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Message #26210
Re: [Question #698672]: running on a server is slower than on a PC
Question #698672 on Yade changed:
Status: Open => Needs information
Jan Stránský requested more information:
> not specifying -j at all: speed is very low: 12/s and just 15.7% of CPU
> -j1: speed is very low: 14/s and about 15- 16% of CPU
not specifying -j at all and -j1 should be the same (the results are
roughly the same).
What does the "% of CPU" mean? how you get it?
How much % of CPU have this yade script?
while True: pass
>> what is "the server"? How much you can influence it (running other jobs, setting, ...)?
> I dont understand what you mean, anyway I can install every thing on this system and see system monitoring.
What is "the server", some more description.
- where is it located? unknown cloud, your office, your institute lab, ...?
- who have access to it? only you? people you know? anybody? ... ?
- Is it possible that while you are running jobs, the server is already "full", using all cores for other jobs?
- how do you run the jobs? directly using command line? using some queuing system? ... ?
- do you use a GUI or just command line?
- ...
> speed is very low: 12/s
"low" and "very low" are very relative. The absolute numbers are what
Please consider Jerome's comment and make your simulations comparable,
i.e. at least they run the same number of iterations (there is the same
"count" for the engines for each run). Even if "increasing iteration
does n`t change speed of run or anything with CPU", it is much more
logical to compare same simulations (or at least as much same as
> O.run()
e.g. O.run(2000,True) if you do not have a stop condition
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