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team call follow-up


Yellow-specific notes

Next Thunderdome: to be with Rally. No location set yet (probably in Europe, Marianna says), but date is expected to be Jan 9-13 (second week).

UDS in Orlando (coming up RSN): we should send new product manager and Francis, then someone from Teal squad (privacy) for user research, maybe Matthew for user testing, then maybe someone from US.

Our sprint: still a bit up in the air because of money, but likely to happen.  Elliot is supportive, but suggests that we do it in Lexington to be near OEM, who is one of the primary drivers for our next feature, and that makes sense to Francis.  (Editorial comment: Lexington blah! :-P ...but I see what they are talking about, and getting together would be the most important part.)  Still no confidence, no date.

We should ask for deployments, and we're going to try to ask William to stop doing it for a while so hat we are forced to do it.  Robert will include the instructions we care about here: https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess/ProductionChangeApprovalPolicy

Julian asked for a reference guide for the db deploy as well.  Robert agreed.  I don't have a link for this yet.  I asked on IRC after the call if the ProductionChangeApprovalPolicy, above, would have the information eventually: no confirmation yet.


Follow ups