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[Question #707088]: Dynamic Compaction Can't Repeat


New question #707088 on Yade:


I'm trying to create a simulation that would have large spherical ball drop and hit the clump plate repeatedly 100 times. and calculate the average z and mass every time. Also, use export.text to get position of the packing every 10th time. However, the calculation would calculated every time the large ball drop instead of calculating in after it hit the plate.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my code------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import random
import math
from yade import geom, pack, utils, plot, ymport, export
import numpy as np

# Define cylinder parameters
diameter = 0.102
height = 0.18
center = (0, 0, height/2)

# create cylindrical body with radius 0.102 m and height 0.064 m
cylinder = geom.facetCylinder(center=center, radius=diameter/2, height=height, segmentsNumber=80, wallMask=6)

# add cylinder to simulation

# add sphere packing

# materials Properties
gravel = CohFrictMat(young = 1e7, poisson = 0.25, density = 2700, label = 'gravel')
asphalt_binder = CohFrictMat(young = 1e7, poisson = 0.25, density = 1060, frictionAngle = radians(40),  normalCohesion = 5e4, shearCohesion = 5e4, label = 'asphalt_binder')
weight = CohFrictMat(young = 1e7, poisson = 0.25, density = 11450,frictionAngle = radians(0), label = 'weight')

# add properties

# give color and properties to shpere
for body in O.bodies:
   if not isinstance(body.shape, Sphere): 
   if body.shape.radius == 0.01575/2 :
       body.shape.color = (0,0,1) #blue
       body.material = gravel    
   if body.shape.radius == 0.011/2:
       body.shape.color = (1,0,0) #red
       body.material = gravel
   if body.shape.radius == 0.007125/2:
       body.shape.color = (0,1,0) #green
       body.material = gravel
   if body.shape.radius == 0.003555/2:
       body.shape.color = (1,1,0) #yellow
       body.material = gravel
   if body.shape.radius == 0.00160/2 :
       body.shape.color = (1,0,1) #magenta
       body.material = gravel
   if body.shape.radius == 0.0008/2 :
       body.shape.color = (0,0,0) #black
       body.material = asphalt_binder

# add clump plate
clump_bodies = ymport.textExt('clump8.txt',format='x_y_z_r')

# plate properties
clump_plate = CohFrictMat(density = 7500, label = 'clump_plate')

# add properties

# define layer
total_clump_bodies = len(clump_bodies)
bodies_per_layer = total_clump_bodies / 8

for i, clump_body in enumerate(clump_bodies):
    layer_number = i // bodies_per_layer  # Calculate the layer number for the clump body
    if layer_number % 2 == 0:
        color = (1, 0, 0)  # red for even-numbered layers
        color = (1, 1, 1)  # white for odd-numbered layers
    clump_body.shape.color = color
    clump_body.material = clump_plate


# z-coordinate for clump
clump_z = np.mean([clump_body.state.pos[2] for clump_body in clump_bodies])  # clump (center of mass) z-coordinate

# create large ball
O.bodies.append(sphere((0, 0, clump_z + 0.25), 0.1/2))

# give color and properties to shpere
for body in O.bodies:
   if not isinstance(body.shape, Sphere): 
   if body.shape.radius == 0.10/2 :
       body.shape.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5) #grey
       body.material = weight

# define original condition
x = 0
y = 0
window = 0.01575/2

def calculate_zmax(x, y, window):
    zmax = float('-inf')  # Initialize zmax to negative infinity

    # Define the square region
    x_min = x - window
    x_max = x + window
    y_min = y - window
    y_max = y + window

    # Iterate over all bodies in the simulation
    for body in O.bodies:
        if isinstance(body.shape, Sphere) and (body.material == gravel or body.material == asphalt_binder or body.material == weight):
            sphere_x, sphere_y, sphere_z = body.state.pos  # Get the position of the sphere
            sphere_radius = body.shape.radius

            # Check if the sphere is within the square region
            if x_min <= sphere_x <= x_max and y_min <= sphere_y <= y_max:
                z = sphere_z + sphere_radius  # Calculate the z-coordinate of the top of the sphere

                # Update zmax if the current z-coordinate is higher
                if z > zmax:
                    zmax = z 

    return zmax

def hundredblows():
    # Perform 100 blows of the large ball

    for blow_number in range(100):
        # Perform the blow
        O.run()  # Adjust the number of iterations as needed

        # Calculate clump_z
        clump_z = np.mean([clump_body.state.pos[2] for clump_body in clump_bodies])  # clump (center of mass) z-coordinate

        # Remove spheres above clump_z
        to_remove = []  # List to store the bodies to be removed

        for body in O.bodies:
            if isinstance(body.shape, Sphere) and (body.material == gravel or body.material == asphalt_binder):
                if body.state.pos[2] > clump_z:

        for body in to_remove:

        # Calculate and print the average z-coordinate
        random_points = [(0, 0), (0.025, 0), (0, 0.025), (-0.025, 0), (0, -0.025)]
        zmax_values = []  # List to store the zmax values

        for point in random_points:
            x, y = point
            zmax = calculate_zmax(x, y, window)

        average_zmax = sum(zmax_values) / len(zmax_values)

        print("Average z-coordinate: {}".format(average_zmax))

        # Calculate total mass excluding clump
        total_mass = 0.0

        clump_sphere_ids = set()  # Create a set of all sphere IDs in the clumps

        for clump in clump_bodies:
            if isinstance(clump.shape, Sphere):

        for body in O.bodies:
            if isinstance(body.shape, Sphere) and body.id not in clump_sphere_ids and body.material != weight:
                volume = (4/3) * math.pi * (body.shape.radius**3)
                mass = body.material.density * volume
                total_mass += mass

        print("Total mass excluding Clump:", total_mass)

        # Export positions to a text file
        if (blow_number + 1) % 10 == 0:
            export.text("dense_{}.txt".format(blow_number + 1))

O.engines = [
        InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(), Bo1_Facet_Aabb()]),
                # handle sphere+sphere and facet+sphere collisions
                [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom()],
        NewtonIntegrator(gravity=(0, 0, -9.81), damping=0.4),
        # call the checkUnbalanced function (defined below) every 600 seconds
        PyRunner(command='checkUnbalanced()', realPeriod=30)
O.dt = PWaveTimeStep()

def checkUnbalanced():
	if unbalancedForce() < .1:
# Call hundredblows() function

# Run the simulation

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