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Re: [Question #702331]: CHOLMOD test with GPU acceleration


Question #702331 on Yade changed:

Ziyu Wang gave more information on the question:
Also,make config in SuiteSparse install folder as follows:(cuda 11.7
seems no samples,but I try to nvcc -V and it is successful)

SuiteSparse package compilation options:
SuiteSparse Version:      5.12.0
SuiteSparse top folder:   /usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0
Package:                  LIBRARY=         PackageNameWillGoHere
Version:                  VERSION=         x.y.z
SO version:               SO_VERSION=      x
System:                   UNAME=           Linux
Install directory:        INSTALL=         /usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0
Install libraries in:     INSTALL_LIB=     /usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/lib
Install include files in: INSTALL_INCLUDE= /usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/include
Install documentation in: INSTALL_DOC=     /usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/share/doc/suitesparse-5.12.0
Optimization level:       OPTIMIZATION=    -O3
parallel make jobs:       JOBS=            8
BLAS library:             BLAS=            -lblas
LAPACK library:           LAPACK=          -llapack
Other libraries:          LDLIBS=          -lm -lrt
static library:           AR_TARGET=       PackageNameWillGoHere.a
shared library (full):    SO_TARGET=       PackageNameWillGoHere.so.x.y.z
shared library (main):    SO_MAIN=         PackageNameWillGoHere.so.x
shared library (short):   SO_PLAIN=        PackageNameWillGoHere.so
shared library options:   SO_OPTS=         -L/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/lib -shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,PackageNameWillGoHere.so.x -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-rpath, -Wl,-z,origin
shared library name tool: SO_INSTALL_NAME= echo
ranlib, for static libs:  RANLIB=          ranlib
static library command:   ARCHIVE=         ar rv
copy file:                CP=              cp -f
move file:                MV=              mv -f
remove file:              RM=              rm -f
pretty (for Tcov tests):  PRETTY=          grep -v "^#" | indent -bl -nce -bli0 -i4 -sob -l120
C compiler:               CC=              cc
C++ compiler:             CXX=             g++
CUDA enabled:             CUDA=            auto
CUDA compiler:            NVCC=            /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
CUDA root directory:      CUDA_PATH=       /usr/local/cuda
OpenMP flags:             CFOPENMP=        -fopenmp
C/C++ compiler flags:     CF=                 -O3 -fexceptions -fPIC -fopenmp
LD flags:                 LDFLAGS=         -L/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/lib
Fortran compiler:         F77=             f77
Fortran flags:            F77FLAGS=        
Intel MKL root:           MKLROOT=         
Auto detect Intel icc:    AUTOCC=          no
UMFPACK config:           UMFPACK_CONFIG=  
SuiteSparseQR config:     SPQR_CONFIG=     -DGPU_BLAS
CUDA library:             CUDART_LIB=      /usr/local/cuda-11.7/lib64
CUBLAS library:           CUBLAS_LIB=      /usr/local/cuda-11.7/lib64
METIS and CHOLMOD/Partition configuration:
Your METIS library:       MY_METIS_LIB=    
Your metis.h is in:       MY_METIS_INC=    
METIS is used via the CHOLMOD/Partition module, configured as follows.
If the next line has -DNPARTITION then METIS will not be used:
CHOLMOD Partition config:  
CHOLMOD Partition libs:    -lccolamd -lcamd -lmetis
CHOLMOD Partition include: -I/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/CCOLAMD/Include -I/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/CAMD/Include -I/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0/metis-5.1.0/include
MAKE:  make
CMake options:  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/SuiteSparse-5.12.0 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cc

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