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Francesco's work on bug 127585


Hi folks,

Francesco has been working on bug 127585 today, and I've been
answering his questions and pointing him in the right directions.
(Note that I picked this bug for him to start with because a) it's
relatively simple and b) a lot of the really obviously easy stuff is
either fixed or part of some part of Launchpad that I don't have a
huge knowledge of. Bugs seemed a good place to start).

So far, Francesco has:

 - Added a new formatter, link_with_displayname, to
 - Updated the relevant template to use the
   new formatter.

Next, he needs to:

 - Refactor the new formatter so that a large chunk
   of it isn't C&P'd from PillarFormatterAPI.link.
 - Add a test for the formatter (I haven't been able
   to find direct tests for the formatters but I haven't
   had time to look properly).
 - Add a pagetest / story for the new formatter to

And then of course there's the usual review / ec2 dance.



Graham Binns | PGP Key: EC66FA7D

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