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Growl-style notifications. (issue 6851058)


Reviewers: mp+134660_code.launchpad.net,

Please take a look.

Growl-style notifications.

This branch introduces growl-style notifications
in the top-right corner of the window.
Implemented a notifier widget: it is a reusable
piece of code that just need a title, a message
and a timeout to display a notification. It is used
to render notification outside view containers, so
that notifications are preserved when the user changes
the current view.

A notifier is created when a notification is added,
following these rules:
- the notification is an error;
- the notification is local (it's not related to the
   delta stream).

The last point involves adding a new field "isDelta"
to the notification model, defaulting to false.
Notifications created when the delta stream arrives are
marked as "isDelta: true".

UI: new notifications appear on top, and disappear after
8 seconds. Mouse over prevents a notification to hide,
mouse click destroys a notification.

Also fixed a bug in the unit view: a callable was undefined
when trying to "retry" or "resolve" a unit.

This branch is intended to be a first implementation proposal
of the growl notifications. It doesn't solve open issues like:
- how to handle/aggregate multiple notifications;
- how to correctly generate and format titles and messages;
- where notifications should appear in the window.


(do not edit description out of merge proposal)

Please review this at https://codereview.appspot.com/6851058/

Affected files:
   A [revision details]
   M app/app.js
   A app/assets/images/notifier-error.png
   M app/index.html
   M app/models/models.js
   M app/modules-debug.js
   M app/store/notifications.js
   A app/templates/notifier.handlebars
   M app/views/notifications.js
   A app/widgets/notifier.js
   M lib/views/stylesheet.less
   M test/index.html
   M test/test_notifications.js
   A test/test_notifier_widget.js

Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~frankban/juju-gui/bug-1076404-growl into lp:juju-gui.
