                   | ompi:4.0.5          |
| mpi4py        | 3.0.3                 |                     |
| mpmath        | 1.1.0                 |                     |
| openblas      |                       |  OpenBLAS 0.3.13    |
| python        | 3.9.1                 | 3.9.1               |
| qglviewer     |                       | 2.7.2               |
| qt            |                       | 5.15.2              |
| sqlite        |                       | 3.34.0              |
| suitesparse   | 5.8.1                 | 5.8.1               |
| vtk           | 8.2.0                 | 8.2.0               |

Linux version  :  Arch Linux
Architecture   :  unknown
Little endian  :  True

compiler version reported by by cmake is  [(10, 2, 0), '/usr/bin/c++ 10.2.0']  and by C++ is  [(10, 2, 0), 'gcc 10.2.0']
boost version reported by by cmake is  [(1, 75, 0), '1.75.0']  and by C++ is  [(1, 75, 0), '1.75.0']
python version reported by by cmake is  [(3, 9, 1), '3.9.1']  and by C++ is  [(3, 9, 1), '3.9.1']
eigen version reported by by cmake is  [(3, 3, 9), '3.3.9']  and by C++ is  [(3, 3, 9), '3.3.9']
vtk version reported by by cmake is  [(8, 2, 0), '8.2.0']  and by C++ is  [(8, 2, 0), '8.2.0']
suitesparse version reported by by cmake is  [(5, 8, 1), '5.8.1']  and by C++ is  [(5, 8, 1), '5.8.1']
mpi version reported by by cmake is  [(3, 1, 0), '3.1']  and by C++ is  [(4, 0, 5), 'ompi:4.0.5']

 Warning: mpi versions are different, CMAKE: (3, 1, 0) vs. C++: (4, 0, 5)
 Something suspicious is going on. Can you help with file py/libVersions.py.in?
clp version reported by by cmake is  [(1, 17, 6), '1.17.6']  and by C++ is  [(1, 17, 6), '1.17.6']
coinutils version reported by by cmake is  [(2, 11, 4), '2.11.4']  and by C++ is  [(2, 11, 4), '2.11.4']
mpfr version reported by by cmake is  [(4, 1, 0), '4.1.0']  and by C++ is  [(4, 1, 0), '4.1.0']
testMatrix3Test (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testMatrix3cTest (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testMpmath (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testQuaternion (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector2 (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector2c (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector2i (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector3 (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector3c (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector3i (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector3na (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testVector4 (yade.tests.testMinieigenHP.ExtendedMinieigenTests) ... RealHP<1> RealHP<2> ok
testArray (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... <NOFILTER> :184 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof RealHP<1>   in bytes: 8
<NOFILTER> :187 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof float       in bytes: 4
<NOFILTER> :188 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof double      in bytes: 8
<NOFILTER> :189 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof long double in bytes: 16
<NOFILTER> :204 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: calling testLoopRealHP()
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 1]: Checking ConstantsHP<1>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 2]: Checking ConstantsHP<2>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 3]: Checking ConstantsHP<3>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 4]: Checking ConstantsHP<4>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 8]: Checking ConstantsHP<8>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 10]: Checking ConstantsHP<10>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 20]: Checking ConstantsHP<20>
<NOFILTER> :184 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof RealHP<1>   in bytes: 8
<NOFILTER> :187 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof float       in bytes: 4
<NOFILTER> :188 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof double      in bytes: 8
<NOFILTER> :189 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: sizeof long double in bytes: 16
<NOFILTER> :204 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 1]: calling testLoopRealHP()
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 1]: Checking ConstantsHP<1>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 2]: Checking ConstantsHP<2>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 3]: Checking ConstantsHP<3>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 4]: Checking ConstantsHP<4>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 8]: Checking ConstantsHP<8>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 10]: Checking ConstantsHP<10>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 20]: Checking ConstantsHP<20>
<NOFILTER> :184 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 2]: sizeof RealHP<2>   in bytes: 16
<NOFILTER> :187 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 2]: sizeof float       in bytes: 4
<NOFILTER> :188 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 2]: sizeof double      in bytes: 8
<NOFILTER> :189 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 2]: sizeof long double in bytes: 16
<NOFILTER> :204 void yade::testArray() [with int N = 2]: calling testLoopRealHP()
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 1]: Checking ConstantsHP<1>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 2]: Checking ConstantsHP<2>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 3]: Checking ConstantsHP<3>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 4]: Checking ConstantsHP<4>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 8]: Checking ConstantsHP<8>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 10]: Checking ConstantsHP<10>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 20]: Checking ConstantsHP<20>
testBasicHP (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testBasicVariable (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testCgalNumTraits (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... pow             : 0.25
sqrt            : 0.7071067811865476
testConstants (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... <NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 1]: Checking ConstantsHP<1>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 1]: Checking ConstantsHP<1>
<NOFILTER> :165 void yade::testConstants() [with int N = 2]: Checking ConstantsHP<2>
testEigenCost (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testInfinityNaN (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testMathFunctions (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... pi              : 3.141592653589793
HPn.Euler()  0.5772156649015329  N= 1   MPn.euler =  0.5772156649015329
euler           : 0.5772156649015329
logE2           : 0.6931471805599453
catalan         : 0.915965594177219
sin             : -0.8508827905700432
sinh            : 1.2375852132752518
cos             : -0.5253555716957192
cosh            : 1.5911056407786226
tan             : 1.619632181350246
tanh            : 0.7778146098895282
abs             : 1.039814008884047
acos            : 1.5309717918361057
acosh           : 1.339645391459728
asin            : 0.03982453495879099
asinh           : 0.9092480099645157
atan            : 0.8049141358764261
atanh           : 0.039835066044110516
cbrt            : 1.0130990032167873
exp             : 2.8286908540538747
sqrt            : 1.019712708994081
exp2            : 2.0559625831384816
expm1           : 1.8286908540538744
lgamma          : -0.021702159657518143
tgamma          : 0.9785316378514479
erf             : 0.8585787762995714
erfc            : 0.1414212237004287
log             : 0.03904185954844715
log10           : 0.01695566416513238
log1p           : 0.7128586315840377
log2            : 0.05632549715762812
fabs            : 1.039814008884047
frexp           : 1.039814008884047
modf            : 0.03981400888404707
pow             : 1.081213173071513
csin            : (6692369.337101146-3930009.0296335747j)
csinh           : (-0.8169687012653108+1.1951594055882355j)
ccos            : (3930009.0296336077+6692369.33710109j)
ccosh           : (-1.0503385908132323+0.9296124468134137j)
ctan            : (7.249493367025581e-15-1.0000000000000042j)
ctanh           : (1.0008835852378306-0.25203831341181937j)
cexp            : (-1.8673072920785432+2.1247718524016492j)
clog            : (2.8088232316175112-1.50807951393849j)
cabs            : 16.590383688254317
cconj           : (1.039814008884047+16.557766085750316j)
creal           : 1.039814008884047
cimag           : -16.557766085750316
atan2           : 3.0788758407333865
fmod            : 1.039814008884047
hypot           : 16.590383688254317
max             : 1.039814008884047
min             : -16.557766085750316
remainder       : 1.039814008884047
remquo          : 1.039814008884047
ldexp           : 1.5866302625794175e-05
fma             : -29.52844329201143
HPn.Euler()  0.5772156649015329  N= 1   MPn.euler =  0.5772156649015329
pi              : mpf('3.141592653589793238462643383279502797009')
HPn.Euler()  0.5772156649015328606065120900824024707  N= 2   MPn.euler =  0.577215664901532860606512090082402431
euler           : mpf('0.5772156649015328606065120900824024706956')
logE2           : mpf('0.6931471805599453094172321214581765750954')
catalan         : mpf('0.9159655941772190150546035149323841463027')
sin             : mpf('0.5939454352347722584758364842187861722952')
sinh            : mpf('-2830113.967446815545741980638089905292991')
cos             : mpf('0.8045053262494767054593228913359127227032')
cosh            : mpf('2830113.967446992217072446901569774646025')
tan             : mpf('0.7382740870140492662463517318247118333016')
tanh            : mpf('-0.9999999999999375744819825625915617772977')
abs             : mpf('15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994')
acos            : mpf('1.102882562631078742167545175247180818996')
acosh           : mpf('3.498557230924345475096702268663193727015')
asin            : mpf('0.4679137641638178770637765163925706758994')
asinh           : mpf('-3.438174320452728365288584338745338060001')
atan            : mpf('-1.506571854628382350220648463026965353011')
atanh           : mpf('0.4859866403626942628538798071894969263973')
cbrt            : mpf('2.495938724418268720990481545584366623995')
exp             : mpf('0.0000001766713304662634798696961141768913232989')
sqrt            : mpf('3.943218827373286281055206295545402135001')
exp2            : mpf('0.00002085893867528485003506738873153632439002')
expm1           : mpf('-0.9999998233286695337365201303038857860957')
lgamma          : mpf('2.38601650428447065887441904334050388899')
tgamma          : mpf('10.87010656077751744729777653079459114004')
erf             : mpf('-1.0')
erfc            : mpf('2.0')
log             : mpf('2.74399470208177638696569209446805775998')
log10           : mpf('1.191701757485872925255699941784427353009')
log1p           : mpf('2.806324149484195596561572928804426086999')
log2            : mpf('3.958747548918967348004721982243115694008')
fabs            : mpf('15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994')
frexp           : mpf('15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994')
modf            : mpf('0.5489747205511549117747484295511384164022')
pow             : mpf('241.7706148603388659802825590676741261994')
csin            : mpc(real='-20.07936152284160973536426710899389306982', imag='125.2245697020133858127526587831764151002')
csinh           : mpc(real='-2076114.713999371085036983334428566118007', imag='1923354.559890954267499482042279865616005')
ccos            : mpc(real='-125.2284623875950068766831609709474848005', imag='-20.07873736249021772619096037829728466995')
ccosh           : mpc(real='2076114.713999500687573468377170961636012', imag='-1923354.559890834201094749649117170746008')
ctan            : mpc(real='0.000009718353047234569192245095861353986671944', imag='-0.9999704735389008820084878628476715656008')
ctanh           : mpc(real='-0.9999999999999952382481640100903083020952', imag='6.224364239983127743249952158874511993992e-14')
cexp            : mpc(real='0.0000001296025364850427423956610154923648935008', imag='0.0000001200664047323931626952262945820117365991')
clog            : mpc(real='2.803667924256229745622505088650632037995', imag='-2.79955247765494095200272092236937079901')
cabs            : mpf('16.50507524565898714157008351225418265982')
cconj           : mpc(real='-15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994', imag='5.535963692486269256326495323482200316989')
creal           : mpf('-15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994')
cimag           : mpf('-5.535963692486269256326495323482200316989')
atan2           : mpf('-1.912836502729748905691244152549883396997')
fmod            : mpf('4.477047335578616399121757782586737782953')
hypot           : mpf('16.50507524565898714157008351225418265982')
max             : mpf('-5.535963692486269256326495323482200316989')
min             : mpf('-15.54897472055115491177474842955113841994')
remainder       : mpf('-1.058916356907652857204737540895464074992')
remquo          : mpf('-1.058916356907652857204737540895464074992')
ldexp           : mpf('-0.4859054600172235909929608884234730754997')
fma             : mpf('89.14618013923121872709942416828755663933')
testRealHPDiagnostics (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testRealHPErrors (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... Warning: ULP error of tgamma using RealHP< 1 >,  53 bits, with arg: [(mpf('-29.72876267005694117528946662787348031998'), mpf('0.0'), mpf('0.0'))] is ULP= 5.0 
testWrongInput (yade.tests.testMath.SimpleTests) ... ok
testAssignment (yade.tests.enumTest.TestEnum) ... ok
testException (yade.tests.enumTest.TestEnum) ... 
  Here it must throw two exceptions:
<ERROR> ArbitraryEnum_from_python<yade::UseFlowSolver>:57 static bool yade::ArbitraryEnum_from_python<ArbitraryEnum>::setArbitraryEnum(const boost::python::api::object&, ArbitraryEnum&) [with ArbitraryEnum = yade::UseFlowSolver]: enum class yade::UseFlowSolver does not have key number: -100
<ERROR> ArbitraryEnum_from_python<yade::UseFlowSolver>:65 static bool yade::ArbitraryEnum_from_python<ArbitraryEnum>::setArbitraryEnum(const boost::python::api::object&, ArbitraryEnum&) [with ArbitraryEnum = yade::UseFlowSolver]: enum class yade::UseFlowSolver does not have key called: incorrect string
SpherePack_toSimulation (yade.pack)
Doctest: yade.pack.SpherePack_toSimulation ... ok
addAutoData (yade.plot)
Doctest: yade.plot.addAutoData ... ok
addData (yade.plot)
Doctest: yade.plot.addData ... ok
plot (yade.plot)
Doctest: yade.plot.plot ... /usr/lib/yade/py/yade/plot.py:463: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: 
The 'verts' parameter of scatter() was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.2 and will be removed two minor releases later. If any parameter follows 'verts', they should be passed as keyword, not positionally.
  scatter=pylab.scatter(scatterPt[0] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[0]) else 0,scatterPt[1] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[1]) else 0,s=scatterSize,color=line.get_color(),**scatterMarkerKw)
saveDataTxt (yade.plot)
Doctest: yade.plot.saveDataTxt ... ok
SpherePWaveTimeStep (yade.utils)
Doctest: yade.utils.SpherePWaveTimeStep ... ok
saveVars (yade.utils)
Doctest: yade.utils.saveVars ... ok
sphere (yade.utils)
Doctest: yade.utils.sphere ... ok
typedEngine (yade.utils)
Doctest: yade.utils.typedEngine ... ok

Ran 90 tests in 3.582s


➜  yade git:(master) ✗ yade --checkall
Welcome to Yade 2021.01a 
Using python version: 3.9.1 (default, Dec 13 2020, 11:55:53) 
[GCC 10.2.0]
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
running:  checkViscElPM.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.215001
running:  checkPolyhedraCrush.py
CGAL version is  (4, 14, 3) . Will test for (cgal version > 4.9) and (cgal version < 5.1.1)
<WARNING> PolyhedraSplitter:96 virtual void yade::PolyhedraSplitter::action(): be careful, the PolyhedraSplitter returns different results depending on CGAL version! This will not produce reproducible calculations. For details see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/issues/45
Checkpoint: force values and number of bodies are OK! Iteration 166
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.106797
running:  checkMPI4PYcomm.py
Master: will spawn  1  workers running: /usr/bin/yade ['/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkMPI4PYcomm.py'] 
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Worker1: spawned! 
____ MPI comm times: ____
1e4 integers in a python list: 0.0009484767913818359
1e4 integers in a python array: 0.00018463134765625
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.866693
running:  checkAvoidSelfInteractionMask.py
testing collider.avoidSelfInteractionMask
0 bb br gg gr rr
1 bb br gr
2 br gg gr
3 br gr
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.005688
running:  checkPotentialVTKRecorders.py
checking file:  /tmp/tmp9q6r6xii/potentialVTKRecorders/ppcontactPoint.10.vtu
checking file:  /tmp/tmp9q6r6xii/potentialVTKRecorders/ppId.10.vtu
checking file:  /tmp/tmp9q6r6xii/potentialVTKRecorders/pp-pb.10.vtp
checking file:  /tmp/tmp9q6r6xii/potentialVTKRecorders/ppvel.10.vtu
non-matching lines:  0
checking file:  /tmp/tmp9q6r6xii/potentialVTKRecorders/pbcontactPoint.10.vtu
 checkPotentialVTKRecorders.py  failure, caught exception  FileNotFoundError :  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/data/potentialVTKRecorders/ver8.2/pbcontactPoint.10.vtu'                                                                                                                                                 
running:  checkViscElPM2.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.203857
running:  check_TwoPhaseFlowEngine_PressureInjection.py
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/plot.py:463: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: 
The 'verts' parameter of scatter() was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.2 and will be removed two minor releases later. If any parameter follows 'verts', they should be passed as keyword, not positionally.
  scatter=pylab.scatter(scatterPt[0] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[0]) else 0,scatterPt[1] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[1]) else 0,s=scatterSize,color=line.get_color(),**scatterMarkerKw)
File ./vtk moved into /tmp/tmpi9ossa_6/ directory
File ./Test.txt moved into /tmp/tmpi9ossa_6/ directory
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:04.910636
running:  checkVTKRecorder.py
checking file:  /tmp/tmpa4ydgbiq/vtk_testing/10.vtm
checking file:  /tmp/tmpa4ydgbiq/vtk_testing/10/10_0.vtu
checking file:  /tmp/tmpa4ydgbiq/vtk_testing/10/10_2.vtp
non-matching lines:  113
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.063908
running:  checkTestDummy.py
checkTest mechanism
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.001409
Skipping checkMPISilo.py, because it is in skipScripts.
running:  checkLubrication.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:01.685401
running:  checkLubricationWithRoughness.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:01.686242
running:  checkMPYcomm.py
Master: will spawn  9  workers running: /usr/bin/yade ['/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkMPYcomm.py'] 
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Master: will spawn  7  workers running: /usr/bin/yade ['/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkMPYcomm.py'] 
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Master: MPYcomm disconnect 
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:01.950208
Skipping checkList.py, because it is in skipScripts.
running:  checkWirePM.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:18.645350
running:  checkDEM-PFVPressureInjection.py
File ./vtk moved into /tmp/tmpqnowg1j8/ directory
File ./Test.txt moved into /tmp/tmpqnowg1j8/ directory
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:36.676841
running:  checkColliderCorrectness.py
checkColliderCorrectness for InsertionSortCollider
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:04.174030
running:  checkSaveLoadClumps.py
Kinetic energy OK 1.170863E-09
Kinetic energy OK 1.115568E-01
Kinetic energy OK 1.115785E-01
Kinetic energy OK 1.137640E-01
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:01:21.928790
running:  DEM-PFV-check.py
DEM-PFV: difference in permeability: 0.044073804895852504  vs. target  0.040399916554
DEM-PFV: difference in final pressure: 612.681692169412  vs. target  628.314160434
DEM-PFV: difference in final deformation -0.002676702421817419  vs. target  -0.00258113045083
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:13.519529
running:  checkLiquidMigration.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.162969
running:  checkMPI.py
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/__init__.py:76: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<yade::PartialSatClayEngine> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Warning: freeglut versions higher than 2.8.1 are known to crash, see https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/merge_requests/160 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/155 https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/issues/107
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:03.574862
running:  checkGravityRungeKuttaCashKarp54.py
checkGravityRungeKuttaCashKarp54.py : yade precision is  15  decimal places. Will use error tolerance of:  1e-12
Note: for high precision calculations use yade.math.toHP1(...) see this:
g = yade.math.toHP1(-9.81) ## produces:  -9.81
g = -9.81                  ## produces:  -9.81
See https://yade-dem.org/doc/HighPrecisionReal.html#string-conversions for more info.
<WARNING> GravityEngine:24 virtual void yade::GravityEngine::action(): GravityEngine is deprecated, consider using Newton::gravity instead.
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.082296
running:  checkGravity.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:03.292247
running:  checkColliderConstantness.py
checkColliderConstantness for InsertionSortCollider
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.386369
running:  checkWeight.py
Precalculated weight 756.093387
Obtained weight 756.093387
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.126300
running:  checkTestTriax.py
File ./checkTest.yade moved into /tmp/tmpyfnvko82/ directory
File ./_Unloaded_380_3.spheres moved into /tmp/tmpyfnvko82/ directory
File ./_Unloaded_380_3.xml moved into /tmp/tmpyfnvko82/ directory
File ./WallStresses moved into /tmp/tmpyfnvko82/ directory
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.210728
running:  checkClumpHopper.py
Iter 10000: Total number of generated spheres 1448, removed particles 0, current particles 1448, kinEnergy 13755.3
Iter 20000: Total number of generated spheres 2896, removed particles 100, current particles 2796, kinEnergy 32685.4
Iter 30000: Total number of generated spheres 3620, removed particles 484, current particles 3136, kinEnergy 24374.8
Iter 40000: Total number of generated spheres 5068, removed particles 934, current particles 4134, kinEnergy 22952.1
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:01:34.992983
running:  checkBlockGen.py
Adding slavesThe Block Generation is completed
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:83: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  sumVertices = sum( len(b.shape.vertices) for b in O.bodies ) #38 vertices in total
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:90: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  a = sum(len(b.shape.a) for b in O.bodies )
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:91: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  b = sum(len(b.shape.b) for b in O.bodies )
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:92: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  c = sum(len(b.shape.c) for b in O.bodies )
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:93: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  d = sum(len(b.shape.d) for b in O.bodies )
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:103: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  sumVolume = sum( b.shape.volume for b in O.bodies )
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:112: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  sumMass = sum (b.state.mass for b in O.bodies)
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:123: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  x = sum( b.state.pos[0]*b.shape.volume for b in O.bodies )/sumVolume
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:124: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  y = sum( b.state.pos[1]*b.shape.volume for b in O.bodies )/sumVolume
/usr/lib/yade/py/yade/tests/checks/checkBlockGen.py:125: DeprecationWarning: Calling np.sum(generator) is deprecated, and in the future will give a different result. Use np.sum(np.fromiter(generator)) or the python sum builtin instead.
  z = sum( b.state.pos[2]*b.shape.volume for b in O.bodies )/sumVolume
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.021214
running:  checkPotentialParticles.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.043495
running:  checkPotentialBlocks.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.043978
running:  checkCapillaryModels.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.044838
running:  checkViscElEng.py
Precalculated en value 0.736356797441
Obtained en value 0.736356797441
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:00.364080
running:  checkJCFpm.py
Status: success, time spent on this check: 0:00:06.870276
WARNING: some checks took longer than 30 seconds.
Most time spend on a single check: 0:01:34.992983
 1  tests are failed

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