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Re: Handoff & progress


The cool news from Francis:

At or by Oakland, we will know what our next project might be. In addition to MaaS, these are on the table:

- Contribute to OpenStack (a Django project, Francis tells me ) to add metering and billing.

- Write an HTML 5 Juju front end usable to manage any Juju environment.

I like the OpenStack one myself. :-)


On 03/13/12 16:03, Gary Poster wrote:
I'm about to have my call with Francis, and then I have a family
obligation, so this will be short. Perhaps Benji will think of something
to add. :-)

- I have not had a chance to try Francesco's fix for testrepository,
though I looked at it and it looked correct and good. I'll hope to try
it out this evening.

- Benji and I verified that approximately all of the almost 3000 errors
we are getting in buildbot are in fact repeatable if you run your tests
in the same order.

- Benji identified the source of possible thousands of these isolation
problems: bug 954319

- We also verified that one of these test runs that are done in parallel
hangs, even when done in isolation. See bug 954384. I really want this
to be fixed, though I suspect it will be tricky.

- We have some more test isolation bugs to file. I'll try to do those
tonight too.

- Serge already merged my fix for lxc-start-ephemeral from yesterday, so
that should be good to go.

That's all I can think of


Follow ups
