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Last change round of charm store data structures (issue 6733067)


Reviewers: mp+131086_code.launchpad.net,

Please take a look.

Last change round of charm store data structures

This change is hopefully the last round of changes, at least for a long
while, to the underlying charm store infrastructure.  It is more deletes
than additions, and changes the code to take advantage of the changes
Kapil made to the charm store.

I made some decisions as to how to factor some of these things and would
be happy to describe my rationale for changes if desired.  I'm thinking
particularly of the immediate creation of charm objects as search
results.  That allowed for some simplifications and I think is mostly a

The sorting code is simplified yet again.




(do not edit description out of merge proposal)

Please review this at https://codereview.appspot.com/6733067/

Affected files:
   A [revision details]
   M app/app.js
   M app/models/charm.js
   M app/modules.js
   M app/store/charm.js
   M app/templates/charm-search-result.handlebars
   M app/views/charm-search.js
   M test/data/search_results.json
   M test/data/series_search_results.json
   M test/test_app.js
   M test/test_charm_configuration.js
   M test/test_charm_search.js
   M test/test_charm_store.js
   M test/test_model.js
   M test/test_service_view.js

Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~gary/juju-gui/simplifycharmstore into lp:juju-gui.
