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[rt.admin.canonical.com #53930] Setting up new buildbot machines for parallel tests


Some success today:

Updated puppet branch and asked for review from agy after:

* Host locking buildbot key to the local lxc bridge interface. 
* Adding more prominent comment to buildbot-lxc-maintenance indicating
it should only be deployed in lxc
* Removing container_path as it isn't used

Ran the tests again with wgrant and after fixing:

* Upgrading python-testtools
* Fixing the path to lxc-start-ephemeral in lp-setup-lxc-test
* Pointing lp-setup-lxc-test at the correct ssh key
* Removing comments from lxc fstab
* Creating /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/slave/devel/.testr.conf
