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Message #29987
[Question #707875]: Servo control of cylindrical triaxial test
New question #707875 on Yade:
Hi! I want to simulate the cylindrical triaxial test but can't achieve the target confining pressure. Can someone help me with this?
The MWE is presented as below:
# import essential modules
from __future__ import print_function
from yade import pack, ymport, qt, plot, geom
from yade.gridpfacet import *
import gts, os.path, locale, random, math
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
# 1.1). define variables
young=550e6 # normal contact stiffness
compFricDegree = 1.8 # initial contact friction during the confining phase
finalFricDegree = 38 # contact friction during the deviatoric loading
poisson = 0.3 # shear-to-normal stiffness ratio
width = 1.4e-1 # sample width
height = 2.8e-1 # target sample height(after consolidation)
height_0 = 3.2e-1 # initial sample height
num_spheres=500 # number of spheres
R_p = 0.0084 # mean particle radius
rCoff = 10 # thickness of top and bot sphere cap (based on rParticle)
rParticle = 0.02e-1 # membrane grid seed size
alpha = 8
rate = 0.1 # loading rate (strain rate)
damp = 0.3 # damping coefficient
targetPorosity = 0.43 # target porosity
thresholdvalue = 0.05 # threshold unbalance force
final_rate = 0.1 # strain rate for deviator loading
thresholdstrain = 0.06 # threshold axial strain for terminate
enlargefactor = 1.00
tszz = 50000
tsrr = 50000
# 1.2). create materials for sand spheres and plates
Sand = O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=young,poisson=poisson,frictionAngle=radians(compFricDegree),density=2650,label='spheres'))
# 1.3). create membrane materials
GridMat = O.materials.append(CohFrictMat( young=100e6,poisson=0.3,density=2650,frictionAngle=radians(0), alphaKr=0,alphaKtw=0,etaRoll=0,etaTwist=0, normalCohesion=1e9,shearCohesion=1e9, momentRotationLaw=True,label='gridNodeMat'))
pFacetMat = O.materials.append(FrictMat( young=100e6,poisson=0.3,density=2650,frictionAngle=radians(0),label='pFacetMat'))
# 1.4). create TOP & BOT plate materials
frictMat = O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=100e6,poisson=0.3,density=2650,frictionAngle=radians(0),label='frictMat'))
# 2.1). generate random dense sphere pack
pred = pack.inCylinder((0,0,0),(0,0,height_0),.5*width)
sp = pack.randomDensePack(pred,spheresInCell=num_spheres,radius=R_p,rRelFuzz=0.3, returnSpherePack=True,memoDbg=True,memoizeDb='/tmp/loosePackings11.sqlite')
# 2.2). create facet wall around particle packing
facets = []
nw = 45
nh = 1
rCyl2 = 0.5*width / cos(pi/float(nw))
for r in range(nw):
for h in range(nh):
v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+0)/float(nh) )
v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+0)/float(nh) )
v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+1)/float(nh) )
v4 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+1)/float(nh) )
f1 = facet((v1,v2,v3),color=(0,0,1),material=frictMat)
f2 = facet((v1,v3,v4),color=(0,0,1),material=frictMat)
wall = O.bodies.append(facets)
for b in wall:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)
# 2.3). create bot facet plate
facets3 = []
rCyl2 = (0.75*width+2*rParticle) / cos(pi/float(nw))
for r in range(nw):
if r%2==0:
v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), 0 )
v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), 0 )
v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), 0 )
v4 = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
f1 = facet((v1,v2,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
f2 = facet((v2,v3,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
botcap = O.bodies.append(facets3)
bot_id = 0
for s in botcap:
bot_id = s
# 2.4). create top facet plate
facets3 = []
rCyl2 = (0.75*width+2*rParticle) / cos(pi/float(nw))
for r in range(nw):
if r%2==0:
v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0 )
v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0 )
v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), height_0 )
v4 = Vector3( 0, 0, height_0 )
f1 = facet((v1,v2,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
f2 = facet((v2,v3,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
topcap = O.bodies.append(facets3)
for s in topcap:
top_id = s
# 2.5). calculate porosity
V_sand = 0
num_sand = 0
for b in sand:
r = O.bodies[b].shape.radius
V_sand += 4/3*math.pi*r*r*r
num_sand +=1
porosity = 1-V_sand/(.25*width*width*3.1416*height_0)
print('v_sand= ',V_sand,' number of sand: ',num_sand,'porosity is: ',porosity)
# apply velocity for loading plates
vel_ini_a = rate*height_0
for b in topcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,-vel_ini_a)
for b in botcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,vel_ini_a)
# 4.1.1). generate sample using gravity deposition
def N1_sampleGen():
f4 = 0 # total confining force act on the flexible membrane toward center of circle
wdz = O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] - O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2] # maximum height of sample after gravity deposition
for f in facets:
f_local = O.forces.f(f.id)
n = f.shape.normal
a = f.shape.area
f4 += (n[0]*f_local[0]+n[1]*f_local[1]+n[2]*f_local[2])
# calculate resulant force on bottom loading plates
f1 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in topcap) # axial force act on the top loading plate
f2 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in botcap) # axial force act on the bottom loading plate
# calculate height of sample and area of cylindrical walls
wAz = math.pi*width*width/4 # area of loading plate
wAr = math.pi*width*wdz # area of flexible membrane
# calculate axial and radial stress
wszz = -0.5*(f2-f1)/wAz/1000 # average axial stress in the Z direction (kPa)
wsrr = f4/wAr/1000 # average axial stress in the centripetal direction (kPa)
# fix cylindrical wall
for b in wall:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)
# check stop criterion
global V_sand
V = wdz*0.25*width*width*math.pi
porosity = 1-V_sand/V
print('wszz:', wszz, 'wsrr:', wsrr, 'porosity:', porosity, 'height:', wdz,'unbF:', unbalancedForce())
if porosity <= 0.44:
N11.dead = True
N12.dead = False
# 4.1.2). stable sample
def N1_sampleStable():
# fix cylindrical wall
for b in wall:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)
# fix bot and top wall
for b in topcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)
for b in botcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)
print('unbF:', unbalancedForce())
if unbalancedForce() <= 0.002:
print( 'sample generation finished!')
global height
height = O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] - O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2] # maximum height of sample after gravity deposition
global V_ini
V_ini = width*width*height/4*math.pi
global zvel, rvel
global max_zvel,max_rvel
max_zvel = 0.5*height
max_rvel = 0.5*height
global wb,wt,wc
wb = [O.bodies[b] for b in botcap]
wt = [O.bodies[b] for b in topcap]
wc = [O.bodies[b] for b in wall]
N12.dead = True
N41.dead = False
N42.dead = False
# 4.4.1). measure stress and strain
def measureStressStrain():
# calculate resulant force on top and bottom loading plates
f1 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in topcap) # axial force act on the top loading plate
f2 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in botcap) # axial force act on the bottom loading plate
# calculate resulant force on rigid walls
f4 = 0 # total confining force act on the rigid wall toward center of circle
r_cum = 0 # cumulative radius of flexbile membrane
count = 0 # number of gridnodes
for b in wall:
x,y,z = O.bodies[b].state.pos
dist = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
n = Vector3(x/dist,y/dist,0)
f_local = O.forces.f(b)
f_normal = n[0]*f_local[0]+n[1]*f_local[1]+n[2]*f_local[2]
f4 += f_normal
r_cum += dist
count += 1
# calculate height of sample and area of cylindrical walls
wdz = O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] - O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2] # height of sample
r_avg = r_cum/count # average radius of flexible membrane
wAz = math.pi*r_avg*r_avg # area of loading plate
wAr = math.pi*wdz*r_avg*2 # area of flexible membrane
# calculate axial and radial stress
wszz = -0.5*(f2-f1)/wAz # average axial stress in the Z direction (kPa)
wsrr = f4/wAr
# calculate axial strain and volume strain
global height, V_ini, width
VV = wdz*r_avg*r_avg*math.pi
dV = VV-V_ini
ev = -dV/V_ini
ea = -(wdz-height)/height
# stress tensor
lwStress = getStress(volume=VV)
wslw = Vector3(lwStress[0][0],lwStress[1][1],lwStress[2][2])
return wszz, wsrr, ev, ea, wdz, wAz, wAr, count, lwStress, wslw
# 4.4.2). isotropic loading (servo-controlled of vertical and lateral wall)
def N4_isotropicLoad():
# calculate stress and strain
wszz, wsrr, ev, ea, wdz, wAz, wAr, count, lwStress, wslw = measureStressStrain()
# calculate velocity for loading plates
global gz, tszz, max_zvel, zvel
zvel = gz * (wszz - tszz)
if zvel>0:
zvel = min(max_zvel,abs(zvel))
zvel = -min(max_zvel,abs(zvel))
# calculate velocity for membrane grids
global gr, tsrr, max_rvel, rvel
rvel = gr * (wsrr - tsrr)
if rvel>0:
rvel = min(max_rvel,abs(rvel))
rvel = -min(max_rvel,abs(rvel))
# assign velocity for loading plates
for b in topcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,zvel)
for b in botcap:
O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,-zvel)
# assign velocity for membrane grids
for f in wall:
x,y,z = O.bodies[b].state.pos
dist = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
n = Vector3(x/dist,y/dist,0)
O.bodies[b].state.vel = rvel*n
# 4.4.3). requirement for stop isotropic loading
def N4_stopisotropicLoad():
# calculate stress and strain
wszz, wsrr, ev, ea, wdz, wAz, wAr, count, lwStress, wslw = measureStressStrain()
# calculate relaxation factor
global gz, gr
gz = 0
gr = 0
intrsr = [i for b in wc for i in b.intrs()]
idsr = set([(i.id1,i.id2) for i in intrsr])
intrsr = [O.interactions[id1,id2] for id1,id2 in idsr]
for i in intrsr:
gr = gr + i.phys.kn
intrst = [i for b in wt for i in b.intrs()]
idst = set([(i.id1,i.id2) for i in intrst])
intrst = [O.interactions[id1,id2] for id1,id2 in idst]
for i in intrst:
gz = gz + i.phys.kn
intrsb = [i for b in wb for i in b.intrs()]
idsb = set([(i.id1,i.id2) for i in intrsb])
intrsb = [O.interactions[id1,id2] for id1,id2 in idsb]
for i in intrsb:
gz = gz + i.phys.kn
if gr1 < 1.0:
if gz1 < 1.0:
gz = 0.5 * wAz / (gz1 * PWaveTimeStep())
gr = 0.5 * wAr / (gr1 * PWaveTimeStep())
# check stop requirement
global zvel, rvel
print( 'Servoing: wszz= ',wszz,' wsrr= ',wsrr,' unbalanced force= ',unb, 'zvel=',zvel,'rvel=',rvel, 'wslw=', wslw)
if abs(wszz-tszz)/tszz<=0.01 and abs(wsrr-tsrr)/tsrr<=0.01 and unbalancedForce()<=0.01:
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