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My goals for the next review period


Hi all.  Francis approved my goals verbally.  If you want to take a look
at what I wrote, feel free to use them as inspiration to copy or to
avoid at all cost. :-)  I have six goals; five is probably better.
These may be difficult to understand--Francis and I talked about them
before I wrote them, so he knew the context.  I'm happy to try and clarify.


My squad and I will share more and participate more outside of the
squad.  The goal of this effort is twofold.  First, we hope this will
increase our personal connections in the company, to make it easier to
accomplish things across teams.  Second, hopefully it will propagate our
best practices, both to help improve other teams' processes and to
gather suggestions on how to improve our own.  Topics for sharing may
include our kanban use and our experience with technologies such as lxc
and testr.  Other participation may include contributing to software,
packaging, bug reporting, or tools around the company.  I will measure
this primarily by keeping track of the blogs, interviews, screencasts,
accepted upstream contributions, and other rich interactions we
participate in; and secondarily by keeping track of bug reports, emails,
and other more limited interactions.

I will stretch technically this year, demonstrating significant growth
in one or more technologies that are relatively new to me and important
to Canonical, such as the Go language, the Pyramid framework, the Django
framework, and PyGTK or go-gtk.  I will be able to demonstrate this with
projects or significant contributions that I create during this period.

I will find one or more resources to act as a source of inspiration for
managerial and agile experiments.  I will be able to cite the sources,
as well as examples of the experiments we performed that they triggered.
 Example sources are management books, conferences, training, and local
interest groups.

My squad and I will practice and improve collaboration continuously,
throughout bug rotation and feature work.  We will be able to
demonstrate this by showing shared work on kanban cards throughout the
period, and by citing process and tool improvements and experiments
helping collaboration.

My squad and I will continuously improve our processes by following a
feedback loop.  We will gather feedback from within the squad frequently
about the successes and pain we experience, and analyze the feedback to
identify process changes and experiments.  We will be able to
demonstrate this with regular reports of our analyses throughout the
year, including examples of some of the changes and experiments we
instituted because of the analyses.

My squad and I will continuously improve our delivery by following a
feedback loop.  We will identify ways to release useful parts of the
project very early on, within a regular cadence such as two weeks.  We
will gather feedback from our projects' stakeholders after every
release, and analyze the feedback to identify project changes and
guidance.  We will be able to demonstrate this with regular releases,
public reports of the feedback and our analyses, and examples of some of
the changes we instituted because of the feedback loop.