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Re: Interesting things from call with Francis


Hi Gary, all,

У уто, 19. 07 2011. у 17:11 -0400, Gary Poster пише:
> Practically, then, we agreed that you could have a two week timebox to
> try to get the  work done, and that you could use another man-week of
> Yellow engineer time within that time (you just need to recruit some
> of us, as I said on our call today!).  So, you have through July 29.
> Only QA should happen for this translations work after July 29.  If
> there are remaining tasks, we make bugs for them, and get some time
> during the next bug rotation.
> I suspect that is not thrilling to you, Danilo, but I hope it is
> somewhat positive.

That actually sounds pretty good to me.  Thanks for bringing it up with

> Speaking of translations, I added escalated translations bug 788685 to
> the queue.  Francis was under the impression that this would not be
> too hard.  If Danilo verifies and is willing to mentor, then somebody
> should grab it!

It should be quite simple.  Comments from Henning, pitti and me should
give a good indication of what needs to be done.

> AFAIK, I'll be back to work afterwards: it's just local anesthetic.

Is this the quiz? :)

