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Re: mute/unmute icon? other questions.


Thank you for the reply, Huw.  We really appreciate your help.  I have a couple of specific replies below...

On Apr 27, 2011, at 12:19 AM, Huw Wilkins wrote:

> On 04/25/2011 10:56 PM, Gary Poster wrote:


>> 3) We need some CSS lovin' to pretty-up some accordion panels.  To view, go to someplace like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs , click "Subscribe to bug mail," choose "are added or changed in any way," choose "Bugs must match this filter," and then expand the three parts of that accordion pane.  An incomplete list of things that are unattractive: Select all and Select none should be green and should have more space between them; and options should have more padding around them on the edge of the accordion.  It just doesn't look polished in there.  JS is making all of that, so if digging into the code is too much work, feel free to give us a photoshop of what you think we should do, or something along those lines.  CSS pointers for achieving what you want will always be appreciated, though.
> Sure, I'll let you know if I get stuck. Which branch is best for making
> these changes?

Just branching devel should be fine.

>> 4) This is a simple opinion question.  We don't show anonymous users links to subscribe to targets (products and so on) on the main overview page, but we do show these links on the bug overview page.  We figure we should be consistent one way or the other.  Which do you think?
> Hmmm... It seems like we generally hide things we can't do rather than
> showing links and enticing people to log in. This makes sense for
> add/edit/delete actions. I'm not sure with this type of link. It might
> be the case that we want to show these links to remind people they can
> take the action or even people who are not users of LP to sign up to get
> these notifications. I guess that probably we just want to hide these
> links for consistency though. Thoughts from anyone else?

FWIW, this sounds fine to me, and either decision consistently will be an improvement.  Unless someone makes a counter-argument, I'll plan for us to do as you describe.

Thanks again,

