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Add the required charm filter dropdown. (issue 6842119)


Reviewers: mp+137050_code.launchpad.net,

Please take a look.

Add the required charm filter dropdown.

The original design for the charm search results panel had a dropdown
that was to be used to filter the results.  After some consideration
the three sets were chosen to be 'all', 'deployed', and 'subordinate'.

This branch implements the dropdown and filter mechanism.  The widget
was based on the graph/list picker on the bottom of the page.  It was
refactored into a generic LESS function and supports both uses.

The design for the existing picker had a 1px wide design element to
provide the background.  It was not tall enough for a picker with
three items.  As a work-around an 'outset' mitred HTML border is
used.  It will be easy to replace with the proper asset when it is

If the picker is open and a click outside closes the charm panel then
the picker remains open.  That is a wart that needs to be fixed.


(do not edit description out of merge proposal)

Please review this at https://codereview.appspot.com/6842119/

Affected files:
   A [revision details]
   A app/assets/images/picker_view_right_button_down.png
   M app/models/charm.js
   M app/store/charm.js
   M app/templates/charm-search-result.handlebars
   M app/templates/overview.handlebars
   M app/views/charm-panel.js
   M lib/views/stylesheet.less
   M test/test_charm_panel.js

Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~bac/juju-gui/cs-filter into lp:juju-gui.
